Strike 1, Strike 2, Foul Ball, HOME RUN!!!!
whee whee whee I am Uber excited right now! Yayayayayay! Today,...wait I am getting ahead of myself. Ok. I work at a Hollywood video, so I meet LOTS of people. Well, there is this one guy that I find attractive, both physically and psychologically mind you. We usually chat for 30 min. or so at a time. Well, today he came up to me, and we talked, and enjoyed each others company, and..."How often do you go to the movies?" <-Yay guy! "Whenever my parents bring me to the movies, I never spend money on myself always on other people. sweatdrop How often do you go to the movies?" <-me. "Not very often, but when I do, I end up going alone." <-Yay guy! "Aww. That's not right, you should have company when you go to the movies!." <-me. "Well, next time a good movie comes out at the theater, would you like to go with me?" <-Yay guy! "I would be delighted!" <-me!!! I am STOKED about that! I have never been properly asked out on a 'date' before! And it has never been from a person above the "trash" station. I feel like I'm not hard to look at for a change. (Even though I know I'm not with how many times a day I get hit on... sad ) If I could dance online, I totally would!!! Yay me! xd