July 2009
[07/31/09 06:36pm] Journal and such things[07/22/09 01:18am] annie[07/03/09 03:11am] >.>
June 2009
[06/26/09 06:04pm] se murio[06/20/09 05:52pm] lala[06/14/09 07:10pm] stupid dog[06/10/09 06:23pm] him
May 2009
[05/28/09 07:42pm] VEGETANDO[05/27/09 05:11pm] i know that i know[05/16/09 05:14pm] howdy[05/13/09 07:14pm] amor [05/12/09 09:12pm] rayos[05/10/09 10:51pm] ferga[05/09/09 09:56pm] summer[05/08/09 06:50pm] :)[05/06/09 10:25pm] the name is[05/05/09 11:31pm] the[05/05/09 04:21am] prisioner[05/03/09 04:21pm] el que nace pa chibo
April 2009
[04/22/09 01:13am] Plaza del Sol[04/10/09 09:23pm] ok[04/07/09 07:28pm] yayz
March 2009
[03/29/09 11:28pm] enverda enverda[03/26/09 03:54am] I always feel like[03/23/09 09:20pm] lol[03/11/09 02:18am] ex girlfriends[03/05/09 05:15pm] yay[03/03/09 08:52pm] HIM
February 2009
[02/19/09 06:56pm] besides[02/05/09 05:09pm] first day of me life[02/04/09 09:43pm] wtf[02/01/09 10:26pm] ehh
January 2009
[01/31/09 04:50pm] zOMG[01/25/09 03:09pm] i[01/22/09 12:45pm] dlu dlu dlu ♫[01/22/09 12:51am] cOLLEGE[01/17/09 03:44pm] let it rain[01/15/09 04:26pm] imvu[01/14/09 03:55pm] My moon[01/13/09 04:08pm] horoscope[01/12/09 01:29am] One a day[01/09/09 10:38pm] The Infamous Chemical Massacre[01/07/09 07:14pm] atrevete -te -te[01/05/09 10:53pm] `cause I'm so fly![01/04/09 05:32pm] zOMG[01/03/09 03:35pm] ahem...
December 2008
[12/30/08 05:13pm] I said I wanna fock[12/29/08 11:10pm] I...[12/28/08 05:19pm] omfg[12/27/08 04:42pm] olé[12/22/08 08:35pm] xP[12/19/08 04:18pm] meh[12/16/08 04:27pm] let it rain[12/14/08 05:03pm] Lululicious[12/12/08 06:58pm] =][12/11/08 08:26pm] xoxoxo[12/09/08 01:56pm] calle 13[12/08/08 04:54pm] I promise you always[12/07/08 04:37pm] BLA[12/05/08 05:14pm] gaia
November 2008
[11/16/08 02:03pm] diablo[11/09/08 03:16pm] Note to self[11/05/08 09:08pm] omg[11/04/08 11:39am] ...[11/02/08 03:39pm] weirded[11/01/08 09:35pm] ...
October 2008
[10/24/08 10:18pm] bla[10/22/08 10:02pm] New story.[10/21/08 11:37pm] exam[10/19/08 02:54pm] I[10/18/08 11:46pm] I never noticed[10/14/08 11:20pm] ...
September 2008
[09/13/08 01:15am] quotes[09/09/08 05:27pm] ah fuck.[09/07/08 05:36pm] somewhat[09/06/08 04:21pm] ahaaaa[09/04/08 04:25pm] lalalalalaness[09/03/08 12:54am] Today
August 2008
[08/31/08 03:46pm] Quote from "The Alchemist"[08/30/08 06:44pm] I makes me wonder if this world is plastic?[08/30/08 12:53am] so emo.[08/24/08 07:42pm] oh dear[08/22/08 05:37pm] q mal q mal q mal[08/16/08 04:15pm] College.[08/10/08 04:11pm] I love my hair <333[08/09/08 08:04pm] Well[08/08/08 02:14am] holy shiznit![08/06/08 04:25pm] Tooth hurts...[08/05/08 05:24pm] Ahem.[08/03/08 05:18pm] I finally... Part two.[08/03/08 12:54am] I finally...
July 2008
[07/29/08 03:10pm] Today.[07/28/08 11:29pm] Olympics.[07/26/08 04:47pm] Sadness...[07/20/08 05:40pm] Parents[07/19/08 04:52pm] woot woot![07/18/08 10:37pm] woot![07/17/08 04:45am] Driving[07/15/08 08:17pm] Amor, amor, amor![07/14/08 08:34pm] I'll be what I am...[07/13/08 05:04pm] Time to break free...[07/11/08 09:44pm] If I could dance...[07/10/08 03:50pm] Close your eyes.[07/09/08 05:46pm] q jodienda.[07/07/08 08:51pm] So I finally took the choice.[07/05/08 03:48pm] Nobody said it was easy.[07/05/08 12:43am] The Fourth of July[07/02/08 04:08pm] the life[07/01/08 03:00pm] interesting fact
June 2008
[06/30/08 03:58pm] journalz[06/28/08 05:10pm] oh motha @%$^%*&[06/27/08 03:07pm] anytime of year, you can find it here.[06/26/08 08:27pm] Dear Journal, part: undefined.[06/26/08 01:16am] sea la...[06/24/08 06:54pm] Dear journal, this can't be hapenning to me![06/23/08 03:38pm] >.>[06/22/08 06:18pm] Dear Journal Part...I lost count.[06/20/08 03:08pm] dear journal... part 3?[06/18/08 06:55pm] Dear journal part 2.[06/17/08 11:09pm] Dear Journal...[06/16/08 08:03pm] x.x[06/13/08 06:21pm] I am...[06/12/08 11:38pm] I reccomend....[06/10/08 07:07pm] Dying is the latest fashion. ♥[06/09/08 06:20pm] I love the boys who love to hate because theyre ju...[06/08/08 04:41pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[06/07/08 04:12pm] Viva La Vida[06/06/08 03:30pm] Boredoom attacks[06/05/08 03:24pm] venus doom[06/03/08 05:20pm] work[06/02/08 03:54pm] monday[06/02/08 01:12am] Jesus And Hitler having tea.
May 2008
[05/31/08 06:36pm] Frozen to lose it all.[05/30/08 04:03pm] Today[05/29/08 07:07pm] OMFG[05/28/08 10:19pm] This is so true.[05/27/08 10:30pm] plastic surgery slumber party[05/26/08 03:37pm] OMFG, i want one.[05/26/08 01:48am] Feel Good Inc.[05/22/08 09:16pm] I just wanted to say[05/20/08 09:38pm] My friends are crazy....[05/18/08 07:54pm] Spiders![05/17/08 02:49pm] So today[05/15/08 09:48pm] mudkipz xD[05/15/08 12:01am] Im so happy today.[05/12/08 09:43pm] Poem, or so. More like improvising.[05/06/08 08:28pm] Grunny![05/04/08 02:26pm] I love![05/03/08 03:32pm] Nightmare
April 2008
[04/30/08 09:05pm] Random - ness[04/22/08 10:08pm] Ensayo Naturaleza[04/21/08 01:32pm] Monday mornings[04/20/08 04:07pm] College![04/17/08 09:18pm] Public Lybrary Times Chater two[04/14/08 04:49pm] Public Lybrary times[04/09/08 09:17pm] I drew this! =D[04/07/08 09:43pm] xD[04/05/08 05:07pm] Parents[04/04/08 03:52pm] Pain[04/03/08 08:44pm] Responsabilites[04/02/08 08:28pm] I was bored, because:[04/01/08 10:01pm] I feel pressure
March 2008
[03/29/08 03:01pm] Ma' grades[03/28/08 01:04am] Country issue, again.[03/26/08 10:49pm] So, Im guessing tommorow is gonna:[03/23/08 03:01pm] INVADER ZIM![03/18/08 09:49pm] Timekiller! *coolest song ever*[03/16/08 02:21pm] I love this quote:
February 2008
[02/24/08 09:29pm] So today... I[02/23/08 03:38pm] Fire and Ice[02/20/08 07:59pm] I got a biology test tommorow.[02/20/08 01:07am] Ever wonder, rofl![02/18/08 12:14am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[02/14/08 12:58am] Since I know you won't read this.[02/09/08 01:19pm] que cojones[02/07/08 08:04pm] o m g[02/05/08 08:54pm] La fiera que se hizo niña[02/04/08 09:03pm] some verses[02/03/08 10:02pm] Mango Tango Voila!
January 2008
[01/24/08 10:26pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[01/22/08 08:07pm] announcement[01/21/08 01:22pm] I have a dream![01/14/08 03:22pm] Holiday.[01/12/08 01:21pm] Chapter Two.[01/11/08 05:52pm] Booyah![01/07/08 02:53pm] Work Work Work
December 2007
[12/22/07 01:34pm] Lamento de la doncella
September 2007
[09/24/07 09:12pm] The scenery, new poem.[09/01/07 07:21pm] OMG! i gotta learn this lesson
August 2007
[08/27/07 09:33pm] Shadow
June 2007
[06/11/07 05:00pm] The Boredoom Chronicles[06/09/07 01:29am] Laments Of The Sunset
May 2007
[05/13/07 01:39am] The Bittersweet Story of a Young Girl's Heart[05/04/07 06:47pm] Follow your heart[05/03/07 08:53pm] Quest finished!
April 2007
[04/28/07 02:32am] Chapter 1