ll Ziiza ll

ll Ziiza ll's avatar

Last Login: 11/18/2019 12:31 pm

Registered: 06/24/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/30


You know what they say about the leading man?

He never dies!

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Sir Vanity Report | 08/29/2009 8:32 pm
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Happy Birthday! ;D

Katzenstreu Gesicht Report | 06/02/2009 11:10 am
Ah, thank you! -Luffs.-
Sorry, that was written fast so it was poorly explained: She's just older, about 85 or so, and it's causeing her a lot of pain so they're making her have surgery. On the 5th she's supposed to go in to see if it's all okay for her to have surgery, then she'll have it on the 15th. During that time, I'll just take care and make sure she doesn't crazy stuff. o.o My Grandma's very... tough and out-doorsy. She hates being cooped up.
I talked with my Mom more about it, and I think it'll be okay. Thanks for understanding. >_< Ilu!
Katzenstreu Gesicht Report | 06/02/2009 9:23 am
>_<; I know this is real crappy of me to ask, but...
I kinda sorta need you to shadow Biannix if you could. Now, it wouldn't be for awhile. If you posted before the 15th, I'd probably get another post to you soon. See, my Grandma's leg hasn't anymore cartledge in it, and I'll be taking care of her for a few weeks. Like, three to four. And in that time I probably won't be able to get on and post or do anything... I'm sorry, though. ;_; I hate for those two to be stuck in limbo, and I know it's no fun RPing with yourself...
You can hate me all you want. And if you dun wanna shadow her, I'll post for her as soon as can once my Grandma's better.
iSnuffles Report | 05/27/2009 2:44 pm
; - ;
I didn't meant to leave Vexen out. Please forgive me! *grovels on floor*
AquilisNoctis Report | 05/26/2009 7:51 pm
Hey there. Updates that need checking have been posted in the OOC.
Snuffles is also requesting that if you feel you can’t post for a long time, ie before the week is up, if you could maybe just post a couple sentences describing what would be in the post so we don’t stay stuck?
She’s spoken to some of you who have life hitting you in the face—that’s still fine. She would just really like those sentences because she wants to get to eff out of the castle.

An example of the sentences:
-Lixel twirls her hair and tells Axel some lame as excuse as to why she knows he’s gay
-She tells him it’s okay but to please stay as far away as possible
-Lixel portals elsewhere.
Zana Bonanza Report | 05/17/2009 6:34 pm
Mucho gracais~!
Zana Bonanza Report | 05/15/2009 3:40 pm
Ooh, there's flash game of it? Can I has link? o3o
Zana Bonanza Report | 05/13/2009 9:12 pm
Thanks to you, I've watching Vocaloid vids a lot lately. >3< It's almost addicting!
Have you seen the Daughter of Evil ones yet?
Zana Bonanza Report | 05/08/2009 2:09 pm
...no wait, that's what I learned from the internet. >>;

Oooh, really? I so have to look those up! I loved that show, but I never got see them all before they took off the air. I think it used to be on Toonami.
Zana Bonanza Report | 05/07/2009 6:50 pm
I'm going to listen to subbed anime while I sleep and see if I wake fluent in the morning.


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People think that in order for something to be important, you have to take it seriously.

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