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The Hopeless Journal
Never Too Late
Every damn time i turn on the radio, within the 2 minutes it's on, this song airs. This had happened with a song called "Forever" by Papa Roach about 4 times, but "Never Too Late" by Three Days Grace had instantly come on at least 6.

i remember specificly last night around 1 in the morning, i was EXTREMELY upset. i turned on the radio in hopes that noone could hear me, and within the 5 minutes it was on, "Never Too Late" aired, i got sick, and well.. It went down like that.

Tonight, i had just come out of my shower, went into my room, texted a friend to see if they were awake enough to talk and as i put the phone down, this song came on once again. This had happened at least 4 other times before this, mainly when coming into my room very upset..

It's very strange, and i don't know whether to ignore it or try to decifer what it means. i usually look up to music for guidance in life, but at times like these it can become very confusing..

It happened again tonight. Riding in the car, "i wonder what's on the radio", turn it on for 30 seconds, bam, "Never Too Late" plays..
- 10/13/07

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The Original Captain Nemo
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 05:39am
Hmm maybe its Fate? But if you ask me The Radio is obviously trying to come on to you. Heh sorry I just had to try to lighten up the mood.

commentCommented on: Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 12:06pm
The thing is thing's are always too late for me, especially with.. relationships and whatnot.. And if you ask me i'm too late now..

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Fri Oct 12, 2007 @ 04:30am
Well there is something a friend of mine told me.

Love is a is not a soluble substance, there is always more of it somewhere. Even if we loose a current love, it is by no means impossible to find another. We just have to be willing to look and wait. -Ryan

But hey you never know He's dead now but I think he knew what he was talking about.

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 02:50am
;_; i wanna give him a hug..

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commentCommented on: Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 04:42am
Oh, wow, Nemo...I didn't know Ryan died...you should have told me...I'm so sorry.

((Sam--Nemo and I know each other in real life...he's a really great friend of mine. He's awesome with this kind of thing, so listen up with what he says...yeah. sweatdrop ))

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 04:51am
-_- Yes, i'm listening.. If i wasn't i would disagreed and blab against it.

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 07:21am
Xira, it's ok, he died almost a year ago, but hey people die thats life. Kinda pissed off he didn't say bye though.

Not sure if I am actually awesome at this. sweatdrop But I do know how to listen (I would like to think) so Sam if you need anyone to talk to just Pm me. It's not my job to be the judge,jury,or executioner. I like helping people and providing support.

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 07:22am
.. i would like to but i'm afraid if i start talking about it again, it'll just.. eh, break me even more.

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 07:25am
Well life is full of fear, it's just the way it is Every person is afraid. If it in fact does break you it will eventually make you stronger but if it doesn't it means you can be able to breathe.

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 07:30am
It can only make you stronger if you recover.. If you don't oyu'll be as weak as ever..

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 09:50pm
People do recover though eventually, Its kinda like a cut sure it hurts at first, develops a scab, but then the scab breaks apart sometimes with no mark like a cut had ever been there, it doesn't happen in one day.People do recover eventually, it takes time. As they say "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" If you think that this is the only rocky path you are mistaken no one can pave down those mountains. Life, no all lives are crosses between mountains.By falling in love you are pretty much holding your breath and jumping off of one of those mountains, hoping someone will save you. But Well sometimes we fall straight down but we don't die like in real life we climb up. You are climbing up it may seem that you aren't but you are maybe slow maybe fast but eventually you'll make it to the top.People are weak, we truely are in these human forms. We grow stronger through expieriences though, you are getting stronger Sammy I know it and one day I know you'll make it through.

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 10:30pm
i feel as though i've jumped and hoped for someone to save me.. But i lost hope or i'm scared that someone won't and i'll just hurt myself.. So i feel like i'm holding onto a branch that's quickly snapping and my fingers are slipping, you know?

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Sun Oct 14, 2007 @ 12:04am
We all have jumped at one time or another. But the one of the things that no one can lose hope, it can only be forgotten, kinda like memories, they fade but they are always there it's how we know we exist. We are all scared, we all experience it but that doesn't mean we are weak. Courage isn't the absence of fear it the facing of it. You have to realize that there will always be someone to save you even though it may not be who you expect and not only in love. I try to be someone who's there for people.
I realize the feeling of dread I've had it too but for me, I had to take the fall. It created a stronger me . I'm sure you don't want to take the fall and maybe you might hurt yourself but the dirty little secret is that, you'll recover. Take it day by day. Thinking that True love will happen at 15 is pretty impossible why you may ask? actually true love doen't exist, Couples truely right for each other wade through the same crap that all couples do. I know you might not like the sound of it, and and through all of this I have not become a cynic, I haven't. Take a breather. Enjoy your youth

commentCommented on: Sun Oct 14, 2007 @ 12:09am
.. i'm 13. But.. i can't just stop caring no matter how hard i try. i can't calm down from it all, it's just me. i can't make anything right out of it all. i'm no optimist..

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Sun Oct 14, 2007 @ 01:23am
13 15 no real difference. Heck I'm only 14.
Yeah I'd consider myself somewhat a pessimist. You don't have to stop caring you just have to look at things at a different angle . Like I said before Just take it all one moment at a time. Don't rush it and don't expect for it all to go away. just take your time dealing with it.
You might be burt but you will recover don't be alarmed if it doesn't happen right this second. Just remember that if you let go and if you fall you are Samantha at least I persume thats you non summerized name. And that right now Right at this exact point if time you have an inch of life of happiness, blessing, possibility, creation, openness and a myriad of other things and within that inch of life you are free.

commentCommented on: Sun Oct 14, 2007 @ 03:52am
The thing is i can't looka t things from a different angle, if i do, i feel as though it's not me [cause it's not] and it just feels wrong as though i'm lying to myself. If i tell myself everything's okay, everything'll get better, i won't believe myself.. i don't think i have any happiness anymore..

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Sun Oct 14, 2007 @ 04:20am
You don't have to change. By looking in a different angle I mean embrace the change.
This could be one of the most powerful moments in your life commit to it. You might not believe yourself but it will work out remember that within one inch of your life beyond all of this you are free. Free to think Free to be happy. You do have happines its not gone its just a bit forgotten.

commentCommented on: Sun Oct 14, 2007 @ 04:39am
i don't usually hug things i hate.. i hate my life, it's not really a change, it's always been like this. How would you know if we would all really be free in the future?

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Sun Oct 14, 2007 @ 09:13am
But in fact we are all free, are we not? we have our lives, you and I are talking right now correct. Within this dimension we have our dignity. And embracing, I didn't mean to be litteral. But I mean commit to it, obviously this problem going to be here right now correct? So yes hate it but accept it. People who give up in these situations are the ones that dont commit to them. He may be gone oh well but that only means you guys weren't meant to be. So he's gone and your feel rejected I understand. Or maybe I don't understand. But were you always this upset before he came along? If you hate your life does that mean you hate your friends, your parents, your computer, your expieriences you hate me and you hate Xira? I'd kinda like to think not. We are free well most of us, in the friends we choose, In the life we lead, in the things we believe. These expieriences make us human, we are not perfect, a quarter of the population are monsters. What you are feeling is natural, And your not the only person that has felt it before. So you have to commit to it, acceptance is the only way it will recover, you have to give it time to heal.

commentCommented on: Sun Oct 14, 2007 @ 09:30pm
Just because we're free doesn't me it's always going to feel like it.. We're not really free if we're being held back by laws, emotions, other people because we know if we pass those limits, there will be more suffering and punishment to come. And yes, i know you don't mean literal, but i'm giving as an example.. i honestly won't ever accept something i hate unless i just don't care anymore. People who give up on these situations are the ones that accept something they don't like. They accept the bad inside of keep attempting to make it good. Yes, i was usually this upset before he came along. He was the one who usually made me happy. Just because he's gone doesn't mean there can't be another chance.. i don't hate.. most of my friends. Well i don't hate my friends, i might dislike advice they give or the fact that most of them can't understand but.. i ignore it. i hate most of my life, most things in it, but most of all i hate the fact that i'm living. i honestly believe at least half of the population are monsters.. i know other peole have felt this way, but i believe in my situation right now, it's more brutal.. It's not just with one friend, it's with all of them.. If i could accept it i would, but i can't make myself to that. i try not to care, but i can't do that. i've tried, i really have, but i really can't do it on my own anymore. i'm just pathetic like that.

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Mon Oct 15, 2007 @ 03:58am
So you realize your situation I respect that. True we may not be free but it's important to the human role to realize we are. Suffering and punishment are part of life we cause our own misery and pain. But you must accept that you have a problem to deal and ergo recover. Your friends are trying to help you maybe not in the most productive ways or maybe even in a positive way. It's not important to ignore people though they obviously don't know what your going through so enlighten them. You aren't pathetic to come up with all on these reasonings, showing me that you have enough dignity to admit your problem and share it. But this does seem alot like depression. Maybe I'm not a person you should go to. Unless me talking to you has helped. But thats for you to decide. I think your parents wouldnt want to think of their daughter as having a problem but, eventually You might have to confront them, I'd suggest soon before your case gets more unbearable. I truly want to help you. But I can only do so much. So it's your call.Reply with what you think.

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 16, 2007 @ 04:02am
i've gone to a shrink before, and it's taken my mother this long to even get the thought that i have depression. i'd much rather talk to friends, like you if you would allow me to consider you a friend. Counslers havn't helped me, it's all about school with them and i hate that. i'd much rather talk to you.. It honestly seems like my case has been unbearable for a while.. It's causing night terrors now, and i don't whether it hurts worse to stay awake or scares me more to sleep forever.. my parents only make things worse.. So i know they won't help.. But i find it hard to believe someone like you, almost a stranger would be this willing and wanting to help someone like me.. i mean, i would try to help a stranger, but.. i don't understand why YOU would..

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Fri Oct 19, 2007 @ 12:47am
You can consider me a friend. Counslers do what they are paid for. All things get worse if you leave them untreated. And your parents probably don't know what to do in this situation.
Yeah I know it's hard to believe or trust me. Helping people being needed it's just who I am. I don't truly know why I help people, maybe Xira might know my reasons. Just because she's alot more observative than me. In you want some insight as of my reasons then she would prolly know. She wants to be a family therapist so this might be good practice lol.

commentCommented on: Fri Oct 19, 2007 @ 01:00am
They don't really get worse if they're untreated.. All wounds heal somehow. But if you have a scab and you just don't leave it alone, it won't.. It depends how serious it is.. i used to want to be a theropist, but.. Eh, if i can't help myself, how should i be expected to help other people? i mean, how weird would it be to here that your theropist killed herself? i mean, come on..

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Fri Oct 19, 2007 @ 02:27am
True you have to be a specific person to be a therapist. I've been told that I would make a good psychiatrist but well if I became one I would have to have people pay me for helping them. Truely Different wounds heal different ways. But it just matters on your perspective and of the wound. Heck I'd peel the scab to sanitize it But thats just me, your hands are your heart if you want to become a surgeon like I want to.

commentCommented on: Fri Oct 19, 2007 @ 02:32am
Confusing how this turned into a career conversation.. Oh well.. At a moment, i wanted to be a phsyciatrist, then a surgeon but .. i've always really wanted to make it in a metal/rock band playing music.. You know, world wide.. But heh, like that's ever gonna happen. i'm not motivated enough.

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Sun Oct 21, 2007 @ 02:22am
Yeah Medicine and Technology make up big portions of my life. Most other people will tell you I dont have one hahahahaha. Psychology is ok but I'd rather Help people in my own way then follow some textbook with medications at the other end music is a good thing but I enjoy listening to it rather then making it. But you have to aim high to get anywhere in life.

commentCommented on: Sun Oct 21, 2007 @ 02:28am
Yeah, i know.. Damn, people are so confusing.. i don't get it, if they want something why don't they just do it.. But they don't, they do the complete opposite..

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Sun Oct 21, 2007 @ 05:01am
Well everyone has a different reason we cant say that all people are the same since we all have different purposes in life. Purposes have to find us not the other way around. Helping people came somewhat naturally so I presume thats my purpose. In reference to how people are confusing, yes they are sometimes they do the weirdest most irresponsible things but well they continue living and they continue being loved and well I continue helping them.

commentCommented on: Sun Oct 21, 2007 @ 05:24am
You are very strange.. in a good way ..

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Sun Oct 21, 2007 @ 07:31am
Hahaha thats usually what I aim for in life. You only get one life so I live, I love and I get hurt, even though, I know it isnt all about me so my priorities are kind of different.

commentCommented on: Sun Oct 21, 2007 @ 05:45pm
Eh.. yeah, well.. i hate people stare ..

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Sun Oct 21, 2007 @ 08:15pm
Perhaps but then again you may just have a reason to avoid others. Hating people doesn't really suit anyone. You may even dislike people but even an Aspie like me can't be truly alone.

commentCommented on: Sun Oct 21, 2007 @ 08:48pm
i hate being alone, but .. Most people are just complete idiots.. And i hate most of them because they fail to realize certain things.. And it's really pathetic, i could never become a teacher or .. work with anyone.

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Sun Oct 21, 2007 @ 08:56pm
Some people just aren't perceptive enough and maybe you should enlighten them. Some people act like idiots like my friends but hey thats why they are my friends. Heck eve since I started highschool without any of my friends I've gotten alot colder. Remember your purpose will find you eventually. Teachers dont get paid enough.

commentCommented on: Sun Oct 21, 2007 @ 09:08pm
Trust me, i try to enlighten them.. Some people just don't want to be and they refuse.. Some of my .. "friends" act like idiots as well, but .. other people ARE just idiots..

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The Original Captain Nemo
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commentCommented on: Mon Oct 22, 2007 @ 03:07am
Well they want to so they want to can't really hold anything against them. They want to be protected so they refuse. Hahaha well there will always be those incredibly charismatic people that can act like idiots but hey thats why they are loved. Otherwise people are who they are and we have to accept that, if they want laughs give em laughs. We can't exactly judge them.

commentCommented on: Mon Oct 22, 2007 @ 03:30am
Yeah, yeah, i know..

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commentCommented on: Tue Oct 23, 2007 @ 02:49am

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 23, 2007 @ 02:56am
Of course.. Everyone does.. stare That's why it's on the radio..

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Banning Staff O8 Team
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commentCommented on: Tue Nov 13, 2007 @ 01:19am
What song? smile

commentCommented on: Tue Nov 13, 2007 @ 01:58am
the one the journels about

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Banning Staff O8 Team
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commentCommented on: Sun Nov 18, 2007 @ 04:21pm
That's stupid of me not to see that.

commentCommented on: Sun Nov 18, 2007 @ 05:11pm
Heheh, kinda sweatdrop *hugs*

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