so i was at the grocery store a couple weeks ago ok. and i had to go get some cake mix in the baking department. mrgreen While looking at the different varieties of cake mix a strange noise comes tickling into my sensitive ears.. question and it only took me a second to recognize the noise as chicken clucking. neutral so i look up from a box of german chocolate fudge cake mix to see only a woman (she didn't look much older that mm..... 28- 30?) studying her very own box of magical mix. stare so, i look back down at the box, [and i swear] as soon as my eyes meet box, the clucking continues! eek so i look up again. eek and sure enough it was the woman?!
blaugh i was amazed! i mean.. she looked like your average, soccer mom. but there she stood clucking away, domokun like an angery farm hen. i almost went over to her and asked, "uhm.. are you clucking at me?" but i didn't want to disturb her. she looked like she was having such a ball, i decided to leave her to her chickeny madness. wink but as i left to go buy my goods i let out a little turkey gobble xp . and then left quickly.
heehee. i am trully going to miss her. rolleyes heart heart
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"You know,the old thing about the insane person who never knows they're insane? It could just be an imperceptible shifting of accepted realities." - Nny

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Hey! You had a quote of Nny on there! I loves Nny... xp I doouu... don't deny that you don't!!!