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Lanzer's Journal
I felt like I've been hit by a truck
It was a mystery why there would be so many bugs related to zOMG, from trouble getting the orb count, to not being able to upgrade or salvage rings properly.

As I made changes back and forth trying to make things work, I finally realized what was going on... The zOMG server code I was working with was a really old version before we introduced dark orbs and Lv 12 rings.

I've heard that we had a hard drive failure once, and some of our code base was affected, but I never expected that it would affect the zOMG server code. gonk At this point, we might have lost about a year's worth of development code from zOMG...

I feel sick to my stomach.

Gonna work with the operations engineer to see if there's any trace of our newer code base, but I really don't know what to expect... There might be a chance that we could only bring back a version that is before we introduce Lv12 rings and the later areas. I don't want to think about the alternative. Just gonna see what happens tomorrow.

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fiji temple
Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 10:38pm

take a breather lanzer! it may be a longer road than expected but we're all glad you do care for what the community is asking for. good luck to finding a back up and to may your health stay strong!

Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 10:51pm

Yikes, that's terrible! Don't worry about rushing though, we've waited a long time for ZOMG, we can wait as long as it takes for things to be done correctly. Thanks so much for all you're doing!

Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 10:52pm

nooooooooooooooooo crying gonk

Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 10:53pm

I'm cheering you and your team on!! emotion_yatta がんばって!!

Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 10:55pm

Oh no D= Please take some time to rest! At least you've found the root of the issue now, and can figure it out. There's really no rush heart Thank you for the work you've done and are continuing to do

Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 10:59pm

We'll just have to be happy with what you give us. We'll take anything! I'm certainly happy with whatever point you decide to restore it at.

Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 11:00pm

Breathe. Take a second or 28,800. If you're brain fried, you won't be able to wrap your mind around it.

The V0id
Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 11:00pm

Oh boy!
Well, even if we have the version before we had the lvl 12 rings and dark orbs, I honestly wouldn't mind.
From 2010 up until the lvl 12 rings happened, I had a lot of fun.

Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 11:05pm

Lanzer, your effort is enough for us to realize you are truly giving it your all. If you have to make changes that will take a longer time than usual, it's ok! We waited years already, another year or two wont kill us, because we know you and staff are giving it your all... Keep going, whether you make it or not, it's going to be ok heart

Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 11:05pm

I've written computer code. My heart breaks for you crying what a big fat PITA! An entire year's worth of developer code lost is pretty tragic, but here's hoping that you can at least bring it back to it original form. heart

Hang in there.

Never argue with an idiot; they will take you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Isabella Montoya Chiquete
Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 11:09pm

I don't think anyone is going to complain. Honestly, after so long where it seemed like all Gaia cared about was our money and didn't listen to us, it gives me such hope to see you are even working on it. Heck I don't care if it takes you 6 months to get it fully up and running.... I'll wait. In the short amount of time you've been back I've seen such a huge difference in Gaia and I'm glad I stuck around. I was really contemplating just quitting all together. Don't work yourself into an early grave dear. The Gaia Community has your back!

Hallie Neko-chan
Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 11:14pm

I am perfectly happy with the older version. To be honest I prefer it, but do what you think is best! I'm happy to wait around awhile longer and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you have done and everything that you are doing.

Thanks so much for listening to us and not giving up on zOMG!

Bonny Lass Minty
Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 11:17pm

All the effort was not wasted, you placed all that time and energy into attempting to bring back zOMG! You kept your word that you would do what you could and look into it 3nodding you also found out the issues and coding that need to be fixed.
Lanzer you have done so much for Gaia, don't feel defeated!
I have a feeling that zOMG! will be brought back in some form, even if it isn't I still give you props for even looking into it and placing effort.
Take the time that is needed and don't over-exert yourself. Sounds like you could use a break as well. pirate

Captcha: Anchors Away! heart

Miranda LaLuna
Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 11:18pm

You got this! Take your time and don't be discouraged. We believe in you Lanzer! heart blaugh

Oolong Royaltea
Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 11:23pm

at this rate It'd probably be easier to program a new game from scratch, going over old code is an arse.

Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 11:26pm

Take as much time as you need! NO RUSH!
If you can't retrieve the code, THERE IS NO PROBLEM!
As long as we get zOMG back, I'm fine with anything.

Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 11:52pm

You got this Lanzer. If the code is lost, then the original version will be fine for everyone. The people upset about DMS will get over it because that means that when you get the opportunity you'll make new areas, and maybe even remake DMS. I'm sure that with the experience under your belt now you could remake everything much better than it was in the first place.

Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 11:53pm

Oh that's a major bummer, Lanzer

Wish you can bring the newer update even if it will cost you more time.

But hey - do what you must smile

Elle the Hobo Queen
Community Member

Thu Mar 02, 2017 @ 11:57pm

Augh! What a horrible feeling crying

But something a little older is better than no zOMG at all. And thanks so much for getting the word out on FB as well as here on Gaia! If anyone can do it, it's you, Lanzer!!!

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 12:14am

Take your time and don't stress too much! I'm just glad you care enough to attempt to bring zOMG! back. heart

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 12:24am

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that Lanzer. Please take care to focus on yourself above ZOMG, as I know how bad stress can affect us. Why don't you give yourself a few days off and have some you time? ZOMG can wait.

Having you back here with us means far more to me than the game. Don't burn yourself out.

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 12:25am

I'm sorry you've hit such a major road block. But please, don't worry! I think we'll all be patient. And speaking for myself, I'll be happy with any version. Us oldbies are simply happy that you're back and working on Zomg. I've been here for more than 12 years... another year isn't going to make much difference to me. wink Especially if I have the battle system to look forward to. whee

Victoria Alex 123
Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 12:37am

Take all the time you need, there's no rush. Don't stress yourself, and get some rest. smile

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 12:59am

If worst comes to worst, it is OK to release pre-DMS game. DMS can be worked on later if need be, or new area like Aekea. People who missed zomg missed all of it, not just DMS. DMS was a very small and new part compared to the entire layout.

Sincerely Sel
Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 01:21am

Oh no! That stinks, but personally I would be fine with an older version.
I'm not picky, I just miss zOmg lol.
Thanks for coming back, and thank you for all your work, Lanzer ♥

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 01:25am

Thank you so much for your hard work do not over work yourself. Take your time and I'm proud of your hard work and cant wait to play Zomg again. You have alot of support!

Aki Mui
Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 01:38am

Don't rush Lanzer. Take your time, we wait this long for news so, we wait longer, no worries. That is a major problem that new code got affect but, if new areas cant be save oh welp. I wouldnt mind the old version at all. It's still zOMG after all~ I take want i can get emotion_yatta
-gives you all the awards- you deserve them, for trying and working this hard ;u;

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 01:47am

Don't worry Lanzer! Don't stress out too much about it, there's no need to rush. Relax and breath from time to time! 3nodding We understand your struggle and will be patient until the game comes out. We all appreciate that you're putting so much time and effort into bringing zOMG back. Hang in there! You got this! 4laugh

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 02:21am

If anyone can do this it's you.
I wish you well on this!

Champion from Pallet Town
Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 02:36am

NOOOOOOO!!! gonk

A year's worth of Development code...

Well - I guess we'll have to postpone zOMG! for a while, yes?
It's pretty much okay, if we don't revive it smile

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 03:06am

IT'S OK if it's just the original.we are fine with that. We just want SOMETHING of it back. I speak for myself here but I don't care if you send it out wonky. I would rather have it wonky then NONE at all. heart and I would love to do a scas tester.

XxYoung DemonxX
Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 03:27am

I will wait it just makes me happy your working on it, take time to rewrite the code, reset it, because that game was fun and one of the best features on the site. I think we all want to see new quests and adventures too so maybe fix it and make it better. But in the meantime I'll wait. Good luck! Fingers crossed you will make progress!

SecretIy A Unicorn
Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 03:49am

You got this Lanzer!
Crossing my fingers for good news.

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 04:04am

Please do not overwork yourself, lanzer.

Also, I'm sure many people would be content with that version of zomg - it's better than no version at all. and tbh, I personally liked zomg before that update. Maybe it's a sign???

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 04:38am

You're doing your best and that'd all that matters

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 04:56am

I appreciate your efforts.I do hope you don't work too hard. I know from personal experience (my first job was in housekeeping) how dangerous overwork can be. If you need to, take some time for you and Waffles too. Maybe have some snacks and watch a movie? A little break couldn't hurt. Sleep is good. ZOMG back in just about any form would be quite an impressive feat. Arigatou Gozaimasu! Arigatou Gozaimashita! ^w^

Ryo Kazuka
Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 05:00am

Its alright Lanzer, take your time

even the original zOMG would work out
but if you want to fix/bring out the newer codes then good luck and keep trying
we would wait here until all is well ! heart

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 05:12am

Ohbarf, that is not a fun realization at all to have. sad

Hoping that somewhere the code might be lurking on a forgotten backup.

If not, as others have mentioned: is it feasible to release what you have, update the other stuff (I hadn't even realized there were level 12 rings, kind of wondering how I missed that) if/when possible down the line?

(I grasp that there might have been overhauls of making things run better on the backend as well in the code that is missing)

Please take care of yourself as you work on things heart Emotionally as well - we look forward to zOMG if it is possible to be playable again, but even just the fact that you have been looking into it has been a massive beacon of hope and wonderfulness heart

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 07:23am

Ouuuch, that's painful. gonk
But hey, you have a version that is working. That's something to go with. Just let people know what's up and work with what you got. We'll be ok!

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 07:36am

Here are some short 2-5 minute videos that will cheer you up!


Because sometimes all you need is to watch someone else laugh.

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 07:44am

Everyone I know will wait for zOMG for day what you r doing makes me feel like happy to know that zOMG one day will come back again. To fight little puffs to fight big werewolfs. Hang with friends and to make new one too. Lanzer I don't care how long it will take I know a little about coding and I know it is hard to do but I believe in you. I can go on and on .... But all I can say is thank you and thank you to all of Ur bug reports ..*bows in respect*

One how love zOMG
Syber_roxas(Ezer Robles)

Gabeh Wabbe
Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 07:46am

whatever that is you can give to us i'll accept it

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 08:07am

Mad Roadblock homie... I just wanna give huge thanks for trying so hard to bring back zOMG, and all the improvements to Gaia herself. You're a hero Lanzer. Heads up homie. Good Vibes

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 08:11am

Aww man, as a coder I can relate to discovering a huge problem like this after investing so much time in fixing things.
I hope you'll find a way to make that thing work to some extend even if just to boost your morale.

Let your fixes become the foundation on which all future zOMG will be based.
May your debugging be furious and relentless as the lamentations of softwarebugs sing their songs of anguish.
And may management allow for more backup precautions.

scream xd

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 09:21am

Yikes.... I know you really wanted to get it out for us soon and I know this is a huge set back, but please don't let it discourage you!

I'm sure I speak for a lot of us when I say that we appreciate all your work so much and that we won't mind waiting some more time while you get this sorted out. Please don't be afraid to take all the time you need to get zOMG working again!

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 10:00am

Who knows, maybe one of the Gaians might've recorded the most recent version of Z0MG? In any case, you could just release Z0MG in that version if needed and inch in updates until it's back to its former glory.Do whatcha gotta do man.

In other news, you ok? Not too stressed out? If you're feeling sick, make sure to get some rest, eat some good stuff, etc! :V

Thank you as usual for the amazing work you do so much for Gaia. You're the best! heart

Mizza luv
Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 11:10am

Take your time Lanzer we can wait emotion_hug

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 11:26am

Dang. gonk

Major emotion_hug to you!

Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 02:57pm

I do not mind if you just release the game as it was when it first came out before all the updates. Thank you for trying Lanzer, we love you. heart

Apple Creamy Pie
Community Member

Fri Mar 03, 2017 @ 03:06pm

I don't care which version of zomg we will have as long as we're able to play it that's fine in my book. Zomg was the only reason why I stay on here hope you guys bring it back soon.

So take as much time as you need to fix this problem it just makes me happy haring as many updates as possible for zomg and the thought about it coming back on here makes me so happy.

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