me? maybe?
I guess I'll tell you about My self scence that what everyone else does...I hate people... all they ever do is ruin your life. some ones always mad at you some ones always sad, someones always being a jerk. And Its always At the time you need some one. Do you know what I hate? I absolutely hate it when people act like your problems are stupid. You know just because some stupid people have the things they need doesnt make a person Happy. Sure I have a bunch of stupid nice things... a bunch of stupid money... and im in a stupid school program thats "so much easier" not. I know its nice to go to punta canta... Maybe thats not what I want Maybe thats not what i need. YOu know what would be nice? It would be nice to see my grandma... and my cute little cousins. It would be nice to have my stupid sister. jeezs shes a pain but shes suposed to be with me. It'd be really nice to have my mom. You think you hate your mom but think about what it'd be like with out her... She knows what foods you like what shows you like to watch what game you like to play when it rains. She knows what your alergic to. she can tell you need a hug because you play that stupid song by that stupid band you love. The mom who'll but you a daisy insted of a dumd rose after you sing in the stupid concert. The one who'll buy you the stupid apple juice not the stupid soda when your sick. Ugg I dont care About money and stuff I just want Tyler. Thats The only Thing I need. when you die what are you left with? Its not like you can keep money and stuff after you die. no But you cant get rid of love. Love is forever. I hate it when people want things and money... I hate people who are jelouse of peoples things. Jelous of peoples other people is differant... Its not okay but its not as stupid. I hate the internet and stupid Gaia thats why im in such a bed mood... I love tyler... and I'm jelous...