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Hello, I'm B.
This is my profile, hurrah. I'm from Chile, yes, the miners country. Also the earthquake country and bla bla bla.

I must say that our tree-computers are fascinating, you should try them out sometime.




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Virgil Night Report | 01/27/2012 10:25 am
Virgil Night
Thanks for buying
the hime Report | 01/21/2012 7:01 am
the hime
good for you ! uh hangover- ish ?
well not really good ahaha
i made the fb acc and msged him but didnt dare see the reply today is the 4th day im kind of procastinating @__@
ettxrebel2579 Report | 01/20/2012 6:34 am
thanx so much for buying from me. please stop by and shop again any time and have a good day.
the hime Report | 01/20/2012 4:21 am
the hime
oh gosh haven been on in awhile >_<
or they are color blind xD
yeah but i would rather do a job that i really love so i can enjoy it !
cool 8D people say i look better with short hair but im trying to grow my out i want to try long hair the most i ever had was medium hair >__>
the hime Report | 01/16/2012 5:30 am
the hime
ahaha yes i hate it it kind of puts me down >.>
no uh my friends shout it out so everyone knows in the end they even say the color emotion_donotwant
which is wrong so they never really did see ...
the hime Report | 01/16/2012 4:25 am
the hime
ahahahha thats funny though only my friends ever tell me that >_<
even though my skirt is super long (school uniform)
yes i try not to break any school rules 8D
yep smiling is great i hate it when people dont smile >.>
hahas but oh well !
hunnymutt Report | 01/16/2012 4:21 am
Thanks 4 buying the bags
the hime Report | 01/14/2012 3:40 pm
the hime
that was when i was at the world kindness day volunteering
and then this lady started taking pictures LOLS
i cant rmb what she said exactly /fail
something like my two friends beside me are like sunflowers and my smile is like the sun LOLS
yeah it was uh pretty nice i guess ?? >__<
the bottom row of my teeth is slightly crooked D8 gonna get it fix prob next year braces xD
and whitening >.>
hahas your is cornier i would think >3<
the hime Report | 01/14/2012 2:57 am
the hime
my friends say that i have a wide smile xD
and a stranger once told me my smile was like the sun LOLS
the hime Report | 01/13/2012 4:34 pm
the hime
you made me smile xD