So I had this really strange dream O:!
Which is normal for me, since I get sucked in those long, realistic dreams :0
But anyways, I was with a bunch of friends at this one place.
School? Hospital? I dunno, but we were sitting in a bench :0
And I remember that I went somewhere else. And all of a
sudden, I was with a bunch of family. There were these 2 girls.
Like, around 6-7 years old. And they were playing with these
tiny little chicks. [Nothing in dreams make sense] They were like
the size of a little bug. Anyways! I asked to carry one.
And they let me, then someone called me and I went over there.
And I dropped the chickie!! O:!!! It fell with a thud o-o
It felt horrible DDDDD:
I was like! NOO!! and EWW! [dead things are gross]
So I just left it there ninja Thinking no one would know.
I still had another one anyways...but that one somehow died too.
And there I was again, silently crying for the death of another animal.
Which I caused. LUCKILY! My sis and damian didn't know they were dead.
And started playing with them [I dunno, they're retarded?] and they thought that they killed them.
So nobody knew that I did that ._.
Except when I went back to the bench and shouted.
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Oh god.
I laughed so hard just now.