Viewing Pokemon Trainer Touko's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hiya! My name is Morgan but you can call me Tohru. That's what my friends call me. I am Bi and proud of it! I am currently in 10th grade. I am currently trying to pursue my dream to become a veteranarian/abused animal rescuer. And of course, I have a passion for animals :3

My favorite pass times are playing video games. I love to play Animal Crossing Wild World, Animal Crossing City Folk, Kingdom Hearts 1, 2 , and 358/3 Days, and Pokemon Soul Silver. I also like to sing. I am pretty good (so people have said).

Music is my life. I love listening to PANIC! At The Disco, Owl City, Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Rascal Flatts, All-American Rejects, Breathe Carolina, My Chemical Romance, Breathe Electric, and Dang We're On Fire.

I am NOT a prep. I despise preps. They are the worst kind of people I have ever met. I am not popular at my school, but I am popular among my friends. I think that's the best popularity there is!

Well, that wraps me up pretty much. If you want to get to know me a little bit more, don't be afraid to P.M. me!





~ People that have been kind enough to donate to me!


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Pkmn Trainer Touko

Report | 12/12/2010 6:26 pm

Pkmn Trainer Touko

LOL Yea I was disappointed that I had to abbreviate Pokemon, but it's alright ^^
Pkmn Trainer Touko

Report | 11/28/2010 12:54 am

Pkmn Trainer Touko

Lol are we the same person maybe? hhahaha because we both cosplay Touko on gaia-and almost have the same gaia name, we both love Pokemon, kingdom hearts, animal crossing, taylor swift, and we both want to be a vet and help abused animals. Hahaha kinda creepy, but it's awesome! nice to meet you =D

Report | 11/23/2010 4:14 pm


actually i figured out the outfit (which was insanely hard) except the shoes xp can you please tell me what the shoes are called?

Report | 11/23/2010 2:56 pm


yo, dude i totally <3 ur outfit!! its so good i want to use it! please? wats ur equipped list?

Report | 11/12/2010 5:32 pm


thanks! biggrin

Report | 11/12/2010 3:23 pm


how did you get the red pokeball looking thing? i mean, like what item is it? i want one!!! lol (i really do)
Retarded Unicorns

Report | 11/07/2010 3:05 pm

Retarded Unicorns

Thank you for buying from my store~ ^__^

Report | 11/06/2010 9:04 pm


Takuya guy

Report | 07/07/2010 10:57 am

Takuya guy

Cool avi.

Report | 05/30/2010 6:31 am


hey its almost your bday ^ ^


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My Team On Pokemon Soul Silver.

Pokemon Soul Silver Friend Code: 0561 3224 6600
Name: Morgan

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