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Kaida: Zero...who shoudln't care about that... And you should stop talking with Jas now, Your anger has swelled up so much? What are you even trying to achieve with that? As for mystery girl, it's true. You got over the she's so awesome rush, and now that's all she is to you now. Don't force yourself to think you like her. THe last time you did, well lets not go there.
Zero: *Sleeps with a dangerous look on his face*
Kaida: Zero!!! Listen, stop taking everything in and storing it! Ok so he's better, so this is not the first time you've heard that line but it's fine!
Zero: I'm just the guy that someone will step on so they could win. For someone to win, the other has to lose. Think about it, I'm not worth much to anything or anyone.
Kaida: YOu're not yourself, listen to what you're saying! You took off nearly at full accleration, and nearly decided to try to drift at that stop sign! Blind anger isn't going to help!
Zero: You think I asked for this? Are you stupid? Of course I know it's not going to help. Telling me something I already know isn't going to help!
Kaida: DOn't give in! YOu don't have to give up!
Zero: What's the point? It is really all my fault. Sometimes I dont go to school because I'm trying to deal with s**t. And since Im almost never in a good mood, I don't seem inviting or a nice person. Everything there is so well runned I honestly don't need to be there. As for next year, He could pratcily do everything himself. As for Jonie, I don't blame her for liking him. Kaida, I'm not worth it. She's labled now as just the other 3.
Kaida:...Zero..don't give up..
Zero: Someone needs to give me the means to not give up. As far as I'm concerned, Everything is fine until you want to get a girl in ur life past stage 3. ALl I need are my friends and my family.

Edit later this night.
This was the end. My night just got a whole lot worst.

The Vintage Zero: hey
Kusabana Ara: hi
The Vintage Zero: what's up?
Kusabana Ara: mm... relaxing, it's hot
The Vintage Zero: I bet it is out there, *wants a cool breeze about now*
Kusabana Ara: yeah..
Kusabana Ara: 90 something degrees
Kusabana Ara: at like
Kusabana Ara: freaking 11 in the morning. wtf.
The Vintage Zero: desert for the desert rose for u
Kusabana Ara: *arches eyebrow*
The Vintage Zero: I don't consider vallejo as any gepgraphical place I can call it
The Vintage Zero: so I can't think of a witty name for myself in that way
Kusabana Ara: um... okay....
The Vintage Zero: *cracks figers and keeps working on essay*
Kusabana Ara: hm?
The Vintage Zero: Autobiographical narrative
Kusabana Ara: hm, sounds like fun
The Vintage Zero: not really
The Vintage Zero: I dont want to write this
The Vintage Zero: let alone have people read it
Kusabana Ara: why?
The Vintage Zero: It has to be about important instances in yourlife
The Vintage Zero: and why it's important
Kusabana Ara: um... that sdoesn't sound too bad
The Vintage Zero: It's easy, I just don't want to write about it
Kusabana Ara: let me guess, painful memories?
The Vintage Zero: kinda
Kusabana Ara: kinda?
The Vintage Zero: Yes it has painful memories
The Vintage Zero: but thst not why i dont want to right baout it
The Vintage Zero: It has to be about me
The Vintage Zero: and I dont like wirting about me
Kusabana Ara: why not?
The Vintage Zero: There's noting I can really write about me and like
The Vintage Zero: And today my peace was shattered, once again by me - -;
Kusabana Ara: eh?
The Vintage Zero: I don't know
The Vintage Zero: I was trying so ahrd to keep it together
The Vintage Zero: but then, I just suddenly got overpowered by blind anger
Kusabana Ara: *arches eyebrow*
The Vintage Zero: Would you like to read about it or not really?
Kusabana Ara: sure, if you're willing to let me read it
The Vintage Zero wants to directly connect.
Kusabana Ara is now directly connected.
The Vintage Zero: Kaida: Zero...who shoudln't care about that... And you should stop talking with Jas now, Your anger has swelled up so much? What are you even trying to achieve with that? As for mystery girl, it's true. You got over the she's so awesome rush, and now that's all she is to you now. Don't force yourself to think you like her. THe last time you did, well lets not go there.
Zero: *Sleeps with a dangerous look on his face*
Kaida: Zero!!! Listen, stop taking everything in and storing it! Ok so he's better, so this is not the first time you've heard that line but it's fine!
Zero: I'm just the guy that someone will step on so they could win. For someone to win, the other has to lose. Think about it, I'm not worth much to anything or anyone.
Kaida: YOu're not yourself, listen to what you're saying! You took off nearly at full accleration, and nearly decided to try to drift at that stop sign! Blind anger isn't going to help!
Zero: You think I asked for this? Are you stupid? Of course I know it's not going to help. Telling me something I already know isn't going to help!
Kaida: DOn't give in! YOu don't have to give up!
Zero: What's the point? It is really all my fault. Sometimes I dont go to school because I'm trying to deal with s**t. And since Im almost never in a good mood, I don't seem inviting or a nice person. Everything there is so well runned I honestly don't need to be there. As for next year, He could pratcily do everything himself. As for Jonie, I don't blame her for liking him. Kaida, I'm not worth it. She's labled now as just the other 3.
Kaida:...Zero..don't give up..
Zero: Someone needs to give me the means to not give up. As far as I'm concerned, Everything is fine until you want to get a girl in ur life past stage 3. ALl I need are my friends and my family.
Kusabana Ara: *arches eyebrow slowly*
The Vintage Zero: Kaida is my Gaian secretary btw
Kusabana Ara: um... okay...
The Vintage Zero: anways, I'm calmed now, but I was hecca mad earlier
Kusabana Ara: why?
The Vintage Zero: I don't even know, just suddenly, I erupted in pure anger
The Vintage Zero: All while my better half was tring to keep me calm
Kusabana Ara: better half...?
The Vintage Zero: You could call him Kevin if you would, but he's still part of me, and IM still Kevin if you know what I mean
The Vintage Zero: He's the one that really shines out of the halves
Kusabana Ara: I... see...
The Vintage Zero: Due to his help and with Kaida, we pulled out of the last depression
The Vintage Zero: But he can only take so much
Kusabana Ara: ...
Kusabana Ara: we?
The Vintage Zero: hm?
Kusabana Ara: ... who's we?
The Vintage Zero: Kevin and Kaida
Kusabana Ara: ... and whom am I speaking to now?
The Vintage Zero: Kevin, but m better half is far better than me, I simply call him kevin and give this worst half in my worst state of mine no name
The Vintage Zero: In a few days max Kevin should be his usual iodiocly happy self
The Vintage Zero: if not in the morning
Kusabana Ara: ....
Kusabana Ara: um...
Kusabana Ara: okay...
The Vintage Zero: SO don't worry, he's listening to everything you're saying
Kusabana Ara: ...
Kusabana Ara: I'm sorry, but I cannot hold this in anymore.
Kusabana Ara: You know how I feel right about now?
Kusabana Ara: this is STUPID.
Kusabana Ara: I'm sorry, but this split personality thing or whatever is getting on my LAST nerves.
Kusabana Ara: I mean, if you want to say something to me, don't give me that bullcrap Kevin.
Kusabana Ara: Don't say that oh, he's such and such and such. NO.
Kusabana Ara: Grow up dammit!
Kusabana Ara: You're not living in a ******** shell anymore!
Kusabana Ara: I KNOW what we BOTH did wrong and I'm willing to fix it, but if you're going to be stuck in the ******** mud, then STAY there.
The Vintage Zero: good
The Vintage Zero: you came out straight and honest
The Vintage Zero: now I wont do it again
Kusabana Ara: you shouldn't do it in the first place!
The Vintage Zero: I never blame a half on another or so forth
The Vintage Zero: I never spilt my personailty. All I said was a better half and a lesser one
The Vintage Zero: It was an inside joke between the closet crew
Kusabana Ara: that's called splitting your personality Kevin.
The Vintage Zero: I dont belive in what I say
The Vintage Zero: I just felt like crap
The Vintage Zero: So yeah
The Vintage Zero: wont do it near you again.
Kusabana Ara: won't do it near me isn't good enough.
Kusabana Ara: You need to stop it for the sake of OTHERS too.
Kusabana Ara: because I believe, if you result to that to speak out your true feelings or false feelings or whatever feelings you have are WEAK.
Kusabana Ara: it doesn't convince me anymore.
The Vintage Zero: Neither did it convince me
The Vintage Zero: like I said
The Vintage Zero: it was an inside joke between me and my freinds
The Vintage Zero: actualy, it was they who brought the entire split thing up
The Vintage Zero: they named my bad side
The Vintage Zero: because I would fallin and out of good moods a lot
The Vintage Zero: They know I never took that ish seriously
Kusabana Ara: I wonder why they didn't know that you took that seriously....
The Vintage Zero: I didnt
The Vintage Zero: Now that I know what you really have to say (and btw Im sorry it made you mad, if not utterly pissed)
The Vintage Zero: Speak honest with me
Kusabana Ara: Mkay I'll be straight up and honest with you.
Kusabana Ara: I hate what you've become.
Kusabana Ara: I hate the person that I, and YES, I do take most of the blame, made you.
Kusabana Ara: I feel stupid that my immaturity would drive you into a hole and you cannot have the strength to climb out of it.
Kusabana Ara: I did some stupid s**t and I know I'm sorry isn't going to make it ANY better than what it is, but you know, I acknowledge what I did wrong and I'm changing it right now to make myself a better person.
Kusabana Ara: I don't get into stupid fights or arguments anymore.
Kusabana Ara: I don't believe in those childish things anymore.
Kusabana Ara: I live because I want to live my life and I have something worth living for now.
Kusabana Ara: I still care enough about you to worry about you
Kusabana Ara: but you know, if you're going to be a total p***k, disrespecting me
Kusabana Ara: and whatever you're going to do, I'm sorry, but I cannot handle that anymore.
Kusabana Ara: I don't like this person I'm speaking to.
Kusabana Ara: You know, the one who's suspsosidly so "bad" or whatever.
Kusabana Ara: I miss the Kevin that I, Asuka, Jasmine, whoever I am to you in your mind, fell in love with.
Kusabana Ara: Right now, it's gone. The love I had for that Kevin died because HE died.
Kusabana Ara: This person right now, I don't know
Kusabana Ara: This person is a stranger to me, a shadow of the one that I fell in love with.
Kusabana Ara: If you really loved me like you said that you did, you would probably still feel the same way about me and we could PROBABLY reconsile things
Kusabana Ara: however, if you're going to be this way towards me, what's the point of even trying at all?
The Vintage Zero: ok then.
The Vintage Zero: How AM I disrespecting you?
Kusabana Ara: You're disrespecting me by being rude and mean towards me.
The Vintage Zero: mean and rude?
The Vintage Zero: The only time you ever say anthing truthful towards me is when your yelling at me
The Vintage Zero: but I havn't complained once yet
The Vintage Zero: And I'm srry if Im comming off that way
Kusabana Ara: Well maybe because I'm fed up of all this s**t that you're doing!
Kusabana Ara: Look at yourself you blind b*****d!
The Vintage Zero: I do
The Vintage Zero: thats why I dont blame you anymore
The Vintage Zero: Think about it, minus the split ish
The Vintage Zero: who pulled me out of a depression?
The Vintage Zero: I did.
The Vintage Zero: Im changing
The Vintage Zero: I dont need that much help anymore
The Vintage Zero: nor do I depend so heavily on those around me
The Vintage Zero: I have myself to live for at the very least
The Vintage Zero: I owe it to myself to live
The Vintage Zero: and the "stranger" ( see, your the one splitting me XP) you keep reffering me as
The Vintage Zero: the only reason I seem so driffrent is because you havn't seen me changed
The Vintage Zero: I havnt said one thing about you changing
The Vintage Zero: like you just waiting to stick a gun down my throat it seems
Kusabana Ara: I'm not splitting you.
The Vintage Zero: it was a figure of speach
Kusabana Ara: *arches eyebrow*
Kusabana Ara: I'm not splitting you or anybody.
Kusabana Ara: I'm making a difference between the person I know and the person I'm seeing now.
The Vintage Zero: Is that any diffrent from seeing yourself as one better and one worst? not really much, but I dont want to get into that.
The Vintage Zero: THe problem is, we both have changed with out watching each other
The Vintage Zero: thats why we seem so diffrent
The Vintage Zero: I can easily tell you grew up
Kusabana Ara: I haven't changed that much... I think I just fixed my flaws.
The Vintage Zero: just by comming out and saying what you wanted to
Kusabana Ara: haven't I always done that?
The Vintage Zero: no not really, not to me at least
The Vintage Zero: And I dont lie to myself anymore
The Vintage Zero: thats why i seem diffrent
The Vintage Zero: And I try to keep things in a calm enviorment you know
The Vintage Zero: Thats why I was really mad, because like I said, I broke the peace
The Vintage Zero: I mean, I even made up with Khrystan, so me and her are cool again after a clash
Kusabana Ara: and while you're mending things with Khrystan, you can't come up to me and mend things with me?
The Vintage Zero: I dont know, something about "-I-I just dont know anymore. Everything you told me was a lie"
The Vintage Zero: One
The Vintage Zero: I tried explaing that it was just an exageration
The Vintage Zero: and that it really shouldnt have mattered that much to threaten a mending friend ship
The Vintage Zero: because it was during a friendship
The Vintage Zero: and
The Vintage Zero: when I asked you what else there was
The Vintage Zero: you said there were more
The Vintage Zero: but you never told me
The Vintage Zero: you wre too busy
The Vintage Zero: brb groceris
Kusabana Ara: okay
The Vintage Zero: ok IM back
Kusabana Ara: kay
The Vintage Zero: ok
Kusabana Ara: please, do continue
The Vintage Zero: problem is...
The Vintage Zero: I totally forgot my train of though ^^:
Kusabana Ara: ....
Kusabana Ara: I'm sorry, but I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you and... you're.... smiling...?
The Vintage Zero: ok fine..your turn (just trying to lgihten the mood a bit)
Kusabana Ara: Oh.
Kusabana Ara: Since I'm on myspace..
Kusabana Ara: who the ******** is this chick sending me some bullshit of a letter
Kusabana Ara: saying that she read what you wrote on this website
Kusabana Ara: about what I've done and stuff like this?
Kusabana Ara: and if you deny it, oh I got proof.
Kusabana Ara: so, what's up with that? hm?
The Vintage Zero: can I see this? I want to know too
The Vintage Zero: I dont recal talking to a girl about this
Kusabana Ara: oh.. okay
Kusabana Ara: you'll see the letter right now.
The Vintage Zero: ok
Kusabana Ara: Jasmine Hayes If what your ex posted about you is true
Body: Hey JAsmine- If what your ex wrote about you on TheExBook. com is true Then you trully should be ashamed of yourself.

Just so you know I actually took my own time to find you and tell you that I think you have alot of nerve- it is not right to treat someone who loved you, and you said you loved like that-

Good look in the dating world after others read what your ex said about you. Obviously you dont care because you did not rebut the story or mabye you didnt know-Hopefully you will learn and become a better person.

If what your ex wrote is not true then I appologise for this message, at least now you can set the record straight

Kusabana Ara: by the way
Kusabana Ara: let me note
Kusabana Ara: that suspsosidly
Kusabana Ara: this is a 26 year old woman.
The Vintage Zero: whoa whoa
The Vintage Zero: what the hell is the x book
Kusabana Ara: you tell me.
The Vintage Zero: the hell I know!
The Vintage Zero: I think I might know who that was though
The Vintage Zero: I only know one 26 year old woman
The Vintage Zero: and I dont even talk to her
Kusabana Ara: oh okay
Kusabana Ara: so how did she know this then hm?
The Vintage Zero: I did though
The Vintage Zero: post this in the art of life guild on gaia for help
The Vintage Zero: thats why I got back on gaia
Kusabana Ara: oh okay
Kusabana Ara: so
The Vintage Zero: Just for that guild
Kusabana Ara: you tell your problems
Kusabana Ara: to a 26 year old woman
Kusabana Ara: who doesn't know.
Kusabana Ara: me
The Vintage Zero: no I didnt
Kusabana Ara: okay
Kusabana Ara: so how did she get the information?
The Vintage Zero: I told posted it in the guild itself
The Vintage Zero: thats is what the guild is for
The Vintage Zero: its a guild for people to help other people
Kusabana Ara: why did you do something idiotic like that?
Kusabana Ara: I'm sorry
The Vintage Zero: brb
The Vintage Zero: dad is making him help
Kusabana Ara: okay.
The Vintage Zero: ok back
You are no longer directly connected to Kusabana Ara because the connection has been interrupted..
The Vintage Zero: so yes, THe guild is specificly meant to help people with their prblems
The Vintage Zero: I did not expect one of them to hunt u down
Kusabana Ara: and to be honest.
Kusabana Ara: I don't think a 26 year old woman would write like that..
The Vintage Zero: Hey Im taking her word shes 26
Kusabana Ara: ... you're being naive about it too...?
Kusabana Ara: Jesus Kevin! where is your HEAD?!
Kusabana Ara: Because of your stupidity, I lost ALL respect towards you!
Kusabana Ara: Because of you writing down your problems on some stupid site, you make ME look like a ******** idiot.
Kusabana Ara: like I"M the bad person.
The Vintage Zero: Well Jas
The Vintage Zero: IF since you wouldnt know
The Vintage Zero: I also
The Vintage Zero: wrote down
The Vintage Zero: all the s**t thats wrong about me
Kusabana Ara: oh
The Vintage Zero: wait
The Vintage Zero: I wasnt done
The Vintage Zero: dad made me do something
The Vintage Zero: Tell me
The Vintage Zero: what ru angry about? THe fact that I asked for help at a place I knew I'd get help? Or that Some random woman decided to message you?
The Vintage Zero: And also
The Vintage Zero: you also told me to do something about "acting like went out" or something "gioving you your due or something"
The Vintage Zero: What do u think this paper is about?
The Vintage Zero: Of course its going to say stuff we did to each other
The Vintage Zero: but Im not aiming to make you look bad
The Vintage Zero: Im not
The Vintage Zero: If any
The Vintage Zero: Im just a kid who went through a heart brake
The Vintage Zero: Like you
The Vintage Zero: Like you said
The Vintage Zero: the entire thing was a misunderstanding
The Vintage Zero: so thats why
The Vintage Zero: I wrote from my pov
The Vintage Zero: and also
The Vintage Zero: all the things I knew was wrong with me
The Vintage Zero: brb dad is calling me
The Vintage Zero: as for the respect
The Vintage Zero: I lost all respect for you when you tore everything open, and then dont bother to talk to me because ur busy
The Vintage Zero: Im busy as hell too you know
The Vintage Zero: Im still taking the time to talk with you
The Vintage Zero: YOu talk about fixing things
The Vintage Zero: thats why I decdie to talk to you
The Vintage Zero: I also made up my mind on things
The Vintage Zero: And Everything in my momento box must not be the last memory befoer everything went wrong
The Vintage Zero: Khrystan breclet
The Vintage Zero: Jonie's picture
The Vintage Zero: yournecklace
Kusabana Ara: you probably don't want to keep it
Kusabana Ara: and of course I'm going to be ******** a lot busier than you.
Kusabana Ara: I actually have things to look foward too
Kusabana Ara: and things to do
The Vintage Zero: and you think I don't?
The Vintage Zero: YOu think I'm not as busy as you?
The Vintage Zero: How would you know?
The Vintage Zero: tell me
The Vintage Zero: because you know me?
The Vintage Zero: I thought I was a stranger
Kusabana Ara: after this month, I'll be free as a bird
Kusabana Ara: no more AP tests to worry about
The Vintage Zero: Im never going to be free
The Vintage Zero: I have a lot of stuff to do
The Vintage Zero: even durring summer
Kusabana Ara: so am I
Kusabana Ara: but I'm doing something that I'll enjoy doing during the summer
Kusabana Ara: which is volleyball!
The Vintage Zero: And Im going through the Navy boot camp
The Vintage Zero: along with summer school, band pratice ect
The Vintage Zero: IM looking out for a job as well
The Vintage Zero: so dont say you're busier than me
The Vintage Zero: its rude to dregrade somone because you beilve something is true
Kusabana Ara: it's also disrespectful to act like you're putting the blame on someone when it's both parties fault as well.
The Vintage Zero: I said it was both out fault
The Vintage Zero: or did u not listen
The Vintage Zero: she may have taken it as just yourfault
The Vintage Zero: but I said sepficifcly that we both screwed up
The Vintage Zero: I know that
Kusabana Ara: okay.
The Vintage Zero: brb
The Vintage Zero: back
Kusabana Ara: if you
Kusabana Ara: excuse my rudeness
Kusabana Ara: if you didn't POST the damn thing in the first place
Kusabana Ara: she WOULDN'T be breathing down my neck
Kusabana Ara: looking REALLY stupid
Kusabana Ara: because the way she presented herself.
The Vintage Zero: Look
The Vintage Zero: If u wanted me not to get help
The Vintage Zero: then fine
The Vintage Zero: I wanted help
Kusabana Ara: YOU DONT ******** KNOW.
Kusabana Ara: Or have you lost that common sense Kevin?
The Vintage Zero: hey now
The Vintage Zero: WHo jumped the gun on a dating offer on the internet?

I didnt know she would randomly hunt you down ok? But everytime I go to the guild for help, they help me. They have never led me astray for anything. They also point out the things you have
The Vintage Zero: That woman has problems too
The Vintage Zero: YOur forgetting that woman is a person
The Vintage Zero: they do mistakes
Kusabana Ara: TO be honest.
The Vintage Zero: we do mistakes
Kusabana Ara: SHE TYPES A LOT like you.
The Vintage Zero: oh
The Vintage Zero: that's why u are so offended?
The Vintage Zero: I swear thats not me if that's what your implying
Kusabana Ara: It's not that I'm implying that it's you
Kusabana Ara: I'm implying the fact
Kusabana Ara: that it COULD be you.
Kusabana Ara: for all I know you MADE up this profile
Kusabana Ara: JUST so you could make me look like a bad guy.
Kusabana Ara: WHO ******** KNOWS.
Kusabana Ara: Because I. Don't Trust you.
Kusabana Ara: I lost that when I saw this shithole of a letter.
Kusabana Ara: and you know what?
Kusabana Ara: you are right.
Kusabana Ara: I did jump the gun and went out with somebody I met
Kusabana Ara: but you know what?
Kusabana Ara: I'm DAMN happy.
The Vintage Zero: and Im happy I got help from th guild.
Kusabana Ara: and I'm glad you made me look like an idiot.
Kusabana Ara: Thanks.
Kusabana Ara: because I know what you're true feelings about me are.
The Vintage Zero: and what would that be?
Kusabana Ara: You cannot stand me.
Kusabana Ara: and you probably think I'm this heartless b***h who rebounds on people just because they remind her of someone she loved.
Kusabana Ara: yeah, I will admit
Kusabana Ara: I did do that in the beginning of my relationship
Kusabana Ara: but you know what?
Kusabana Ara: I grew up out of that bullshit of a lie.
Kusabana Ara: I don't believe that he's like you anymore.
Kusabana Ara: He made up his own person and I finally saw who HE was, not the person I thought I could spend the rest of my life with.
Kusabana Ara: The one who made up these STUPID lies just so I could feel something.
Kusabana Ara: I don't care if she existed or she didn't.
Kusabana Ara: I could careless now.
Kusabana Ara: As long as you know how I feel RIGHT now, that's all I can care about.
Kusabana Ara: Because right now, what I feel about you, I HATE You.
Kusabana Ara: I mean, earlier, I was like, okay I'll give him a chance, to see what he has to say.
Kusabana Ara: You know, give you the benefit of the doubt
Kusabana Ara: You know, I need to stop being so god forsaken kind hearted.
Kusabana Ara: because I'm sorry Kevin, but what you did, was in my opinion, a LOT lower than what I did.
Kusabana Ara: I never disrespected you in front of my boyfriend.
Kusabana Ara: but when it comes to you and your friends
Kusabana Ara: who DONT EVEN KNOW MY SIDE OF THE ******** STORY
Kusabana Ara: come up to me like I'M the damn criminal
Kusabana Ara: So, tell me, my dearest Mahal.
The Vintage Zero: no
Kusabana Ara: What do you have to say about that?
The Vintage Zero: First off
The Vintage Zero: Yes it was wrong for me to talk about you
The Vintage Zero: Did I want them to go after you?
The Vintage Zero: no
The Vintage Zero: Second
The Vintage Zero: Im also giving you a chance here
The Vintage Zero: Im trying to be as calm as I can
The Vintage Zero: for one
The Vintage Zero: I dont want to lsoe it again
The Vintage Zero: and 2
The Vintage Zero: I'm respecting you as much as possible by not going off like you jsut did
The Vintage Zero: As to your boyfriend
The Vintage Zero: Just as I never asked you to save my face
The Vintage Zero: to any girl I remotly like
The Vintage Zero: YOu always had a good name
The Vintage Zero: I just said times got bad
The Vintage Zero: I never fully explained what happened
The Vintage Zero: because ur right
The Vintage Zero: they dont have your side of the story
The Vintage Zero: though I can say that I get alot of it from what you yell at me
The Vintage Zero: no
Kusabana Ara: That's where you're wrong.
The Vintage Zero: let me finish
Kusabana Ara: Apparently
Kusabana Ara: SHE DOES know the whole story.
The Vintage Zero: Let me finish
Kusabana Ara: No, let me finish with my evidence I have
The Vintage Zero: I gave u that right
The Vintage Zero: Now
The Vintage Zero: I gave her my side of the sory
The Vintage Zero: DO you remember?
The Vintage Zero: I was giving up anything for you just to stay my friend
The Vintage Zero: right?
The Vintage Zero: absoultly anything
The Vintage Zero: I even though about going sucidal
The Vintage Zero: they told me not too
The Vintage Zero: help me through it
The Vintage Zero: even right now
The Vintage Zero: Im sacrificing my english grade to take the time to talk with you
The Vintage Zero: as IM sure you are probally doing the same fo some test or something
The Vintage Zero: Now
Kusabana Ara: Because you're a ******** IDIOT WHO CANT MAKE UP HIS DAMN MIND ABOUT WHAT HE ******** WANTS.
The Vintage Zero: Well
The Vintage Zero: tell me
The Vintage Zero: If all of a sudden
The Vintage Zero: the girl you loved just completley
The Vintage Zero: how should I put this
The Vintage Zero: exploded into a rage that to this day keeps poping up at me.
The Vintage Zero: I told you
The Vintage Zero: YOu influcen the most out of anyone
The Vintage Zero: You kept putting this pressure on me
The Vintage Zero: I couldnt even think because you always were down my neck
The Vintage Zero: even if you wreen't
The Vintage Zero: I becakes so scared of what to do
The Vintage Zero: because I didnt want you to explode again
The Vintage Zero: Yes it hurt when you stabbed me in the back
The Vintage Zero: Im happy that led you to something better
The Vintage Zero: But the reason I came back to talk to you
The Vintage Zero: was to settle this
The Vintage Zero: I dont care how long it takes
The Vintage Zero: we will settle this
The Vintage Zero: I fought with my dad
Kusabana Ara: Oh, we well hm?
The Vintage Zero: to keep talking with you
The Vintage Zero: to try
The Vintage Zero: I fought with him to go out to las vegas to see you
Kusabana Ara: Don't even bother.
The Vintage Zero: No
The Vintage Zero: That's something
The Vintage Zero: you're not taking from me
The Vintage Zero: YOu lost all respect for me right?
The Vintage Zero: Well I lost it all from you as well
The Vintage Zero: I shouldnt be kind hearted either
The Vintage Zero: but that's who I am
The Vintage Zero: I keep ever keep sake that I had of you safe
The Vintage Zero: why?
The Vintage Zero: Because I still had, enough respect to respect you as a person
The Vintage Zero: U can hate me all you want Jas
The Vintage Zero: because honestly
The Vintage Zero: U shot a whole in me that allows me to be that shallow, which is probally why ur so pissed at me because i did the same to you.
Kusabana Ara: oh you did MORE than that sweets.
The Vintage Zero: stop it
Kusabana Ara: a HELLUVA lot more than that.
Kusabana Ara: not only you shot a hole in me
The Vintage Zero: Lets drop this
The Vintage Zero: right now
The Vintage Zero: WE both
The Vintage Zero: ******** each other up
The Vintage Zero: more harder
The Vintage Zero: than what the other can comprehend
The Vintage Zero: You will always think
The Vintage Zero: that I screwed you over mroe
The Vintage Zero: asnd I will always
The Vintage Zero: think the same about you
The Vintage Zero: that wont go anywhere
The Vintage Zero: you know that's true
The Vintage Zero: dont blame
The Vintage Zero: I wont blame you
The Vintage Zero: Now
Kusabana Ara: TOO ******** late don't you think?!
The Vintage Zero: Hey
The Vintage Zero: I tried last time
The Vintage Zero: thats why we had thoes few days of peace bfore the last time I stopped talking with you
The Vintage Zero: we both pulled in that effort
The Vintage Zero: So
The Vintage Zero: what I ask you now
The Vintage Zero: is what do we do next
The Vintage Zero: obviously we're not going to get along to easily
The Vintage Zero: you know that
The Vintage Zero: I do
The Vintage Zero: So what do we do
The Vintage Zero: YOu can say you dont care all you want
The Vintage Zero: but that hate you have towards me
The Vintage Zero: That will ilive you
The Vintage Zero: YOu can say you can handdle that
The Vintage Zero: you've grown to handle it
The Vintage Zero: as I've grown enough to not let it bother me
The Vintage Zero: but
The Vintage Zero: do you really want to live with that?
Kusabana Ara: Kevin seriously.
Kusabana Ara: I'm so pissed and annoyed right now that it's not even funny.
The Vintage Zero: And I was too when I left
Kusabana Ara: Make up your damn mind.
Kusabana Ara: that's ALL I'm going say about that.
Kusabana Ara: Make up your damn mind.
The Vintage Zero: about what?
Kusabana Ara: You can't ******** stand me but you have a ******** necklace of mines
Kusabana Ara: to make you remember things
The Vintage Zero: Wait
The Vintage Zero: I dont recall saying that to you
The Vintage Zero: YOu thought I did
The Vintage Zero: But
The Vintage Zero: I never said that
Kusabana Ara: then why the hell is it still there then huh?
Kusabana Ara: you could have done WHATEVER the hell you wanted with it.
Kusabana Ara: but you keep it
Kusabana Ara: but you can't ******** stand me
The Vintage Zero: Wait
Kusabana Ara: and you still believe that I'm breathing down your neck?
The Vintage Zero: one
The Vintage Zero: I said you were
The Vintage Zero: now please
The Vintage Zero: let me explain this
The Vintage Zero: I keep it
The Vintage Zero: because one
The Vintage Zero: I want something to rember people by
Kusabana Ara: WHY?!
The Vintage Zero: I never throw anything away
Kusabana Ara: OH MY GOD WHY?!
The Vintage Zero: One
The Vintage Zero: It was a gift by someone, at a time meant everything to me
The Vintage Zero: I dont throw things away easily
The Vintage Zero: no matter how mad thigns get
The Vintage Zero: bad*
The Vintage Zero: When I got into constant fights with Khrystan, I kept everything
The Vintage Zero: And also, it's yours for me to return to you
Kusabana Ara: your stuff
Kusabana Ara: is put away.
The Vintage Zero: I'm still planning on giving it back
Kusabana Ara: don't bother.
Kusabana Ara: if it means suspsosidly that much to you, just keep it.
The Vintage Zero: Is that why u keep mine?
The Vintage Zero: or did u toss it?
Kusabana Ara: no.
Kusabana Ara: it's in a jacket I never wear.
The Vintage Zero: I thought so.
Kusabana Ara: your mana?
Kusabana Ara: *manga
Kusabana Ara: put away.
Kusabana Ara: my wristband?
The Vintage Zero: You cant stand it, but you cant just throw it away
Kusabana Ara: took it down.
The Vintage Zero: I dont care if did, you still have it
The Vintage Zero: no matter how much i pissed you off, you still have it
The Vintage Zero: that means alot
Kusabana Ara: I'm temped to throw it away.
The Vintage Zero: If you, then I could get another one eventuly. But it'll also show how much you're willing to give up
The Vintage Zero: brb
The Vintage Zero: So either way Jas, I'm going to get this necklace back to you to give one last message
Kusabana Ara: I said don't bother.
The Vintage Zero: If it would be the last one
The Vintage Zero: And I dont care, I made up my mind on that
Kusabana Ara: Try if you really want to.
Kusabana Ara: I'll ignore you if I have to.
Kusabana Ara: You know what?
Kusabana Ara: You want to end it right?
Kusabana Ara: End both of the problems?
Kusabana Ara: let's get a few things straight then.
Kusabana Ara: We can't stand each other
Kusabana Ara: Lost respect for one another
Kusabana Ara: and we obviously can't keep good terms with one another
Kusabana Ara: so let's just end it right now.
The Vintage Zero: so, all the pain we cause for nothing?
The Vintage Zero: YOu dont care?
The Vintage Zero: not really
The Vintage Zero: you're just the heartless b***h that people have called you when I said youw eren't
The Vintage Zero: I'm the childish b*****d you think I am
The Vintage Zero: That's it?
The Vintage Zero: And you wouldn't care that I post this on gaia to see wthat everyne has posted their sides
The Vintage Zero: because you dont care right?
The Vintage Zero: I know you do
The Vintage Zero: I know why you're giving up
The Vintage Zero: Im not telling you not to
The Vintage Zero: I'm just asking
The Vintage Zero: are you sure, this is how we want to exit from each other's life for good?
Kusabana Ara: OKAY?!
The Vintage Zero: I dont care about that
Kusabana Ara: I'm NOT giving up.
Kusabana Ara: I'm TIRED of arguing over STUPID s**t with you!
Kusabana Ara: It's not worth my time NOR energy anymore!
Kusabana Ara: What has happened, HAPPENED.
Kusabana Ara: LET IT ******** GO.
Kusabana Ara: I ******** up.
Kusabana Ara: You ******** up.
Kusabana Ara: WE BOTH ******** UP.
Kusabana Ara: LET IT GO KEVIN.
The Vintage Zero: I did
The Vintage Zero: thats why
The Vintage Zero: I dont see how we really couldnt try to start aknew as friends anymore
The Vintage Zero: but hey
The Vintage Zero: if you insist
Kusabana Ara: If I insist?!
The Vintage Zero: ITs not
Kusabana Ara: I'M SO SICK AND TIRED OF THAT ******** PHRASE.
Kusabana Ara: UGH!
Kusabana Ara: I'm just... soo... UGH.
Kusabana Ara: Look Kevin.
Kusabana Ara: I DONT influence your life anymore.
The Vintage Zero: I never said you did
Kusabana Ara: YES YOU DID.
The Vintage Zero: You look now
The Vintage Zero: yes you have
The Vintage Zero: you dont anymore
The Vintage Zero: everything about the past shouldnt matter like yousaid whats done is done
The Vintage Zero: So, start anew as friends or jsut peopel that know each other, or just go
Kusabana Ara: why the ********
Kusabana Ara: should I believe a damn word you say
Kusabana Ara: give me one good reason.
The Vintage Zero: Can't give you one, just lIke you couldnt give me one
The Vintage Zero: and what is ther to belive jas?
The Vintage Zero: Im asking you a simple question
The Vintage Zero: I honestly have no intrest in you because you're in the do not touch list
Kusabana Ara: it's NOT a simple question anymore Kevin.
The Vintage Zero: yes it is
Kusabana Ara: NO it ******** ISN'T.
The Vintage Zero: Why not
Kusabana Ara: You honestly believe
Kusabana Ara: it's QUITE alirght
Kusabana Ara: *alright
Kusabana Ara: to just waltz back into my life
Kusabana Ara: as if NOTHING happened when it did.
Kusabana Ara: I don't believe a WORD you say anymore
Kusabana Ara: because you've lied to me MORE than once
Kusabana Ara: or kept secrets from me
Kusabana Ara: or WHATEVER.
Kusabana Ara: and you expect me to believe you?
Kusabana Ara: NO.
Kusabana Ara: I'm NOT naive anymore.
The Vintage Zero: neither am I, so Im asking you

Do you want me to just go?
Kusabana Ara: What are you going to do?
Kusabana Ara: because you know
Kusabana Ara: we can't settle this
Kusabana Ara: so why are we talking, just choking each other with guns?
Kusabana Ara: why don't we just KEEP It that way.
Kusabana Ara: because apparently, we're better off.
The Vintage Zero: If you really belive so then ok
Kusabana Ara: I mean dammit Kevin!
Kusabana Ara: it makes NO damn sense
Kusabana Ara: that 10 months later
Kusabana Ara: we're still at each other's throat for STUPID bullshit.
Kusabana Ara: you know what?
Kusabana Ara: I don't care what other people think about me.
Kusabana Ara: talk all the smack you want.
Kusabana Ara: you know what?
Kusabana Ara: tell the WHOLE ******** world if you wanted too!
Kusabana Ara: you can tell them that I'm a b***h
Kusabana Ara: and that I'm heartless
Kusabana Ara: because you know what?
Kusabana Ara: i'm only like that towards YOU.
The Vintage Zero: same with me
The Vintage Zero: ask everyone
The Vintage Zero: I only act like this
The Vintage Zero: towards you.
The Vintage Zero: so then it's settled
The Vintage Zero: If you ever decide to change your mind or just want to talk
The Vintage Zero: you know where to find me
Kusabana Ara: Don't bother coming to see me Lyndon.
Kusabana Ara: I don't want anything to do with you anymore.
Kusabana Ara: My memories are fine.
The Vintage Zero: alright then...
The Vintage Zero: Like I said
The Vintage Zero: one way or another
The Vintage Zero: the necklace will find you
The Vintage Zero: I never said I would
The Vintage Zero: later

I'm listening to chain letter for now on

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Tue May 15, 2007 @ 04:39am

(*glomp... with a cherry on top*)

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