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Raiyu Sayne

Raiyu Sayne's avatar

Last Login: 06/06/2023 3:19 pm

Registered: 07/11/2007

Gender: Male


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I finally got a new laptop so im free to be on gaia everyday now after work smile PM me if you wanna talk or hangout <3 id love to catch up with any of you <3

I stepped down from my roll of department manager for a Walmart in South Carolina!

Im now a proud CAP1 associate in a Pennsylvania Walmart smile
Im living with my beloved for about 8 month now
Lovely and I are planning a wedding in the nearish future! smile so wish us luck!

Im an open book smile questions are okay so ask away! biggrin

Love you all smile heart heart heart


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I TEND to write how I feel about my friends plz IF your my friend check this out........^~^ emo

Oi............I can't REALLY think today though I would LUV to..........


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ningningiee Report | 07/19/2018 8:55 pm
hehe thanks for readding me~ heart
Blushing Red Report | 06/26/2018 2:25 pm
FangedNinjaKid5 Report | 04/17/2018 1:26 am
Congrats! Are you wearing a dress and walking down an isle?
Are you guys looking to have kids soon or more down the line?

For adoption, I don't have a gender preference, but we do want to adopt siblings so they can stay together.
Because in Nevada, we have to be at least 10 years older than the kids we adopt, we can only adopt up to the age 11 at this time or we would do any age.

Kids that we have, I prefer boys and she prefers girls, sooooo its is what it is lol. I hope we adopt soon! I wanna mini-monster to call my own heart

Haha, I can see you ripping down the street, or doing Fast and Furious stunts through buildings, lol.

FangedNinjaKid5 Report | 04/16/2018 12:54 am
I'm doing great!
emotion_kirakira I'm engaged its my same girlfriend from two years ago. We have rough patches from time to time, but we are working on our communication!

I had a car, an '05 Honda CR-V LX, But someone rear-ended my GF and totaled the car emotion_facepalm emotion_0A0 stressed crying
Car go bye-bye. and since we just got it (had for less than 2 months) all the money went to pay it off.

We are living with very close friends of mine (parents of my god-minis).
My GF and I are looking at adoption or having a baby.

You always kick a** mother, and you take names as you do it! I hope you get your laptop, if not for your bday, go for a X-mas gift! biggrin
Yay, How does it feel to be a driving person? Do you have road rage yet? (Or become bored of it like I did)
We can text, I'm hardly ever on Facebook sweatdrop It bores me, lol.
And I have barely started geetting back on. I play Zomg now, my RP friend doesn't get on much anymore so RPs are slow.

FangedNinjaKid5 Report | 04/14/2018 12:21 am
blaugh heart Hey-o heart blaugh heart

It's been waaaaay too long since we lasted talked! There has to be an easier way to stay in contact with you lol.
Oh! In case your wondering who this is, its Sinister Mist Ninja (I think I changed my name since our last conversation sweatdrop xp )
Anyway, how has everything been for you these last few years? Anything new? Can't wait to hear from you!
smh ok Report | 04/11/2017 1:58 pm
thanks for purchasing !
Avathy Report | 04/09/2017 9:10 pm
Nuuu it's never pointless! Don't be discouraged smile
FangedNinjaKid5 Report | 10/28/2016 7:59 pm
Ohayƍgozaimasu Okaa-san smile heart heart
Lutemis Report | 08/18/2016 9:03 pm
<3 Sweeeet kuuuujaaaaaaaa

I'm on hormones. *gropes self* Growin boobs
Lutemis Report | 08/18/2016 8:27 pm

(I think her name was BadBitchezTM?)

Sweet sweet kuja


Everyone is a sibling until proven NOT WORTHY~

"Peace and Love. Peace aand Loove~ Everybody gets a huug~ Peace and Love. Peace aand Loove~ Everybody gets the highfives and caake~" - Teen Titans - Starfire - Cartoon Network -


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Raiyu Sayne
Raiyu Sayne
Bad Bitchez TM
Raiyu Sayne
Raiyu Sayne


"I'm like the Kraken....I swim...I eat....I have several VERY long, VERY large I just have to figure out why my dates keep running away...."

Daddies lil fatty~ Jk you know I loves ya~

Background by meThese are 2 of my RPCs Artemis (male half human half lion with a odd mutation he was born with making him an outcast pink and white lion_rich)Yukari (female human (younger version she is half bunny)_older)This is the dreams of artemis who wants to one day marry a young beautifle wonderful women...too bad the RP has him fall inlove with the nobleman who saves him who is (ofcourse) male (a half human half deer)!

Its quite the love story~

Scroll down to see Artemis and his fated love XantheRp is unfinished but quite alot doneartemis is a male half human half lion with a pink and white mutation he is my character made and created by meXanthe is a male half human half deerHe was created by my good friend (she doesn't have an account on here)The version in this picture was drawn by me on my laptop





Sini: "TROLOLOL X3I'M BLOCKIN ALL OF DADDEHS STUFF >:3"("me: HAH jokes on you i'ma make you french >:3")Sini:"Oh honhonhon >:{)"

Please check out my clan ^ ^Angelic MorselsIts all about tolerance and creating a comfortable place for us to join together and make friends/meet up with friends!:D we are working really hard to make our vision come true!Please pm me for details and or if you wish to check us out ^ ^I'll send an invite and accept you, and if it isn't what you are looking for you can quit no cost, no arguement! :DWe are just starting out, so please look us up and let us know what you think! Sure there are rules but what civilized place doesn't?! :D Any sexuality, any race, any religion, all we ask is you get along and follow the rules ^ ^ Which are as clearly written as we could get ^ ^Thank you if you took the time to read this~

Loving om-nom I came to know you even more today 07/21/14 <3 Will be thinking of you no matter what happens lovely dinogirl~

<3 stalker babe~

A real man pisses in the drain outside >:3

My teammate, my bae and my Gaia wife as of 21815 <3