It's always darkest before the dawn.
So, after leaving college I dedcided to go in the job market. After several job fairs and poking around. I had found a job at the Airport. It was simple, put the bag in the plain. 2 month later, I got layed off. It didn't bother me too much, I didn't see myself chucking bags till the age of 50. It was summer again at that time, so, I used my still valid Student Status to get another job. I eventualy wound up selling soap...nuff said. -_- After 2 months, I quit and was back in the job market. At the end of August, I finaly found a steady job as an offfice cleaner! Meh, i's not very exotic but it pays the bills. I'm moving into my own appartement, thats pretty cool.
Long story short, I'm young, I'm in love and I'm ready to take on the world!
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"Vivre la vie sans regret"
Unlikely X-Men
Unlikely X-Men