Roses are in the middle of their bloom
but all i can think about is sitting
next to you
under the moon
is it a dream I have no clue
Its the same when i'm awake
All i can think of is you
So slowly So slowly So wonderously
I melt in your moonlit eyes
I can't feel myself or can I
I don't care All I that I need is you
I am loves fool but I care only of you and me
lying on the hill
Bathing in the moon while roses are in bloom
Is it a dream I have no clue
Its the same when I'm awake
all that's in my mind is you
and I feel so alive me in my mind
how fate can be so cruel keeping me as loves fool
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Doom and Gloom de la Gardoc
Well I'm basically a emo sounding non-emo who writes poetry like an emo but is not an emo
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A wise man once told me pints of guiness make me stronger
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User Comments: [1] [add]
Community Member
this one is great!i like it cuz one i love roses! (yay),and two, you did a great job at writing it, its very cool!