“Oi, dobe! Get out of the bathroom.” His lean, pale body rested against the walls, fading wallpaper scratching against his back. Sasuke muttered darkly underneath his breath, eyes closed to the world as he imagined painful things he could do to the idiot. Sadistic thoughts gurgled cheerfully in his mind, but the once avenger paid it no heed, for his heart was not in it.
“I'm coming, already, I'm coming! You impatient b*****d.” The door next to him slammed open, hitting the wall with a squeak of the protesting hinges. Bright blue eyes struck his vision, tousled hair long and carelessly falling past the ivory shell of Naruto's ears. He tried not to stare so much, because the images brought to surface a headier thing that rippled beneath his skin, flashes of heat on his tongue as it curled in distant memory, hands recalling the shifts of sun silk in his grasp. “You look like s**t. I hope you didn't vomit into the toilet again.”
Irritation flitted across the fair haired shinobi's face, crinkling his brow and tilting his talkative mouth. He stuck a hand on his hip, indignant, and made a face at his partner, childish to the last. “You dared to me chug those!”
“Only a five year old retard would actually do it. A shinobi at the age of twenty should know better!” His opaque eyes were the night sky, constantly turning, writhing, impermeable. Nothing ever flickered to life in that baron gaze, but for one delicate dream. An avenger's life had been taxing to the end, like a red cloth around his eyes that tinted all things he saw with blood and pain. The past came to him like slow, oozing poison at times, settling into his blood like a shadow of the living, and at other times it came like a tempest storm, about to rip about his fragile new life. About to devour the small, shivering light he had found.
The years had treated both of them harshly, but they said not a word of it. Sasuke said little of what he meant, and Naruto said meant little of what he said. Harmony drifted between them like a broken glass, brittle and careful. Their three room apartment (a small bedroom, a den, and a kitchenette) was cramped and old and disgustingly draining on their finances, but he didn't want to live in a lifeless compound that even Naruto's smile could not cheer. And Naruto...he was at home where ever he went. Home was warm and alive and perfect.
Home was by Sasuke's side.
“I resent that! How mature can you be, oh high and mighty, if you ...”
Sometimes, heaven dwelled in the simpler pieces of life.
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u n n e c e s s a r y
Completely and utterly meaningless rambling about my life~
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come, let us war at the edge of broken hearts
- - - - they are bablyon's forgotten darts. ♚

questing all things green, ivory, gold. lord help me.
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User Comments: [1] [add]
Community Member
OMG this is written so beautifullyyyyyy~
And I love how you fit all the words in rofl