...well, I guess I was wrong, seeing as one day he suddenly appeared at my window and all.....
It was May, and I was taking a break from studying from my Exams. I was reading InuYasha on my Mushroom Chair under my window when I felt like someone was staring at me through it. I kinda have a sixth sense for these things. So I turn around and see the same person looking at me as the one in the book on my lap. InuYasha? I mouthed. I quick opened the window. InuYasha and Kagome came in. "See InuYasha, there's on Demon here. And....how on earth did we end up here? I thought going through the well took us to MY house." InuYasha didn't even seem to listen. He started sniffing all around, then stopped at me. "If you smell a demon, you're right." I said. He looked at me. "YOU'RE the Demon?" he asked. "Half-Demon," I said. "Like you. ^-^" He stared at me. "How do YOU know me?" he asked. "oh, I know a lot about you," I told him. Then I explained EVERYTHING to him and Kagome. About how they were a manga and anime, how a lot of people knew about them, and how no one knew the end of the story, because it wasn't all translated yet. "So, I really have to know...did you defeat Naraku?" I asked. "...No..." Kagome said.
((Just so everyone knows, this is at a random time in the story. I probably won't incluse many things from the book or anime..well maybe a few ^-^...but since I haven't finished any InuYasha story yet, I'm just making up a few of my own))
InuYasha started looking through his manga story. "Wow, all of this stuff really did happen..."his face suddenly turned red. "What?" I asked. Then I saw that he was looking at Kikyo in the book. "Ohhhhh...so you still love her, do you?....*Ahem*...uh..what about Kagome?" Kagome looked at me. "He still loves Kikyo, but..." she trailed off. "DO you still love him?" I whispered. Kagome just shook her head. "Um...HOw'd you get here anyways?" I asked. "Through the well." InuYasha said. "But I thought that well led to Kagome's home. And besides, we don't have that well here," I informed him. "We don't know how, but the same well leads to YOUR house too. And the well is in the woods." InuYasha looked at me. "OH! Really? Can I go see it?" The woods behind my house took up a lot of space, but were very pretty in the Fall. "Sure we'll show you." Kagome said. "Thanks. You know, you're just as nice as I thought you'd be.^-^" I said. Kagome smiled. InuYasha was still staring at me. It was getting me nervous. I'm a total fangirl for him, and it felt weird to have him sitting in my room. "Is something wrong?" I looked down at my clothes. I was wearing my favorite checkered pajama bottoms, and a white top. And I was fooling around with my favorite hat. It looks kind of...funky, I suppose. My parents are kind of....eccentric, so I guess I am too, a little. ^-^ And of course I had my special pendant.
"You don't look like a demon, or even a half-demon. You look totally human." I smiled, then flung out my wings. They both gasped. "NOW do I look like a half-demon?" I asked, giggling. They nodded. I explained about my powers. "...But I really need someone to teach me to fight." I said. Kagome looked at InuYasha, who gave her an odd look then suddenly started shaking his head. "Oh PLEASE InuYasha?" Kagome begged. "....*huff* oh all right." "YES!" Kagome cried. "Jess, InuYasha will teach you!" "AWESOME!!!! THANKS INUYASHA!" I yelled.
"...Now, lets go down stairs and let me introduce you to my parents." I said, leading them out of my room.
Here's a overview of what I look like.

Thats all for now! I'll post more soon!
((As of July 18: Sorry I keep adjusting this page. *^-^)