Rei the Wannabe Ninja

Rei the Wannabe Ninja's avatar

Registered: 08/16/2004

Birthday: 04/10


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This is a profile thing. I don't know how to do the profile thing. I am sorry.

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My friend ChineseZombieRuler made this for me!

Random Fun Facts:
Did you know:
- Mosquito repellent doesn't actually repel mosquitoes. It just hides you from them.
- Adolf Hitler's mother seriously considered getting an abortion when she was pregnant with him.
- Ninja did not use shuriken as weapons. They used them as tools for distraction. But they did make for good weapons too!
- Mexican Jumping Beans jump because there are tiny bugs inside of them. They eventually come out and enter a pupal stage. After that they become moths.
- Most lipsticks use fish scales as an ingredient.
- Snails are hermaphrodites
- Horses are physically unable to vomit
- Real 'double jointedness' does not exist
- When bees mate, the mating results in both the death of the drone and the queen. When the male separates, his genitalia, along with his intestines, are ripped off. The queen cannot survive with the male's genitalia and lower half of his body stuck inside of her. She lays her eggs then dies shortly thereafter. Romantic, in'nit?

Avi Art that peoples have made for me!

Made by tortilla bandit!

Made by the splendifulous pacratt and her awesomeness.

Made by J Lone Wolf. Hurr, isn't is PERTY?

Made by my good friend ChineseZombieRuler. Amazing, isn't it?

Made by killuachanx3. And this is just a doodle she made in like... five minutes maybe?

Made by [Waffled]. Simple yet pretty!

Made by Hana-Imakura. Cute with a fluffy tail!

Made by 4_yo_info. Dark and evil, eh?

Made by Le Bean~. So cute and colorful!

Got anymore fun facts? Feel free to tell me and I'll post'em up!


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my whacky thoughts. Be afraid be very afraid.



View All Comments

xX_Vocaloid_Haku_Xx Report | 07/14/2014 6:17 pm
I'm sorry to bother but, would you happen to be willing to show me all the sewing patterns you used on this cosplay? It would really help me out! I'm going to visit my grandparents
in California next week and I would like to do some sewing projects with my grandmother. I was thinking of working on my Zelda cosplay with her. ^v^
festy_stephie Report | 06/12/2014 6:32 pm
Thanks for buying smile
dark eclipse Report | 10/29/2011 10:48 am
dark eclipse
Thank you for the heal. =]
Miss Mizuno Report | 12/06/2010 2:04 pm
Miss Mizuno
thanks for buying! heart
XxDarling_Rosey_PoseyxX Report | 08/08/2010 10:46 pm
thanks for buying! smile
knux5 Report | 05/15/2010 7:56 pm
I miss our conversations too!!
PM me sometime, we may strike one up! =3
knux5 Report | 05/14/2010 4:41 pm
LOLs. -Squish!- I missed you! ^w^
knux5 Report | 05/14/2010 2:52 pm
Hello there! =D
Just saying hi for the first time in...forever, actually. o.O
Firlodge_the_second Report | 04/09/2010 3:25 am
Flyn says it's your birthday tomorrow.

Many happy returns?
LightHush Report | 04/06/2010 8:52 pm
Nuuu you stupid D:<


ninja ~I really, really, really love ninjas~ ninja


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Rei the Wannabe Ninja