Most of you probably heard I got a physical yesterday. Yep.
I got a finger p***k and two shots.
My arms feel dead.
Or when I try to move them it feels like someone punched me.
Being the weirdo that I am, I took pictures.
[sorry for the bad mood this morning, I'll explain later]
The finger p***k.
On my middle finger, if you can't see it.
Tetanus shot.
lol I got Garfield band-aids.
Hepatitis shot.
[lol@mai dresser in the background]
Oh and new pajamas I forgot to mention that I got on my vacation.
Ok well.
Bad mood explanation.
I hate wonderful dreams that seem real.
I had a dream that this guy I "went out" with asked me out again. It was all so real, the school and everything.
Though now that I think about it, it was weird that we were at the middle school, not the high school...
It's not fair.
And now I'm just pissed.
I must've been in a deep sleep too because my dad had to call me 3 times to wake up, when usually it's once.
And when I did wake up, I jumped like I got scared or something.