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my name is lazer.and my life is not easy. when you think you got a firm hold on it. it turns around and kicks your butt! I remimber one time when me and my friend axel was going to the store. and when we got there. the place was being robbed. the casher was getting beaten with the hilt of a gun. I was frozen stiff. axel was on guard and ready to fight the robber. but stopped cold when he saw the gun. the robber yelled for me and axel to get on the floor. axel got on the floor mumbling. but I was in shocke and didn't move. the robber pointed the gun at me yelling to get down. dut I stood wide eyed. then he got mad and walked to me pointing the gun at me yelling. when the gun was inches away from my face. something clicked. i don't know what ity was. maybe fear or something.but in an instant I moved beside of the gun so he can't shoot me. then I punched him right between the legs. he bent down above me. and with all my might I jumped with my fist going up. making the perfect dragon punch with threw him on his back on conciouse. I didn't know what i did until a few minutes later when axel told me iwhat I did. and the casher was happy that the robber didn't get away. and I was all shocked up. and we got some free stuff to. and you know when free stuff comes. get as much as you can. so we (I hate to say it but) pigged out. we went shopping that day. but the casher didn't mind. and this was one of the lesser problems I have. so see you later. when I come back i'll tell you what happened when we was at the park. now that's something. see ya..............and i still can't get this car .......might as well go fishin?

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Community Member

Sat Sep 29, 2007 @ 08:23pm

well.hello again. this is LAZER3. im just making a pizza with extra sauce. and while the pizza's getting cooked. i'll just tell you what happened to me on a trip.but this is the time when i was sking on the mountains against someone i never thought i'll be against. but the story has two parts. and the othere part will be told later by my father. but lets get to the story.
i was at the mountain caben when i saw this gorgeouse girl who was the best snow boarder on the mountain. but to tell the truth. i was better then her. but i just let her have all the fame cause. i like to stay in the back ground. but any way. i heard blaze talk about how good this girl was to roxxan. and they kept talking and talking. and i started to get a headache. so i just went and got my board and headed out. the snow was great. until someone threw snowballs at me and before i knew it. i crashed into a tree. and it really. really.....reaallyyy. ......HURT.JEEZ MAN. THAT HURT.. AND TO PUT SALT ON THE WOUND. THOSE JERKS LAUGHED AT ME. I WANTED TO RUN THEM OVER WITH ANYTHING THAT'LL HURT REALLY BAD AND SLOWLY. as i got up. i heard someone called out. are you alright. i turned around and there she was. i could never forget that golden hair she had. it was the girl i saw before.and i said the coolest thing i could think of. due...um...yeah. and she just laughed and said. ha ha ha thats good. but be carefull. you could get seriouselly hurt out here. and she went down the slop with her two friends talking. and they said.did you see how he slamed into that tree man he should be in the bunny slop. ha ha ha. as i was brushing off the snow. i was thinking. (you ediot. you could've easily dogheb that tree. but nnoooo. you slamed right into the tree like a newbe. now she saw you ran right smack into the tree. boy what a first impression you made huh. ediot) i just sighed and went down the slope. as i was sledding . i felt really bad on what her friends said. that i belong to the bunny slope. then wham. i felt something really hard and cold hit me. i whipped out in the snow. and when i got up. i notice that some people was getting snowballs ready. and looking at me. right then and there i knew that if i just stard. you could just call me frosty the snowman. cause 8 teens was ready to hit me with snowballs. they was smiling and getting there ammunition ready. i looked around for cover. but i was in a clearing. it was like i was a sitting goose. and 8 hunters had unlimited gunfire. all looking to make chicken sandwitches. i put my head down and waited for the killing to start. and as i lay there. i remimbered what those girls said. (he needs to go to the bunny slope. ) that echoed in my mind which seemed like forever. and i just said out loud. KISS OFF. when i said that. they was shocked. and that was my chance.i got back on my board and just raced out of there. but they was throwing snowballs like crazy. and it was like i could'nt even see to much cause of all the snowballs going every where. and as i was racing while being chased by these jerks. i saw something that will get me out of this.
while they was throwing at lazer3. they was having to good of a time to notice where i went. but they suddenly stopped throwing snowbllas at me. but it was to late. we was near the security guards at. and these guys just love to get there hands on people that throw snowballs at othere people. but when i stopped at the guard.there was only one there. and the four guys that was throwing at me just said smiling. you can't do nothing. cause theres four of us and one of you. and he was right. it was only me and a guard. my plan backfired. and they was ready to hit us when one of the four got hit on the head with a snowball. he turned around and said. who threw th...he stopped in mid sentance. and i saw why. theguards friends came. and there was three on the left five on there left. and seven behind. totalling in 15 guards surrounding four people. i just said in my mind right before the slotter. i love it when a plan comes together,there was snowballs flying everywhere. when the bullys throw one. four come at them. the guards was just killing them. and when it was over. the bullies had so much snow around them that it seamed that they was on a snow hill. i had a big smile on me as i left the guards to do there jod. then my celluler phone rang. it was my father. saying to get to the forbiden mountain cabin as soon as possible. i wondered why would he want me there for.
part 2
lazer3 skied toward his lodge. and when he got near his lodge. he saw one of his friends. named Fo fo. she smiled and said hello. and when she smiled. i forgot all about what i was doing. and wham. right into a snowman. whitch made a hole in the snowmans head. lazer3 tried to fake it like he knew what he was doing by saying. "yeah. umm he needed a face lift or something." Fo fo laughed saying. yep. he sure did. and and just smiled. lazer3 could'nt help but smile back. knowing she didn't buy that line at all. fo fo got on her snowboard and skied to lazer3 and asked. hey lazer3. whats up. lazer3 just said that he had to go to his lodge right now. and since Fo fo didn't have anything to do. she skied with lazer3 to the lodge. and when lazer3 got to the lodge. he went to th ephone and called his father.and while lazer3 was talking on the phone. Fo fo walked to lazer3's paintings. and then lazer3 walked up to Fo fo and said that he had to go to the old cabin on the moutain. and Fo fo looked at lazer3 like he was crazy. and said. "why on earth do you want to go there for. like its totally abanden. and people been dissapering up there too. so why go there." lazer3 just let out a sigh and said. i have to do this cause if i don't. more people will be missing. Fo fo just didnt understand at all. but being a good friend. she went there with him. and she really. really didn't want to go. but she didnt want lazer3 to go by himself. then Fo fo asked lazer3. "so hows you gonna get up there?" lazer3 stopped in his tracks remimbering that the area is snowed in. no plows was up there in years. "man."yelled lazer3. i forgot about that. then Fo fo then said. "hey i got a friend that has a snowmobile." "YES" said lazer3 as he hugged Fo fo saying. "your the best girl." "ok ok ok settle down lazer3. i still dont know if he'll lend it to me." then Fo fo went back to her place and lazer3 followed her.
Fo fo walked back to her cabin. and this is the first time lazer3 was ever there. Fo fo made the place for comfort. as Fo fowas getting her cell. she told lazer3to relaxe and she'll get a drink for him. when Fo fo went in the kitchen to make her phone call. lazer3 sat on the soft leather sofa and in mins lazer3 was asleep. and in his mind. he's hearing someone saying(-e-l-l-o. l-l-o) then lazer3said in his dream(wait was that) then it got louder saying (HELLO. HELLO. LAZER3 ARE YOU THERE. YOU CANT GO TO THE MOUNTAIN?) lazer3 woke up saying NNOOOOOO.. then lazer3 heard a snicker.he turned to see Fo fo laughing at him saying.you fell asllep on the couch and I could'nt resist doing that lazer3. sorry. lazer3 came back to his senses embarresed. then asked Fo fo a question ( to change the subject fast.) did you talk to your friend. Fo fo said that he'll be here in ten min. lazer3 took a drink from a 7-up can and ask Fo fo. hey fo fo. where did you get this couch. Fo fo just smiled and said, $789.00. lazer3 was quit for 20 seconds said. ooo.k indicating that hes not getting one to soon. Fo fo started to laugh. lazer3 just smiled. then without warning. *buurrp*. lazer3 covered his mouth a little to late. Fo fo busted out laughing with tears in her eyes. lazer3 was embarrest. all he could do was smile saying escuse me. then they both heard a knock on the door. Fo fo got up and was trying to compose herself. and when she looked thruogh the peep hole. she said he's here. and she let her friend in. as lazer3 got up to get his coat. Fo fo introduced lazer3 to her friend. named sunfire-anubis. sunfire said that he couldnt get the snow mobiles. so he went to a friend and she 'll help out. Fo fo then asked who it was. and sunfire said to Fo fo. Roxxan. Fo fo then said yeah. she brought the truck. sunfire said. yep. then Fo fo went out fast. and i was really curious on what could make Fo fo act that way. then sunfire said to me. hey Lazer3. you commin. i had my coat on by now got my snowboard. and walked out with Sunfire and now i know why Fo fo was really excited. it was a red monster truck van with with white stips and the wheels had nails on them for gripping the ice. and i tought i would never see something like that. roxxan said . hey is everyone ready to go. Fo fo went back and got her coat and locked up the cabin. and and sunfire.lazer3. and Fo fo climbed into the back ladder. and when we buckled our seats. roxxan headed for the forbeden cabin. and it was smooth sailing all the way there. and when we got near the cabin. i asked roxxan could she drive near the back. roxxan didn't mind at all. and i looke dat Fo fo. and then at sunfire. and they both was having a good time. but hey. who could blame them. cause i was having a good time too. then Fo fo asked Roxxan . hey Roxxan. who truck is this. roxxan said that it was her fathers truck. and that she was gonna use it awhile. i looked at the back and saw alot of snow was flying in the air like a snowblower. and we was really moving. then we heard a crack. and notice that we was near the icy area. roxxan yelled HANG ON. she then went faster then we heard more crackling and before we know it. there was ice flying behind us. and the snow got deeper. and lazer3 was getting excited . fo fo and sunfire was really into it too. then we all said in unisen. COME ON. WHERE'S THE SNOW. and at that moment. as we heard it echoed all around us. we was just smiling and just having fun. but then. there was a rumble and roxxan. was wide eyed. and sunfire notice it. and asked roxxan. whats the matt...then sunfire noticed it. and he was just staring up. and Fo fo looked at roxxan and sunfire. and was about to ask whats the matter when see saw it and the only word that she said was ho...ly. lazer3 notice that everyone was quiet and he turned around and was gonna ask whats the matter then he saw it. a lot of snow was headed there way. then right before it hit the monster truck. we all scream all our might. then it hit hard and shook the truck and we was being tossed all around. and the truck was moving back wards toward the ice area. and roxxan know hgat if the truck get dammaged by the ice. shes in trouble with her father. and that thought gave her the instink to make sure that the truck dont get messed up in any way. then she said. everyone hang on.
as a big wall os snow hit the truck. everyone was being tossed around the truck. and roxxan notice that a big ice ball the size of the trucks wheels. came and Fo fo yelled to rozzan saying. hey roxxan. look out for that ice boulder. but roxxan saw it already and turned the truck to the left and missed the ice ball by seconds. and sun fire was holding on for dear life. and so was lazer3. roxxan had to stear throuth the avalanche while making sure that the wheels dont break. as the truck kept shaking. we all saw somthing that we all could do with out. in the snow that was comming at us had small tree linbs comming out of the snow in and out. which makes this really hard. but while roxxans thinking of this. ice boulders came from no where and hit the side of the truck. and that made the whole truck to tilt to the side. while snow was still comming down. it'll turn over and we'll be dead in the snow baried alive. lazer3 said to roxxan. hey are you alright. but no answere. hey roxxan. no answere... ROXXAN no answere still. and sun-fire went for the wheel to take control of the truck. and sun-fires hand got slapped away. and he heard. get ready to jump? everyone was shocked to hear roxxan say that. then she said. hang on tight. as the trees was hitting the trucks side. roxxan saw a big doulder comming at them fast. and everyone screamed. ready for impact. and then roxxan flipped a switch and everyone felt like they was going up. then just saw the blue sky and wondered. what happened. then they felt like they was going down fast. and they saw the snow. trees and big boulders rolling down the side path and they was headed straight for it. everyone's ready for impack. again. and the truck rammed into the big ice ball. and snow was flying everywhere roxxan guned the engine with all the power it had on two wheels. but it was still moving back slowly. sun-fire then told roxxan. are we gonna go out like this roxxan. roxxan looked at sun-fire . and a thought came to her mind. and she smiled a sly smile. sun-fire and Fo fo knew what this meant. and they braced themselfes to the chair. for what's gonna happen next. lazer3 didn't know what was going on. but he did the same thing. roxxan braced herself against the back of the chair and pushed a blue button. and a new gear came up near her seat. then lazer3 knew what was gonna happen. and he grabbed the chairs arm tightly. looking at the boulders comming at us and the snow slowing us down. roxxan pushed a red button and boom. the truck's suspension gave such a boost in power that the truck jumped over the boulder. and when the truck landed and more boulders came. roxxan finnaly yanked the gear that came up near her. and then we started to plow into the ice boulders. and breaking them to pieces. (instead of two wheel drive. roxxan now has four wheel drive with boost. with spikes on a monster truck.) the truck was going up the mountain like it was just a normal drive. but with boulders. and trees in an avalanch. look out Fo fo yelled at roxxan. as the truck just missed a tree. and roxxan just gunned it. all the power and the truck plowed through the ice boulders and the trees and snow. with each hit of the trees and boulders. everyone screamed. then came a big wave of snow mixed with tree branches. then we all knew that we was gonna die if this wave hit. then sunfire notice something in front of him. and said to roxxan. roxxan head for that bump in the snow. roxxan notice it and headed for it at full speed. but the wave was comming fast. and roxxan. Fo fo . sun-fire . and lazer3 held there breath. and then as the wave meet the truck at the exact second and...?
......... the rest is in the new journel
titled Lazer3 goes snowboarding.
part 2

Community Member

Thu Oct 04, 2007 @ 09:01pm

omg! well thats alot of excitement (with the fight and all that) just glad you arnt hurt lol.

Community Member

Tue Nov 20, 2007 @ 06:41pm

man u life is a roller coster. Good thing u didn't get hurt bad of I wouldn't hav a buddy to look out for me.

Community Member

Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 07:52pm

ok so how did things turn out did u see the teens again what about that girl did u finally make a good impression on her lol that was kinda dorky what u said lol

Community Member

Sat Dec 01, 2007 @ 01:28am

wow nice story

Community Member

Fri Dec 28, 2007 @ 11:20pm

yay sunfires here aw that would be embarrasing could u make lazer3 anymore embarassed of himself honestly i mean cmon he is such a dork when it comes to the ladies lol

Community Member

Sat Dec 29, 2007 @ 12:05am

ha ha oh yeah I'm in there tanx man

Community Member

Thu Jan 03, 2008 @ 08:26pm

aah and and wut wut happened cmon lol yes im in the story and of course im driving the awesomeness truck around lol

Community Member

Sun Jan 06, 2008 @ 05:59pm

I love the fact that roxxan has a monster truck thats sooo kool

Community Member

Tue Jan 08, 2008 @ 09:51pm

lol i cant wait for the next part wow im such a great driver lol blaugh rofl

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