doesen't it look nice?
well the story is more the story for an RP, tell me what you think of it?
well this story is set in space! for thousends of years there have been peace and the earth empire owns this milkyway razz an small out post that is barly used manges too escape an Suprise atack at the human empire. we are the only ones left and well. the main story will be uss sneaking and hiding and eventualy retreving the galaxy smile
more story's? here you go:
this one is set in the late 20's. a few homeles kids wich are all homeless (lol dramallama ) are trying too get an living. at an certain point the write them in for an camp in the north.. it will give them food, homes, and money. but it was yust an large fest for reacharchers too get new studyobjects! well the are terbly tortured and some of the NPC's will die! the kids who survive are mutated our alterd in terible ways. the use there new aquired powers too escape and try too find the person who created there suffering... while needing too eveda police and stuff the finaly find him and well... do something with him... that's something the people wo RP need too make out xD
it was the 15th..... that means the Gaia Courier must be out.. strangly enoug i diden't get the link from the boss... did it never reach the GCD?