Name: Sazumai
Birthday: May 3 1995
Love Interest: Ikato
You were always bright and happy. Well it seemed so. You tried to keep your real feelings hidden. You were a bit shy and had a few friends but they were the best ones you could ever have!
Past: your family hated you. Your birth was a total mistake. You'd sit on your bed crying in your pillow and had no one to comfort you at all. One day you decided you would run away. You went out in search to find someone who could love you. You were taken in by a ninja of the hidden snow village. The persons name was Hitaku. She loved you so much and for the very first time you felt love in ur heart. You met a guy named Ikato and you to grew to like eachother but couldn't tell one another. You became a ninja and there came a time of war. There was also a huge snowstorm at the time which made things even harder. You just found out that the only person that loved you was killed. Hitaku. You felt like you just lost your will to live and took your jacket off to die in the storm. Ikato cried " no Sazumai dont do it please! " Then he stayed with you until your last minutes of being alive. Right before you died. Ikato said " Hitaku wasn't the only one who loved you... I loved you to " You started to say I love you too when suddenly, you died.
aww.. how sad...