Greetings, Freinds of Errolas Uzamaki. I am Nogias Elletor Frazar, his third and final RP caharacter. My sword, Kon Kaitsu, is comprised of three smaller blades, each of which contains its own host spirit, giving them special powers.
1) The Kon Blade, whose spirit is a clam, is capable of releasing water-based attacks, as well as allowing the user to turn an opponent's own bodily fluids into a slow-acting poison.
2) The Kai Bladeontaining a spirit in teh shape of a man in a ghost sheet, is capable of turning invisible and extension, meaning attacks of unknown sizes, speeds, and lengths. it can also, for a period of 2 minutes, backlash in dupliacte any damage done TO the user, and triplicate any damage inflicted BY the user.
3) The Tsu Blade, whose inhabited spirit is thief-like in appearance, allows it, for a period of 1.5 minutes, to steal the abilities of any unique sword, like itself, and use them. after it steals them, it can either store them for later use, or give back a fraction of the powers and store the rest. it can also put up a barrier around the user for a period of 3 minutes.
Together, they form "The Kon Kaitsu Blade", which can shatter as teh blade is pushed with the user's palm, and can be used in four ways:
1) Swing Shot: the user pushes the bladeless hilt and guard into its sheath, and calls out the name of a weapon, which is replicated by the shards. the user can also call "Randomize!" for the shards to create random weapons, even ones that are out of era and time frame.
2) Kon Shot: the user pushes the bladeless hilt and guard into his own sweat, enabling any aquatic substance around him to become a weapon. can be used to impale enemies from the inside for quick and painful death. Mostly used as a desparation tactic.
3) Kai Shot: the user pushes the bladeless hilt and guard into his skull, enabling him to control the shards with his mind. this is mostly used for stationary attacks, and is most often used.
4) Tsu Shot: the user pushes the bladeless hilt and guard into his chest, forcing all the shards into his body, turning him into a weapon. anything can be done here, as long as a recognizable hand form/motion is performed first. mostly used if the Kai Shot becomes in effective.
in all the spirit-enhanced shots, the hilt can be removed from the body.
The individual spirits are also capable of transformations called "Kouki Katachi", or "Final Form".
1) Kon becomes Doragon, a giant dragon that can use all elements and has a giant tail formed after a Dire Flail.
2) Kai Becomes Tenmakai, a full-bodied demonic spirit that can become as intangible as wind and shadows. it can even take over a person's body.
3) Tsu becomes Ninjatsu, and is formatted more as a ninja. he is capable of vanishing techniques, and, for 3 minutes, give the user the powers of anyone and everyone in a range of ten yards.
together, they form teh upgraded "Doragon Tenmakaininjatsu", which is much more powerful, and transforms not only the sword itself, but the user as well, giving them a large, demonic suit of armor. The User and "Doragon Tenmakaininjatsu" become thee times more powerful than before. teh sword is now capable of all it's original powers, plus the following:
1) Doragon Blaster: the sword turns into Doragon Form, with links that can separate and shoot elemental magic like bullets. another stationary attack.
2) Tenmakai Grandslam: the sword turns into Tenmakai Form, which can appear completely dull and harmless, while delivering a deadly blow. it can remove the soul of an enemy, if told to.
3) Ninjatsu Negagenergizer: the sword turns into Ninjatsu Form, which allows teh user enhanced stealth and cloaking skills. if a connection is made with an enemy body, it can quarter their muscular powers, until they can barely cut wind with their weapon, let alone lift anything. Similar to Izuru Kira's Wabisuke From BLEACH.
Alone, separate, or upgraded, the blades are all deadly in their own right.
I am also in teh act of regaining control of my old blade, Batsukomaru (Great Zero Strike). It's inert spirit is teh near-exact opposite of Zangetsu, the sword of BLEACH's Ichigo Kurosaki. Batsukomaru is A tall, tanned, Negro (Creds to black people for his look!) with a huge comb-added Afro, black sunglasses, and a long white suit with a white cloak and cape, and a black hood that barely covers his hair. in standard form, his attacks include:
1) Negro Revenge (Kurojin Kataki): at teh call of "For years of pain (Tameni seisou itami)", Batsukomaru's spirit takes over the user's body, and takes his revenge on behalf of all the black people who were tortured and killed by teh KKK.
2) Great Infinty strike (Batsumugendaimaru): At the call "Infinity, the symbol of death (Mugendai, za kigou takei)", Batsukomaru itself will fly into teh air, create an infinity symbol, and descend it upon the user's body, enabling the user to perform the Great Infinity Strke, sending an enemy into a temporary void.
3) Wave Stream (Nami Kasui): The blade turns blue and releases wave after wave of electrified water blasts.
In his final form, Batsukomaru becomes Batsutenkaimaru (Great Revolution Strike). In this form teh user's appearance changes. they receive a large afro, black skin (OH YEAH!) long limbs, and the trademark 'white-suit-shade-cloak-cape-and-hood' look of Batsukomaru's spirit. in this form, the blade only has one attack:
1) Back-Flash Strike (Rimen-Senkou Maru) Batsutenkaimaru creates The Back-Flash Strike Seal and allows teh user to step through it, amplifying teh power of the subsequent attack. anyone in it's way is reverted in age until they suffer a fate worse than death: UNBIRTH!
I have gained a new blade by teh name Zentaku (House of Peace). In this form, teh user if placed in an excelled state of mental peace, enhancing agility and increasing the user's ability to avoid attacks. it also increases the power in the muscles in teh user's legs, enhancing speed and Shundo attack power. It has no major attacks.
In it's final form, it becomes Rosuto Zentaku (Lost House of Peace). The user, when this power is released, is sent into a state hyper-powered berserker fury that enhances muscular power in all parts of the body, while retaining the original muscular structure of the body. The user will not snap out of this state until the first person he sees is utterly destroyed. The only attack this form has is:
EL SLAUGHTERHOUSE GRANDE: The final strike. This attack will level any building in an immediate 7-mile radius of the user, who will stab the ground and create a giant net of electric power. Once removed, the blade will make a tracking tail out of each strand that has hit an enemy. For each strand, the user than fires himself like a missile at the enemy, slashing three times for EACH "ZAP THREAD" that has hit a target. Once complete, the user will hold the sword in the
air, creating a great, bladed whirlwind with him at the center. This attack is then sent three for each line on an enemy, followed by a massive sword swing through the air, causing a huge explosion to rock the Shock Net. When completely finished, the user will revert back to normal.
All of my blades are powerful. Beware of them.
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"Yo, Boy. YOu're momma evva' tell ya it's wrong to touch a girl when they don't want it? Well, I'll teach ya that lesson... THROUGH DEATH AND DAMNATION THROUGH ANY LIFE THAT'LL HAVE YOU."
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