~The true form of the Dragon Amulet that Siofra carries around her neck~
Name Meaning: Japanese for "Shining Under Heaven"
Height: From sitting on one's shoulder to the size of a towering mountain at will.
Family: Other spirits that guide anyone on the true path to a real paradise on Earth.
Race: Spirit Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: Since the amulet was passed down from generation to generation throughout the Elder Werewolf Leaders of past lives, the age of this spirit is unknown.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Birthday: Unknown
Blood Type: Changes for the soul purpose of gaining something the other type can't obtain.

[Edited February 2011]
(Wings will come later. I just got lazy. Dx )
(I just needed a quick sketch of her to help me with my writing. I'll probably redo this to make it look nicer when I have time in the future.)
Example of miniture form she can obtain besides its amulet form.
Yango and Yanga
Name Meaning: Just made them up X3
Height: Yanga is about 5' 6" while Yango is 6' 1"
Family: Other spirits that guide anyone on the true path to a real paradise on Earth.
Race: Spirits of the Wind and the Passageway to Dreams
Yango- male
Yanga- Female
Age: Unknown
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Birthday: Unknown
Blood Type: Like many spirits, it changes for the soul purpose of gaining something the other type can't obtain.
Description: Yango and Yanga are spirits that live inside of the mind of Siofra, unknowing to her since she had never seen them before. They are strange looking creatures, their body's made of many different beings. Their bodies are covered in long, white and blue feathers with heads of a falcon, their beaks mostly representing thick, large owl beaks. They each have green, slited eyes but never seem to get any wider in the dark, as if they are just designed contacts. They each have long, pointed elven ears with one bell on each ear, constantly jungling them whenever they move their heads. They have long, five fingered eagle claws as their hands, the claws immensely sharp at the tips, but they are never seen fighting. They have long, wolven tails that wrap around their middles twice, hovering about one to two inches from their waists in the air. Their middles down are that of a fawn, their feet having two-toed hooves as they click when they walk, even though they don't have solid bodies. In one of Siofra's dreams, they danced around her happily as Yanga had a single wing on her back as did Yango, him left as her right. Since they gave her wings in order to save her life from being cut short by a hunter from the Dark Hearts while unconsious, they no longer have anything on their backs. Yanga is always the energetic one, almost always skipping around her enemies, looking close into their faces when she wants something answered. Yango is the quiet one, always standing with his arms crossed but never showing an angered or annoyed expression, as if he enjoys watching Yanga smile and laugh as the dangerous beings glare and push her, again adding to the fact that they might be solid though they fade in and out of shape from the mist they came from. Later, during a strange situation involving the Grim Reaper, Yanga confirms that they two are brother and sister, waving as they make their way back into Siofra's dreams, unconsious everytime they come out.