Okay, I'm kinda scared now.
Yesterday, when we went to pick my mom up from the rehab center, my grandma was shaking. My mom said she couldn't even hold her spoon to eat, and when they offered her some food from home, she didn't want it. After a while, she thought she was smoking, and asked for the ash tray. A nurse came in to check her temp, which turned out to be 100.5. When the nurse came back to give her her medicine, she dropped it. He had to put it in ice cream and feed it to her, then when my mom asked what she had taken, he said some shot. B 14 or something, to build up her iron, or something. They concluded that was why she was acting like that, but God, it was so scary. I've already lost one grandma, I don't want to lose the other so soon after.
Community Member
Have faith. It'll be fine in the end. ninja