Hello everyone. Not that anyone is actually reading this. Wait, oops, I'm reading this, so I guess someone actually is. Me. Wait, uh, do I really count? Technically, perhaps but nontechnically?...um, no. Whee, how comforting that is. sweatdrop
So anyway...today? Well guess what! At 2:00 am my father called the police on my mother. Wow...never thought I'd see him do that again. Wait...actually, I guess I did pretty much guess he would eventually do that. But I confess, I wasn't expecting that the night in question. I mean PLEASE! Can't an emotionally disturbed high school girl get some decent sleep around here? Wait...in my case, I guess not.
I wonder if I could somehow develop schizophrenia. I mean wouldn't that be cool to hallucinate and get away from life, drugs, emotions, and basically, reality? And not to mention my parents who bicker...wait, yell, scream, kick, and call the cops on each other...yup, life sucks sometimes. Alright, for me, it sucks most of the time. All the time.
But hey, on a lighter note, guess who did well at her uber-nervous-brain racking violin recital today? heart Sheesh, no, not you. Me. I played this song called Moto Perpetuo and I rocked at it. I made no mistakes. Everyone applauded for me, like, the loudest. I was a star. Uh, no, not really. But really, let me bask in the glow for now. After all, it took my violin teacher, like, two weeks to teach me how to "bask in the glow" of when people are clapping at you and to bow properly. ((Look at your toes! Your toes!!!!!)) But at least my parents didn't fight at the performance. I convinced my mom to shut up and my dad went...I don't know. To his girlfriend's house? To his office? I really don't know where. But I do know where I went. I went to Borders (you know, the bookstore) and sat down with my favorite friend, Samurai Deeper Kyo. I read up to the 18th volume. And guess who my favorite character is? Basically a prototype of Soujiro Tenken from Rurouni Kenshin. But whatever, I like guys like that. They smile all the time and are bas-a** swordsmen. Plus, they're friendly and cute too. His name is Akira. Basically, this guy. I got him on the quiz, too: Akira Take this quiz! Isn't he cool looking? heart I want to be someone like that. I want to be able to manipulate people that well and then be able to chop their head off with my uber-cool sword technique. Ohhh....I can only wish. Hey, maybe in another dimension. I'll stick with hosing people down while hiding in my bushes for now.
By the way, that's Seta Soujiro. You know, we're like opposites. He smiles all the time. I frown all the time. He is deadly with his sword. I am deadly with my words...and biting fang powers. xD My friends think I'm a vampiric creature, you know. smile Well, I ended this journal entry on a lighter note, didn't I? I'd say that's a good thing. My therapist will be proud.
Swore · Sun Nov 18, 2007 @ 04:29am · 0 Comments |