Blade: Hi, and welcome to Insane Head Chat with Blademaster Blood. I'm your host, Blademaster Blood, but you can just call me Blade. So, today we are joined by my brain, Brian, my eyes, and his estranged nephew, my mouth. Brian, how are you?
Brian the Brain: Not bad, Blade old chap, but I do believe that you've going insane old sport...
Eyes: Oh shut up, if he's losing his mind, it's because you're slackin...
Brian: Silence Reginald, you don't even know what we're talking about...
Blade: *off to the side* My brain named my eyes Reginald...
Brian: I know what you're thinking, Blade, old sport...
Blade: Right, right, anyway... So, to start of, what to you see, ey... I mean... Reginald?
Reginald: Well, I do believe I see disater in the future if we get another President Bush... *studio laughter*
Brian: Bloody Hell, old sport, I don't believe that it's your job to think about the future.
Blade: Ugh... egomaniacal organs, just what I need...*notices Brian and Reginald Glaring* Um... moving on, Please welcome, MY BIG MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mouth: I think he means his smart mouth....
Brian: No, smart is me, blind is Reginald, and you, Ronald, old sport, are big...
Blade: *to side* My god, my brain is nameing all of my body parts, I wonder what he calls... Sorry, what?
Mouth: Why, In all of my years, I've never met such a disrespectable brain... I'll have you know, that if it wasn't for me, you would starve...
Brian: No quite, the doctors could always give us and IV drip, old sport...
Brian: Oh, but old sport, it will only hurt for a minute, and then, all the nourishment you could take...
Ronald: Don't I get a say in this?
Brain: NO!
Reginald: Oh dear, it appears that we are out of time, Blade
Blade: Crap, and I wanted to talk about serious stuff... oh well, join us next time, where we will try to talk about something more... productive. This is Blademaster Blood, saying, control the kid population, have your spouse spade or neutered...
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Thoughts of an Antidisestablishmentarianist
What I think is what I think. I can't make you think anything different from your thoughts, and you can't make me think any diffrent.
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You can't decide for one, so you get two vampire guys. Enjoy them fighting over you.
"Let this abomonation to the Lord Commence"
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