School is almost over. This is a good thing but it will also be very sad. The end of the school year brings summer, but it also forces friends to leave. I hope that perhaps I will be able to see my friends over the summer and then meet some new ones perhaps.
It may seem strange, but I really don't want to have this school yeat be over just yet. It seems that it went by so fast and soon I will be a sophmore. I feel as if I have so much more to learn. Even as I write I can't even imagine going to school next year with a whole new brand of freshmen and the seniors gone.
No matter, I cannot stop time, so I will not even try, I'm just going to go with it now and take in every memory I can.
If any of my friends end up reading this. Well, let's just say I'm not an emo,(Jose is though) I just want to get it all out in words. xD Well That is all. Good bye!
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