I promise to, it will just most likely ALL happen on the weekends.
Here's my story, I suddenly got offered contract work until the 15th of June. Meaning I hop a bus at 7 in the morning start work at 8:30, leave at 5 and get home via bus about 6:30. As you can see that kinda eats a chunk out of my day. ((Though I am VERY much so enjoying my work))
So all you gaians out there I owe art, or pets, my word is good. They shall get done! I would have gotten them all done ahead of my work start but I pretty much showed up, signed a contract and was asked if I could start that day. rofl
3nodding So much love to you all, I'll be on more as I evolve into my new routine. wink .. Or when my contract is up, one or the other. xd heart
ChimeraNell Community Member |