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The look of the moment

Mukiki's avatar

Last Login: 04/20/2016 2:10 pm

Registered: 08/08/2004

This is what I've got on

Notes from my freinds

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Clean linen Report | 04/19/2016 8:08 pm
Clean linen
Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday from the Over 30 Guild.
Smeagi Report | 04/07/2015 5:48 am
Thanks for the kindness 4laugh heart
Mukiki Report | 02/24/2015 10:09 am
time for a change
Cerulean Miko Report | 04/19/2013 2:54 pm
Cerulean Miko
Happy Belated Birthday!
Mukiki Report | 07/26/2011 12:01 am
la la la la la la la la checking in
Meisco Report | 03/31/2010 11:24 am
I love your avi
Brain Ninja O_o Report | 10/11/2009 11:50 am
Brain Ninja O_o
Yeah it has
I hadn't been on much either, not a big fan of all the changed, that and like noone likes to talk much these days....well and theres the fact that I've been palyin World of Warcarft LOL! Half Orc hmmm...sounds like that could be hard, send me pics when ya got it done xD I wanna see
Brain Ninja O_o Report | 10/10/2009 8:53 am
Brain Ninja O_o
KIKI!!!! I haven't heard from you in forever, how are things?
starsfury Report | 08/29/2009 1:00 pm
You are invited to my Booty Grab thread. Masters Of Gaia Booty Grab Madness

Also if you are invited to join Master Of Gaia please click the link and press join and for the reason please put "MOGBT". If you are a mule and would like to join please use your main. (Joining and posting a bit will also get you a front spot in future Masters Of Gaia booty grab threads)
Kaikachow Report | 08/16/2009 7:33 pm
Cool avatar! :3


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If your reading this then I geuss it means you want to know a little about me, well here goes:
I'm a 40ish year old mother of two, I have a 20 something year old daughter (Half_Pint) and a barely adult son, I'm married, live in Utah and have a stepson, a stepdaughter and a granddaughter.
I have an A.A. degree in instructional aid. I also have 9 ECE units. I still need to register for my para-pro licence and begin working in the local elementary schools with the special needs students.
I used to avidly collect and grow roses until I moved to Utah. I had 60+ rose bushes in my yard. Right now I'm pretty much just interested in television, facebook and Gaia. I'm also learning to sew and make greeting cards.My favorite TV shows are My Little Pony, Game of thrones, Supernatural, Once upon a time, American Horror Story, Orange is the new black, Fifty shades of Tarra, and just about any anime.
I don't read much but when I do I don't put it down until I've read it from cover to cover or fall asleep whichever comes first.This has caused many sleepless nights. The last thing I read was the fifty shades of grey books. I'm still awaiting the latest game of thrones book.

~I'm happily married~
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Thankies and Luffs

Much Love to the Give Away King, LORD Kai for the kiki heart heart heart

Much love to Hannah Houdini for the yeti, whale and egg shell

Much love to AngelKiss89 for the earrings

Much love to to Starry for the red upsidedown top and for letting me use the wig

Much love to person for the fitted top, sparkle dress and punctured plaid top

Much love to Chipmunk for the gold

Much love to xXStarsXx for the gold

Much love to whomever sends the mistery gifts

and Lots of love to everyone who made art for me. I love you all heart heart heart

You Know you wanna donate

Grab my booty ~ bump my glow

Brain Ninja O_o
Kai Sulkus
Prince Chasey
x-Hannah HeartBreak-x

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my little T R A G E D Y