
Rahmen_Noodlez's avatar

Last Login: 05/28/2015 12:02 am

Wanna Be My Friend?

Then forget about me sending invites. Not my bowl of rahmen.

Normally, if you befriend me, I'm gonna say... NO.

My circumstances for being friends with me is simple. (encounter me, talk/converse with me, etc.) AND if you catch my INTEREST.

Anyway, we will only meet once and never meet again, but if there's a second time... I may reconsider (OR NOT.)

Nuff said. You get the deal.

- DoJo

Info For Stalkerz...

Name: DoJo
Gender: Female
Age: Like you'd need to know; just be happy I'm still alive
Race: Filipino
Status: Lame Ghetto Wannabe and GGG (Game/Guitar Geek)

I hate doing these things, but that's the way you get to know me. To make it short and simple, RESPECT ME and I'LL RESPECT YOU back.

If you talk to me, you'll know more about me, but for now, just live with this since I don't feel like going through the pain of typing this all down for stupid reasons and finding out that my computer went retarded. Kay?

~ Thanks for wasting a minute or so of your life to read this. I'm flattered you cared. ~

P.S. I'm REALLY sarcastic. And I Do Bite (that is if you try to bite me first though). But I am nice person -smile- (but that's what they always say right?)

My Bowl Of Rahmen...

This space will be used to talk about the recently for me.

Just the Noodlez of life wriggling by.
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You can find me in...

Fanfiction: -DWD0J0-
LiveJournal: http://rahmen_noodlez.livejournal.com
DeviantArt: KyokoAshira321


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