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Mah Journal!
This is mah journal, where I write mah crappy stories and draw mah crappy drawings XD
Special Adventure!: Super Tire Man Adventures! DOTP - STMA5!
Day of the Pieocalypse

Once upon a...a... night, I made a pie... a deadly pie... a pie that made the consumer go MAD! Then.... one day, my friend... ATE IT! I knew I had to do something to help my friend, so I used my time machine (yes I have a time machine, its true! it just doesn't show up in pictures... its like a Time Machine Vampire) to go foward to the year 3000! I stumbled out to find that pies RULED THE WORLD!! The Pies mumbled something that I couldn't make out, even with my advanced studies of Pieology and Tireology. (Yes I've learned both, I had to go to School for the Advanced Tireologists and Pieologists. Yes there both real.) There language wasn't of this earth! They pushed me back into the time machine back to the year 2007. I ran out of the time machine to find no friends. I wandered around and saw that there was a castle in the mountains that was far from where I was. I knew I needed a trusty steed to carry me to the castle because it was going to be a far walk to the castle. So I hoped onto a tire and we rode off towards the castle.
It wasn't long until I saw pies chasing us. Then I realized that the pies had invaded while I was time traveling. So I guess that my friends were taken prisoner by the pies! Oh No! I must get to them before the pies eat them alive! I rode off towards the castle as fast as possible. When I got there there we're some skeletons of tires lying around the castle... so I picked up a Tire sword and shield. Then I ran up a flight of stairs, closed my eyes and swung my sword around randomly and rapidly. I opened my eyes quickly once I got to the top and saw pies were surrounding my friends. I closed my eyes again while still swinging my sword, pie filling went EVERYWHERE!! My friends shouted, "Hurray!" then I thought for a second, and said, "wait.. shouldn't there be a..." Then FIRE blew in through the window! "Pie Dragon!!!!" I knew from all my studies in Pieology there was only one way to destroy a Pie Dragon...(and no, not eating it) I ripped off my shirt revealing a bomb strapped to me. "YAAAAA!!!" I yelled while running at the window. I jumped and there was a BIG EXPLOSION and pie filling went EVERYWHERE!!!! (and this time I mean EVERYWHERE!!) But I wasn't dead... just full of pie filling. Tireologists said there was too much pie filling in me, they had only one choice, they had to...they had to... make me into.. SUPER TIRE MAN! I woke up in my bed with a note that said, "your friends are safe, as for you... we had to replace most of your insides with tires, well you could say you are a superhero."

Super Tire Man Tests!

I wanted to test out these new "abilities" I had gotten, so I made myself tests to see what my powers could do. Test 1: Strength Test I built myself a brick wall to see if i could break it in one punch. "Well, here I go." I said to myself. I made a fist, and PUNCH! I had broken my hand on the brick wall. After a few days in the hospital, I X'ed off the first test. [X]Test 1. So I moved on to the second test, Test 2: Speed Test. The test was to see how fast I could run from my house to the general store and back.

On my mark.... get set..... GO!!
I ran as fast as I could, it was then when I found out that I was a pretty fast runner... the thing was... that I couldn't stop running. I ran into alot of people, and some of there responses were, "Hey watch where your going!, Hey stupid kid! you spilled my coffee!" and "Hey Kid! your going over the speed limit!" I ran and ran and ran and ran. Once I reached the general store, I hit into the wall. I figured one of my powers was to run fast, but.... I couldn't stop so...

[X]Test 2. My next test was, Test 3: Jumping Test. I used the same brick wall from test 1. My task was to jump over the brick wall. 1...2....3... and JUMP! I thought I had made it, but... my foot got caught on the top of the brick wall, I tripped and fell flat on my face. After a couple of more days in the hospital,(I got so used to that hospital on those days.) I finally had it! I looked at the note again and flipped it over to find a number on the back and words saying, If you have any questions call this number.

I dialed the number furiously into my phone. (I broke one of the buttons. Whoops)
"HEY" I said angrily, "YOU SAID IM A SUPER HERO RIGHT? THEN HOW COME I CAN'T DO ANYTHING SUPER HERO-EY!?" A man said, "Well.... have you ate any tires lately?" I replied in a calmer voice, "huh? Uhhh I guess not... why?"
"to activate your powers you must eat a tire. I can't believe YOU of all people wouldn't think to do that!" ohhh..... that makes sense.. I thought.
"Okay, bye." I said, then hung up without a bye.

I went to my fridge and took out a tire and said, "bottoms up!"

Super Tire Man Tests 2!

I shoved the tire into my mouth, "Mmmmmm" and all of a sudden... BAM! There was this big explosion! (I had to fix my kitchen after that. ) and I was Super Tire Man! I went over to the brick wall and punched it, but this time, I didn't break my hand! Instead, the brick wall broke its hand, err.... it broke itself... errr nevermind! I wanted to test my speed. On your mark..... get set..... GO!! I ran as fast as I could! I ran faster than a speeding tire! (and let me tell you, those things are fast!) Although I ran fast, I didn't run as fast as the Flash or anything like that. I ran and tagged the general store, then ran back to my house. I passed the second test! Now time for the third test! I went to the brick wall again, and got ready to jump. 3...... 2....... 1..... JUMP!!! I jumped as high as I could, I didn't trip or anything... I actually figured out that I could fly! I went back to the ground. "Now... to fight crime!" I said to myself, "Oh wait... I need a mask..."
I got myself a zorro mask from halloween and put a tire over my head. "Eh.. I'll get a costume later..." and I flew off to fight crime!

Super Tire Man Adventures 3!

I zoomed off to fight crime.
I saw some old lady got her purse stolen! I went down to the ground and punched the robber across the street. I took the purse and handed it back to the old lady.
"Here you go ma'am" The old lady screamed, "Thief!" and she took back her purse and started whacking me with it. "Ow, ow, please stop, ow ow" There wasn't anything I could do.. well there was.. but I don't think hitting her would be the solution.. so I just flew off to fight more crime. I scanned the streets, then saw a bank being robbed! I flew down to the ground infront of the robber. I held my hand out and said, "Stop Criminal!" Then he threw the money at me and it knocked me over. (I wasn't prepared for that, if I was, it would've knocked me over!) I was on the ground with money on my stomach. Then right when I was about to get up, the Police had surrounded me and they all had guns. "Stop! Put your hands in the air!" One police man ordered. I followed his orders and put my hands in the air. "Now, now, this is all a big misunderstanding!" I pleaded. "That's what they all say, you're coming with us" Another police man said. My hands still in the air, I flew up and said, "Sorry fellas, I got crime to stop " and flew off. (That was a bad thing to do) Suddenly, Cops were following me on the ground! I stopped in the air and thought, Uh oh... maybe I shoulda not of flew away like that.. "Guys! Guys! I'm not a criminal!" I shouted. The Police Chief shouted through a microphone, "Come peacefully, and we won't have to use force!"
"But i'm suppose to be a super hero! Not a villian!" I stated.
Then all of a sudden.. BAM! I got hit with something, and was knocked out.

Z arc

I woke up a few hours later to find I was in some kind of building... in an empty room, and the lights were out.. my first thoughts were close to ordinary, Where the hell am I? Then I noticed something different.... it took me a few seconds to figure out what it was.......... it was... MY MASK IS OFF!!! Maybe I just dropped it or something.. I put my hands on the ground trying to find my mask but couldn't find it... I got up and tryed to find a lightswitch, you know, when you can't really see but you just put your hands on the wall trying to find it without sight.. you know? I finally found it and flipped it... but the lights didn't come on.. I flipped it again, and nada. Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could see.... a little.. I walked towards the door but tripped over myself, I got back up and saw... the door wasn't there anymore... I looked around the room and... no door. I scratched my head and stared at the wall for a few seconds, then I turned around and... the door was there... I ran to the door and opened it to see.. the wall... Is this some kind of joke? This is like on the cartoons where they open the door and theres a brick wall there.. I mean.. come on! I closed the door and looked around for other doors. There was none.. I looked back at the "wall door" and it was gone.. AGAIN!! This was getting very frustrating.. and confusing.. I looked back and saw there was three doors on one wall! This was getting freaky... I opened one door and saw a train coming at me, I just closed the door expecting nothing to happen. I walked to the next door and right when I put my hand on the door knob... BAM! The train went through the first door! I was stunned for a few moments.. then I opened the second door and saw a guy holding a red pill in one hand.. and a blue one in the other.... He said, "The red pill or the blue pill? The red pill wil-" I just closed the door on him. I went to the third door and saw... another room. I walked in and it looked exactly the same as the other room... except.... for the moaning...

Super Tire Man Adventures 4!

Moaning... weird moaning... i've only heard that kind of moaning once before... Gulp. It was the kind of moaning..... that comes from a zombie movie.. (Hey don't give me that look, don't roll your eyes at me!) I cautiously walked, waiting for a zombie to appear, slowly moving with its arms extending infront of itself. Then I saw a man. He was sitting down, leaning against the wall. It didn't look like a zombie, so I walked slowly towards him and said, "Hello?" He didn't look up right away, but soon enough, he looked up and screamed, "Ahh! Another zombie!" That's when he pointed a gun at me. I was stunned there, unable to move. I closed my eyes tight, because that's about all I could do. That's when I heard a clicking noise. I opened my eyes to see that he was out of bullets. "I'm not a zombie." I said. Atleast I could move again. The man said, "Not a zombie? Whew, i'm all out of bullets!" Yea.. like I couldn't notice that.. "You said zombie?" I asked. Maybe I was right... zombies... where the hell am I? "That's right," he said. "I was suprised myself when I first saw one." Great, I was right... or maybe this man is just insane... But then I heard the moaning again, my spine was tingling. The moaning was getting closer... but not as slow as I thought. First moan, very far away.. second moan.. close.. third moan.. right around the corner. That's when I saw the zombie, not limping, like in the movies, but actually he was running. What a surprise. Did I say running? More like charging... right at us. But this time, I could react. I made a fist, then right infront of me, was the zombie. I punched him, and it flew across the room, then a window appeared. The zombie crashed out the window, but then it dissapeared with a blink of the eye. "What.. is this place...?" I said. "Not sure," He said while getting up. "But that was mighty impressive, i'll tell you that." That... was not a zombie.. well, none that I knew of. "Time to move." He commanded. I didn't argue.. because I was about to suggest the same thing. He led the way. Going around corners, it seemed like hours. I didn't know what time it was, because there were no clocks, and my watch beeped 12:00, like when the power goes out. "This used to be a research lab," He explained. "They made a... serum, that made people... enhance their fighting abilities... guns, hand-to-hand, just about anything that was used for fighting." There was silence. Then, I stepped in something... my first thought was, Augh! Dog Sh-! but then I looked down and saw it was red..

It was..... blood.
My second thought was... Someone had died here... But then, I noticed something... something like... a trail... it started out as blood smeared... but then it changed into shoe marks. I was shocked, I don't know why, because usually zombies come back from the dead.. but still. I closed my eyes and kept walking, then I tripped over something, it was... the man. He was on the ground... and bleeding. I found a flashlight that he had, (I don't know why he didn't use it.) and turned it on. I pointed it to where he was bleeding and there it was. A bite mark. I was sure they were zombies now. He wasn't breathing, so I decided, to search him. (I know, I know, search a dead man?) I searched through his pockets to search for guns or supplies (see, there was a purpose) I found a gun... with a empty clip. Oh yeah, now I remember. I took it anyway because you never know, I might find a clip somewhere. All he had was a gun... and a key. I took the key, wondering where it would lead. I stood up and looked around, and I noticed something.... When the hell was there a hallway? It was all aligned with doors, this was going to be fun. (not sarcasm) I opened one and saw... nothing.. it was just a room with pitch black lighting. I closed it and walked to another, opened it, and saw... space... I just closed the door slowly. I walked up to another door, then opened it to see... THE TRAIN! I jumped out of the way just in time. The train came smashing through the door and went through the door on the other side of the hallway. I looked through the train hole and I saw the train far away. I looked to the other side and.... the wall was repaired but no door, looked back to the other hole and it was repaired too. Weird... I went to a different door, opened it and... zombies all infront of me, ready to attack........ Gulp.

Super Tire Man Adventures 5!!

.....Gulp I ran to my right only to find the damned train speeded through. Some of the zombies were coming out of the door. "Hurry up!" I yelled. A zombie ran towards me. I stuck up a leg and blam!, he fell over on the ground. More zombies were coming out of the door. Then I looked back at the train. "I don't have time for this!" I said. I jumped over the train.... and scraped my knee on the top. Hard. "Auggh!" I screamed in pain. I was past the train and my knee was bleeding. I got up, still in pain. I limped away, heading for..... nowhere. 'I have to get away...' I limped for a door. Then opened it. More zombies. "This is getting ridiculous!" I yelled. A zombie from inside the door leaped at me. I didn't get time to react. Then something pushed me. Some of it was a blur, but I saw a figure whack another figure. I hoped that the one whacking, was not the zombie. Then one of the figures walked towards me and held a hand out. "Hello.... Super Tire Man."

I was shocked. My face should of showed it too because he laughed. "Suprised? Remember? It's me!" I didn't know what he was talking about. "Who are you?" I asked. He had a shocked face too. "Your joking right?" He asked. I shook my head. He frowned. "How could you not remember your best friend?"
What the.... hell
"Woah woah woah... your tellin' me... your my best friend?" I asked, confused. He smiled. "Yes, from childhood!" I was even more confused. "I must of hit my head or something..." I said while rubbing my head. "We gotta get outta here..." I said. He shook his head. "I'm not leaving until I figure out what happened here." Oh great, an adventure. "Ugh... I don't think I can walk... my knee is scratched up pretty bad..." I took out my flashlight and turned it on, then pointed to my knee. "See!" There was hardly a scratch. "What the......" This was strange. "Where the hell did my cut go!?" I said loudly. "Then, if you can walk, lets go!" He said. He started to walk off. "Here we go again..." I said quietly.

To be continued!...

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