Okie okie, finally I have time to fill this journal with something ^-^
For this birthday, I’ll talk about how is gaia for me :3
Gaia sure does help me a lot in practicing English language. I remembered for the first time I have account on gaia, all I did is bumping in so many thread XDD yea, I never want to talk with other people, because either I don’t understand or I’m confused how to reply them.. But, I really want to have gold, which my first purpose is to make my sister’s avatar looks rich XDDD
At that time, I only know one way how to get friends ^^ want to know where?? Yup, it’s TOWN <3 in town, I met some awesome people who’s became my friends until now <3 lawl I also remember there’s one person who ask people to play game named “simon says” XDD I know how to play simon says, but not at that time XP so, when I think of simon, I just can imagine the simon cowell (American idol) XDDD which actually is not related at all rofl
I remembered when completely (my friend) asked me to read his journal, n comment them. Lawl from so many journal entries that he made, I just read one journal. I think it took for about half an hour or an hour to read all of them XDDD I was sweating at that time XP I have to look back and forward to my internet dictionary just to understand what did he say…
However, in some thread, I’m having a hard time to talk with people, because.. there are several reasons:
First, I’m not the only one who having a hard time talks in English.
Second, I am actually lucky enough that I could meet so many rich people in the bumping thread or freebies thread.. but, unfortunately, some people don’t want to talk with me… I don’t know why, it might be because of how I dressed my avi (I mean I looked poor)? Or how I talk in the introduction?? I don’t even know… rich people for me means that they have much experience with gaia, which I was really interested of how gaia came out for the first time, having the first monthly collectible, etc. I want to know their story, I think that would be interesting… However, I don’t know how to start the conversation XP
Lawl they might think, I want to beg them to give their items XP hahaha yea, I think so, but I don’t know.. well, I actually know that they have to work hard to get those items, I did the same. I don’t want and can’t use real money, since I haven’t work yet…
However, I’m really thankful that I can get so many friends (rich or not) that are really nice to me <3 some people even donated me some items X3 tehehe to tell you the truth, I rarely donate to other people, I think I never donate more than 1000g hahahaa yea, I’m stingy person XP I worked really hard at that time on bumping tehehehe
Hmm.. I don’t know what else should I put in here, but I’ll add more when I can think of any :]
o I know, I'll talk a bit about the first time I visit the freebies thread... okie, here's my story:
hmm... I think last halloween event (2006), I went to the event thread, n I met one person named Miaki (however, I can't talk with her anymore .___., she never replied) who offered a freebies, which I don't know what was that all about XP
n I accidentally hit the page that she wanted so I could get the free art XDD (lucky me)
she asked me what avi did I want her to draw, for the first time, I was really really nervous, I don't want it went wrong, I have no idea is it gonna be bad or good.. I was panicking XDD
lawl however, I really like the result of the art, n from that day on, I tried to visit a freebies thread n asked many great artists to draw my avi <3
hmm, if I remembered correctly, I never went to a thread that asking me to chat XP all I tried to find in the rule is "it's ok to BUMP" << lawl this word
however, I really want some arts that required me to talk XP so hey, let me practice XDDD -- this was the day I started chatting :3
so, for me, gaia helped me for this almost 2 years <333
thank you gaia, u made me met a lot of nice friends and help me improved my grammar n vocabulary, although I still messed up sometimes XDDDD
I felt sad though for people who got banned because of nothing (innocent) emo
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