so since im bored the following is a story written im my year book from 2005-2006 by masked-phantom:
Once upon a time there was a dot
and he lived on a piece of paper. The dot had little green, no little red antennas like so
. So one day the little dotdude met a wizard named Shmo . Shmo always is referred to in blue because Shmo was the wizard of the blue kingdom,Saphirnium. when the little dot
met Shmo,he was amazed. Shmo was tall, powerful and he was entirely clad in blue. infact, his hair and eyes were blue too. he even painted his nails blue (but he wasn't a gay man!!!) So the blue wizard Shmo,being a nice guy thaught the little dot
a magic spell. OOoohh...Shmo waved his hands in the air. he wispered some sylables:"ajkloginum enthkopsa jijpenso kunsieh..."the dot did the same, but he waved his antennas because he had no hands. Blue butterflies began to flutter around them, their wings shimmering in the light. Shmo clapped his hand together and the butterflies got into attack formation and flew after a snake that was sleeping under a bush. Poor little snake. Shmo clapped his hands again and the butterflies dissappeared. now the dot
was very excited. can you see his excitement?
So now the dot could control an army of butterflies! So, he went on his way leavingShmo the blue wizard of Saphirnium. The dot
decided to journey to Banana-Ville. Contary to beliefs, Banana-Ville is known for its cucumbers, not its bananas. In fact, bananas cant even grow in Banana-Ville; only cucumbers. The dot
decided to see these cucumbers. He took his troop of butterflies and went to Banana-ville. There he met the elf Chandra Siofra deBob. or was it kaBob??? I do believe it was Chandra Siofra kaBob suffered from butterfly-ophobia. she screamed when she saw them and threw dirt and twigs at the insects. As defense, the butterflies began singing " ay ay ay Im your little butterfly! Green, Black, and Blue Making colors in the sky!" Chandra Siofra kaBob began to cry. "NOOoo!" The dot
laughed and clapped his antennas twice, causing the butterflies to disappear. In return for his Merciful act Chandra Siofra kaBob taught the dot another spell. Fireball Jutsu!!! OMG!!! so the dot
became a butterfly ninja thing!!! he learned his awesome ninja skills from Chandra Siofra kaBob's friends and became almighty (even though he had no hands)
But, the dot started to become greedy. He wanted more power! Bad dot, naughty, naughty, naughty...
The dot traveled to a cucumber farm in Banana-Ville and he took many mystical cucumbers. He then fled to ?town. In ?town, he ran into the WizardShmo again. The wizard Shmo was quiet upset with the dot. For there is no crime worse than stealing many mystical cucumbers. so Shmo refused to teach the dot
any more magic. The dot was angry with Shmo , so he went to the ?town witch. He was very surprised to find that the ?town witch was a HUGE worty frog with a wizard hat. Huh...ok...
So the dot learned the dark arts for the ?town frogwitch. Unfortunately, at first all the dot learned was how to paint with black ink and draw with black crayons. So much for the Darks Arts!!! WTF! oh wait WTP!!! (as in what the plegm) But, then, the dot learned real dark arts, and he was filled with EVILNESS. then, the dot ran to Saphirnium to challenge Shmo to a wizard dual! Muahahahaha! but the dot
did not know Shmo's secret!!!well thats all she wrote at least until i get my other year book back from her eventually til then
stare ~Hikaru~
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