Ultimate Blue
The history of mankind has
Been one of wars. Race.
Religion. Philosophy.
The causes are untold.
The combatants have their own
Justifications, but on occasion,
some create a volatile
situation that threatens to
destroy the world
An organization shrouded in
Complete secrecy. Also known
As “The other United Nations.”
Nobody knows when it was
Created. Nobody knows
Where it is based.
The Blue of the Seas.
The Blue of the Skies.
The Blue of the Earth.
The last line of defense against chaos.
The history of mankind has
Been one of wars. Race.
Religion. Philosophy.
The causes are untold.
The combatants have their own
Justifications, but on occasion,
some create a volatile
situation that threatens to
destroy the world
An organization shrouded in
Complete secrecy. Also known
As “The other United Nations.”
Nobody knows when it was
Created. Nobody knows
Where it is based.
The Blue of the Seas.
The Blue of the Skies.
The Blue of the Earth.
The last line of defense against chaos.