||What You Get|| Here's the terms, my precious considering friend.
Duration: 6 - 12 months maximum.
You are required to be respectful of the fact that I do have a life outside of doing art for you. I am a senior in college and I take RL commissions to supplement myself for supplies, so you will not always be the one I'm working for every second that I', doing some form of art. I ask that you be patient, you will get a fair amount of art for your end of the bargain.
I also have certain things that I will and will not do that must be respected.
||Will|| Avatars, Original Characters, RL reference, Shounen-ai, Shoujo-ai, Anthros, some background, slight mecha, artistic nudity
||Won't|| MMORPG characters, Yaoi, Yuri, porn, detailed mecha, massive backgrounds
Items Included:
+ Pencil sketches
To give you an idea of the prices they run for, here's my shop info:
Bust shot: 25k
1/2 body: 50k
3/4 body: 75k
Full body: 100k

+ Inked lineart
I do not offer these on Gaia outside of this proposition. I will ink my sketches and you may have them colored by someone else if you so desire, however my name and credit must remain on the original design.
+ Ink paintings
Generally these are high priced commissions and a full body is reserved to auctions or real life commissions only. I will do a handful of these. Below is the pricing that is used in my shop:
Bust shot: 300k
1/2 body: 600k
3/4 body: 1mil
Full body: Not offered


+ CG collaborations with Hei
My beloved friend Hei has offered to help in my endeavors for DJs as she enjoys throwing color onto almost anything I can give her.

Community Member
I have no idea when I'll be on next, but I'll try to check up.