kakashi~hey guys...what's wrong with ravi?
sakura~i think she's depressed because ann's leaving
kakashi~leaving where?
ann~i'm not leaving yet. dad said-
kakashi~dad? you mean your father?
ann nodded and the others stared at her
sasuke~you said he was dead
kakashi~but zabuza and haku are dead too
sasuke nodded
naruto~so who's related to who?
ann~mom and zabuza are siblings then dad's with mom
sakura~her mom and zabuza are brothers and sisters. it's her father that went with zabuza's sister
naruto~ooooooh...but what about the dead back to life thing?
kakashi~kekkei genkai like ravi's fire manipulation ability
naruto~*gulp* so that means even if ann dies she can still come back as a zombie and eat our brains?!
ann~sasuke have you two been watching horror movies again?
sasuke~i told him no but he still wanted to watch it
kakashi~whatever...lets go guys, then you can discuss and kill eachother later
after the day was over, only ann had stayed behind
kakashi~ann aren't you gonna go?
ann~i will later
kakashi~well you can't loiter you know
ann~yeah i know i'll leave later. just want to rest
kakashi sighed and left her alone. after a few minutes ann started up the stairs to get in the kage's office. ann listened against the door incase tsunade was in the room or anyone else that went in
ann~gotta keep my ears on the open. i just hope i can find the book
ann looked through the books to find nothing about what she wanted
ann~dammit come on...
tsunade~what are you looking for kid?
ann~*gulp* uh-heh-uh
tsunade~maboroshis right? move over
she gently pushed ann aside and got a book on clans from the shelf and gave it to her
tsuande~next time, ask. and tell your family i said hi
she lead ann out the office then left
ann~wow....hehe...she's ok
ann left looking in the index for the maboroshis
when ann got home she sat down on the bed still reading
auron~were you reading that book the whole time you walked back?
ann~yeah why dad?
auron~well didn't you run into a pole or something?
ann~no. where's zabi and haku?
auron~sleeping. and i made sure they were under the blanket
ann~ok good, dont' want to be blind again...
auron~*sigh* what are you reading?
ann~something...but i do find this a huge coincidence that previous generations died in the same area
auron got next to her and read the passage her finger was at
auron~learning more about our clan? and now i think of it, it really is
ann~what about me?
auron~doubt it becuase you live here instead of the mist so there's less of a chance you'll be on that mission. and it stopped as well the last time i went unassigned
auron~come here kid
he brought her on his lap and she kept reading
auron~how was your day ann?
ann~good, same old things. D missions suck
auron~well that's better then the As and Ss
ann~in a way
auorn~hehehe yeah in a way...hey ann
ann~yeah dad?
she looked up at him
auorn~i really don't know if you will get it, but we do have the ability to telepathically talk and read the minds of others you touch
ann~really? that's awsome!
auron~yeah it is. but you should watch yourself, there are thoughts you want to stay out of
ann~*giggle* very aware of that. i don't even want to get in kakashi's head when he's not with iruka sensei
auron~i'm not gonna ask why
they laughed as she closed the book
ann~not yet. read later
ann got up and put the book on a shelf with many other books
auron~little book worm?
ann~i already knew most of the things in it and i always used the excuse of reading it out of a book
ann~i know alot of weapons five year olds won't even learn till they're like eight
auron~yeah and some other things right?
ann~uh heheh yeah...and some things i shouldn't have known till later
auron~your fault then *chuckles* go ahead and start cooking dinner. i'll get the other two
ann nodded and started to get some things out of the fridge. auron headed upstairs to get zabuza and haku out of the bed, dressed and down for dinner
View User's Journal
annaliesalayoshi and zabuza momochi
i'm a super fananic of naruto. i even made my own naruto character, annaliesalayoshi (or ann), and i made her zabuza's niece (that is if he ever had one). later in the story i mix it with final fantasyX
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