There's Murder About.

Mesic's avatar

Last Login: 04/03/2012 11:16 am

Registered: 08/01/2004

Gender: Female

Location: Northern Neck, VA

Birthday: 02/23/1985

the last word


Current Avatar: Cheers!!


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Too fast to live...

I come back to Gaia mainly for Events, Guilds, and grins. I don't play regularly, sorry...

That said...
I'm Jess. I'd have preferred Jillian, or Alice, or Bridget.
I fancy that perhaps I'm half-succubus. Its fact that I...
♥ almost 24! February 23rd, hoyeah.
♥...a fashionista online and off
♥... a teeny bit of a wino
♥...a kickass gamer girl, ESPECIALLY L4D, oohlalah.
♥...a narcissist with an inferiority complex
♥...forever taken by my possumface loverboy.
♥...totally fabulous, baby.
Terribly naughty, eh?

Rumour has it that I've made wage as a porn store manager, a stripper, a rockstar groupie, a mob package runner, and there very well could be a video of me making love to a stuffed M&M floating around on the Internet.
I deny none of it. ;3

Things I like include hearts, padlocks, heart-shaped padlocks, bones, batteries, booze, nicotine, tea, Edward Gorey, owls, bats, rats, armadillos, cryptzoology, mythical creatures, monsters, body modification, fashion design, interior decorating, criminal psychology, science, good books, ghost hunting, zombie movies, black coffee, and cold weather.
I have an aversion to sleep, probably due to a mix of recurring insomnia, chronic nightmares, drug abuse, and graveyard shifts.

My fatal flaw is an overuse of ♥hearts♥, ellipses, and the emote ":3".

I dig talking to people my age. I like talking about just about everything, and welcome PMs and comments. I usually chat in my Guilds, but I do like to venture out to the Gaming, Entertainment, and Fashion and Style boards sometimes.

Talk zombies to me. It turns me on.

.. too young to die.

View Journal

Such Beautiful Decay

When it suits me, I update. I like writing, find it soothing, and take full advantage of the catharsis a good rant, lust, or tragedy can provide. I tend to be fairly frank in my journals. Please, keep an open mind about what you find there... it



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Onirei Report | 02/22/2009 12:26 pm
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (early). :3

"O! the of it all!"
