The Fight is Over! Final Event Scores
Team Durem: First Place, 945 points!
Team Aekea: Second Place, 864 points
Team Barton: Third Place, 735 points
Team Isle de Gambino: Fourth Place, 712 points
I'm proud to announce that the members of the Team Durem are the winners of Gaia's first ever water balloon fight! Go Team Durem!
Team Aekea: Second Place, 864 points
Team Barton: Third Place, 735 points
Team Isle de Gambino: Fourth Place, 712 points
I'm proud to announce that the members of the Team Durem are the winners of Gaia's first ever water balloon fight! Go Team Durem!
I'm so glad I was on team Durem. Personally, I don't care much for spending much time in forums, but events like this, get me into at least the event forums. I spent a lot of time pumping for my team, so I'm happy to be parting of the winning team and not have e wasted time. I do feel bad for team Barton and team Gambino, because they were both over 100 points from 2nd place. That's a big gap.
Here are my final event stats:
Rank: Monarch of Moistness
Balloons thrown: 52
Gallons pumped: 1109
Times Hit: 31
I don't plan to take part in the remaining time for throwing the balloons around in the forums (I didn't take part in the towns portion of the event). Instead, I'll focus my time on other things, for example, video games, photoshop, puzzles and a thread in the site feedback forum about better ways to remove gold from the market (in hopes they remove the 2% fee from the new MP).