Penguin Abduction

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TNB_Angel Report | 10/06/2008 4:10 pm
drkwithin Report | 09/23/2008 1:24 pm
Hey, I posted on her thread the samples with watermarks and asked her to send the trade. D8

I'm all excitedddd! I hope she likes it! I guess I'll talk to her about the pricing, and maybe 18cm too so I can stop bugging my manager. xD
drkwithin Report | 09/22/2008 10:04 pm
150k sounds like a crapload for full body. User Image

I mean, if I did only like the knees up, I'd reduce the price...

I should look more into art to see if I'm overpricing or underpricing...@.@

But that's why have you! xD INFO ME, MASTER CHEN! I'm almmoosssttt done the chibi. I need to color her hair.

Now that I'm done color, it's like "******** I MESSED UP THE LEGS! Dx" I've gone too far, theres no heading back!~ >__>;

BTWBTWBTBW! I worked on a sketch of your OC. I messed up so badly. I tried making him do a pose and phailed horribly. D: -redo-
drkwithin Report | 09/22/2008 9:59 pm
OMG THIS GUY! I've seen him everywhere! @______@

He commissions like... EVERYONE! I friggin' love his OC, I'll do it...o3o

But wait, I'm not sure if it'll be totally full body or like legs up. I'll see what happens and adjust the price? User Image
drkwithin Report | 09/22/2008 9:52 pm
OMG THIS GUY! I've seen him everywhere! @______@

He commissions like... EVERYONE! I friggin' love his OC, I'll do it...o3o

But wait, I'm not sure if it'll be totally full body or like legs up. I'll see what happens and adjust the price? User Image
drkwithin Report | 09/22/2008 9:25 pm
LOL. You and your weirdness. User Image Thanks Manager, I appreciate you getting my name out there...;o; I'm actually almost done. Two more things to color and a little touch up and POW! I'm so not used to chibi...x__x;

WOAH 150k!! o___o! Jeebus. I'd have to see what he wants me to draw first?

Once I get done the picture, I'll PM it to you and I want you to price it, cause you know I have no idea how to do that...:/ -phail-

Thanks again Chen, you're so friggin' awesome! xD
drkwithin Report | 09/22/2008 6:48 pm
Okay I'm actually like half done the picture now. xDD But the thing is I'm experimenting and I was confused. D: You said CG Couple Chibi? But then the other comment you said Couple CG Waist? I just did a CG Couple Chibi...and I'm doing a mix of hard cell and soft cell. Is that alright? If the picture turns out pretty crappy(hopefully not) I'll probably slash the price down. D: I dunno! I'll just get it done and have her pay what she wants. >.>;

drkwithin Report | 09/19/2008 9:06 pm
I some how go into Preschool Lab where I gotta watch 3-4 year school. I dunno how the hell I got that class. D:

Are cliques a huge thing at your school? Everyone in my honors class is snobby. Cause where I live, if your from UD, your poor and ghetto. And if your from DH, your rich and snobby. I'm from UD. =__=; I live in the heart of the ghettos or something! Dood, yesteday, some guy across the street beat the s**t out of the rear window of some guys car. I saw it. WTF. I need to move.

I complain a lot cause I feel so stressed out. 2 weeks into school! What the hell is this?? Dx You can complain too, I'll listen and we can relate! D8< IT IS ********' BOOTCAMP!! My teachers are all old and rioting. >:[

THE CUTE LITTLE BOY?!? THAT'S HIM! xD Yes, thats the one I'm linearting! I have to take out the hand though cause it makes him seem a foot tall. I might actually just show his elbows up, instead of a fullbody for my theme picture. Less work, and I can work on my details. I complain and contemplate a lot of things to you...xDD Sorry! ZACKISHTEHSEX! -cough- he's so cool, I mean. :'D Thats what I thought, I don't even draw guys built anyways...xD...just toned. I think. THE GLOVES LOOK LIKE FLOWERS! Like how the look like pedals at the top! Know what I'm talking about?? I turned the cloak into a scarf...:<

Just tell me his name and what he can offer me and whenever I'm ready to open a slot, I'll just fill him in! xD I don't want him to watch and wait for it...

I gotta go to bed now, work tomorrow! Leave me messages anytime, I'll always reply! 8D
drkwithin Report | 09/19/2008 8:43 pm
I don't really want kids to tell you the truth...xD So much work, just for them to end up putting you in a retirement home! D8< No way!

LOL! Works, but for how long?? Why don't you like this person, anywho?

My teachers are douche bags, thats why. No matter what I finish, I STILL have something that needs to be done. D: And Jeebus, my english teacher makes us read a novel a week. It's totally bullshit. I have to read 300 pages in two days. D: I complain too much...sorry. Dx

I had another picture? User Image I know I drew something and scanned it, but I think I mentioned that I was working on it...xD I need to really redo the eye. It has no shape. D: I'm scared. The clothes are gonna look so jacked up. Dx I loveeeee going all out on hair! But everyone's that I do, the hair will always turn out longer...User Image I hate boys with short hair... xDD When I attempted your OC, his hair looked like Zack from FFVII....*___* I just followed the ref picture. -shrugs- I'll need to find some time to actually do it...maybe even a pencil sketch would be sweet. Is your OC built? or thin? I dunno? User Image Only thing I kept on this clothes(when I did it) was the gloves that you mentioned something about? I did the same design on the boots. It looks like a flower actually. D:

LOL yeah! You're sending all these people at me, and telling me how to price and how many slots...@u@ TANK J00 MANAGER!!~
drkwithin Report | 09/19/2008 8:11 pm
Yeahh...haven't atleast one girl would be nice...but she would totally be spoiled. xD Yeah, 4 boys is plenty. o__o I'd stop after 2.

"Must" Talk? Why?? xD I ease it in and they get it when I don't wanna talk to them...D8<

NOOO! I'm only a Junior. But I moved up to all honor classes so it's like "WTF is this s**t?" I have most of my major classes this semester. Next semester, I only really have Chem. 8D

You thought it was a freebie? Dx Is that a good thing?? I'm hoping to go all out on the CG, but the lineart is being a huge b***h. No, wait, the whole picture is being a total b***h. D8 I wanted to get my theme picture done before I started doing commission...I was shooting for 2 slots so I could be have an option of which to work on when I want, but now I dunno if I could even handle one slot. School doesn't even give me time to doodle on my paper! -sobs- And no, I have no slots open right now...xD Last week, I was gonna open one for that friend you said but you were online for the longest time...D: I'm glad I didn't. so overwhelmed right now. D: I hope this school crap dies out, but I know it won't.

P.S. You're like my manger! >8DDD <33



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