Sixteen-year-old Akari Mizunashi is a trainee Undine with the tiny Aria gondola company. She was born and grew up in Japan on the far more advanced Man Home (formerly known as Earth), and moved to Aqua to pursue her dream of becoming a Neo-Venezia gondolier - a full-fledged Undine.
Akari has only been on Aqua for one Aqua year, and many things are still new to her. She is still getting used to Aqua's long, cold winters, which are twice the length of winters in Japan. Although everything was far more convenient on Man Home, Akari eagerly embraces the technologically "backwards" culture of Aqua, and every new discovery she makes about her new home fills her with a childlike wonder. Her pure joy for life tends to be infectious - it seems that when Akari's around, one cannot stay in a bad mood for long.
Akari's best friend on Aqua is Aika, who works for the Hime-ya gondola company. Akari lives at Aria company headquarters with Alicia, the prima Undine responsible for her training. The ARIA company has only 2 employees (not counting Aria-shachou), but its loyal clientele keeps it afloat.
Akari means "light."
Aika S. Granzchesta
Aika was Akari's first friend on Aqua. She is a trainee Undine with Hime-ya, the oldest gondola company on Aqua. She is also the daughter of Hime-ya's owners, so she will someday take over Hime-ya.
Aika is usually quite practical, except when it comes to Alicia (whom she worships) and can be wildly competitive and quick to designate others has her rivals. As she is the heir to Hime-ya, people are usually nice to her, so she's a little spoiled from getting her own way most of the time - and when she doesn't, she's quick to take offence. But she has a good heart, and is genuinely proud of Aqua and pleased that Akari likes it so much. Because Aika grew up on Aqua she isn't as curious as Akari to learn new things, and is sometimes impatient with Akari's wide-eyed awe at every new discovery. Still, she's not totally immune to the wonders of Aqua, and likes to accompany Akari on her adventures and share bits of Aqua's history.
Aika works for Hime-ya because she has to, but prefers hanging out and practicing her gondola rowing with Akari and Alicia, much to the annoyance of her instructor Akira. She is often accompanied by Hime-Shachou, Hime-ya's cat mascot.
Alicia Florence
Alicia is Aria Company's prima undine and is one of the three most respected undines (known as "The Water Fairies" wink in Neo-Venezia. She lives at Aria company headquarters with Akari.
Alicia is very popular in Neo-Venezia and has many admirers, but it doesn't appear to have gone to her head. Although she is Akari's senior, Alicia is more like a kind big sister to her and Aika. As trainee undines must always be accompanied by an instructor when carrying passengers, Alicia fills that role for Akari. She knows Aqua very well, and often takes Akari to see new places on their days off. Alicia is also a fount of knowledge, and never misses an opportunity to tell Akari about Aqua's history and legends.
Alicia enjoys drinking, and apparently can put away quite a bit without ill effect.
The name Alicia means "Of noble birth."
Akira is a prima undine with Hime-ya and is Aika's instructor. Akira and Alicia are childhood friends and along with Orange Planet's Athena, they are the "Three Water Fairies" of Aqua.
Although Aika is the daughter of Hime-ya's owners, Akira won't cut her any slack or show her any special treatment. Akira appears to be abrasive and quick-tempered, but she cares very much for Aika and wants her to be worthy of taking over Hime-ya.
Akira has a soft spot for walnut pastries, which Aika uses by way of apology.
Athena is a prima undine with Orange Planet, and is Alice's instructor. She is one of the "Three Water Fairies" of Aqua, along with Akira and Alicia. The three of them were undine trainees at the same time.
Athena is Alice's instructor, and they room together at Orange Planet. Outwardly they do not seem very close, but Alice respects Athena a lot and Athena does her best to look after Alice. Because they are both aloof and do not speak much to each other, misunderstandings sometimes arise, but because they're both basically fond of each other, things are quickly smoothed over.
Athena has a lovely voice and often sings quietly as she goes about her day. Other than that, however, she doesn't talk very much and tends to space out.
Akatsuki is a trainee "salamander", one of those responsible for maintaining Aqua's weather. He usually lives on the floating island in Aqua's atmosphere where the weather controls are, but often comes down to the ground to see his chronically irresponsible brother. Akatsuki was born in Neo-Venezia, but as he spends most of his time on the floating island he doesn't really know very much about the city.
Akatsuki tends to be cynical and has an even shorter fuse than Aika. But although he's grumpy and ill-tempered most of the time, he's really a nice guy who rather likes Akari (though you'll never see him admit it). He likes to pull on Akari's pigtails (it's also his favorite nickname for her).
When Akari first became a trainee Undine, Akatsuki was her first customer, and he'll still occasionally talk her into giving him free river tours.
Akatsuki means "daybreak."
Aria-shachou (roughly translated as President Aria) is a blue-eyed cat and the Aria company mascot.
Although Aria-shachou is plump, he's quite active and loves to climb onto people's heads and shoulders. He also likes being swung around in a bag. It's not clear if Aria-shachou is a regular cat, as he seems to have opposable thumbs and can pick up small items with his paws. He is much bigger than an ordinary cat and has two odd protuberances on his forehead, just below his ears. He adores Hime-shachou, the mascot of Hime-ya, who is always with Aika. He doesn't like baths or hairdryers, though he likes to watch Akari blow-drying her hair.
In the short time that Akari has been on Aqua, Aria-shachou has become very attached to her and is almost always with her. Or is it because he's figured out that Hime-shachou is always with Aika...?
Aria-shachou is very curious about everything and often gets into pinches. Nevertheless, like any cat, he always lands on his feet.
Hime-shachou, or President Hime, is a black cat with blue eyes and the Hime-ya company mascot. She is not as energetic as Aria-shachou and doesn't get into scrapes like he does, preferring to sit and look down upon everything - just like a cat.
Not much is known about Hime-shachou, other than she is constantly in the company of Aika. Her only weakness is orange crates, which she loves to climb into.
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