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I'm valued to my opinion just like everyone else and I call upon the power of 'Freedom of Speech.'
-Roleplayers Subject: Roleplay profiles
Immortal's Forest
User Image
* A 5'11" tall shadow wolf demon.
*Number the candles... And you'll find she's n i n e t e e n

*Her name is Mystikal Fille d'Enfer == [[ Mystikal Neerya ]]

*Her wolven form... Wolven Form

*Her heart inside... Mysti has developed a split personality, that not only changed her in *character, but in some physical appearance as well, but Mysti’s other half had been dubbed *extremely dangerous. During these times she can be a strict, merciless person that can *handle herself well in combat. Sometimes it was said that she turns into a blood-hungry *murderer, and rumors even started that she killed her own father, though this was false. *When she's in this state, she tends to wander off, and prefers to be alone, usually snapping *at anyone who gets near her.
*Her other personality is almost the polar opposite. She tends to give the appearance of a *normal, sarcastic teenager that loves to laugh, and easily discouraged. Though, she doesn’t *slip into this state much anymore.
*Either way, Mysti, seems to believe the world revolves around her. She's actually a nice *person once you get to know her, but otherwise she rude and loves sarcasm. She's a strong *leader, which puts others before herself, and sometimes unintentionally takes over *situations.

*Her aids in fear... Daggers, a pair of Yin & Yang Sais, and her rarely used Legacy

*Whom she must be on guard near... Any kind of light being. Whether an angel, fire or light elemental, or any other being that can deal with *light and corupt her shadows.
*And her simple prey... Anything with wolf blood (I.e. werewolves, wolf demons, ect…) and *deals with shadows.
*Her talents... Abilities

*From the day Mystikal was born she thought she was cursed to be alone forever. Her *mother died during child birth, so she never truly got the chance to meet her. For the next *few years, Mystikal's father was the only person she had to love. That was, until he was *murdered by his friends for even caring for such a 'cursed' child. Mystikal was only 10 at *the time, and hadn't learned enough to fend for herself. She was found days later by her *Aunt Neerya, who actually had the exact same powers and characteristics as she did, while *roaming the streets before she passes out in fatigue.
*Mystikal doesn't remember much more about her past life. She woke up in the house of her Aunt, bruised and traumatized. She learned as much as she could from her Aunt about her powers and defending herself, but soon left her with little information about herself, knowing she couldn’t stay. That was, until Drezdon crossed her path. They had a connection, this she knew, that allowed the shadow wolf to teach her about herself and her strange powers.
Although, she is only able to remember key attributes about her past, she knew enough that she had to get away from civil life. This was how she found her way to the forest, and began life anew there.

They call her Mystikal Fille d'Enfer... Your stealthy shadow wolf demon ==**

Mystikal Neerya
{In the Eyes of a wolf there's no such thing as Pain, Fear, or even Death.}
User ImageGood day, my name is…
Mystikal le Loup Libre (Meaning 'Mystikal the Free Wolf' in French)
But, most call me…
It should be obvious that I'm a…
But I like...
My last cake had...
I hang with the...
I go to GGHS because...
I'm a shadow wolf demon that can:
Race: Shadow Wolf demon-With her wolf ears and features, Mystikal has enhanced senses. She uses these senses for her own protection and well-being. Though now, heightened smell doesn't come in handy when a foul smell hits the air, extreme light usually hurts her eyes, and if a loud noise rings through the air, it usually leaves Mystikal writhing in pain if it catches her by surprise.
Summon; Shadow Wolves-Mystikal has the ability to call upon a pack of shadow wolves to fight for her. Sometimes their glowing yellow eyes can be seen watching her from the shadows. Only one, a 3ft tall shadow wolf named Drezdon, actually stays with Mysti at all times. He is the Alpha of the shadow wolves, and has his own shadow abilities himself. Though he is half blind out of his left eye, he still keeps to his job of protecting his mistress.
Shadow manipulation-The ability to manipulate the shadows. She cannot use any of her powers/abilities if there are no shadows around her, and that may one day be her downfall.
Shadow step-With her shadow abilities, Mystikal has the ability to shadow step. She can use the shadows as a way for transportation, which usually comes in handy.
And so much has happened since I came…
From the day Mystikal was born she thought she was cursed to be alone forever. Her mother died during child birth, so she never truly got the chance to meet her. For the next few years, Mystikal's father was the only person she had to love. That was, until he was murdered by his friends for even caring for such a 'cursed' child. Mystikal was only 10 at the time, and hadn't learned enough to fend for herself. She was found days later by her Aunt Neerya, who actually had the exact same powers as she did.
Before long, Mystikal entered the GGBS, where she trained hard, and learned how to block all unwanted emotions whenever she wanted to. She moved up through the classes with ease.. From there, she plans to continue to strive, and hopefully one day she'll be able to help others with similar gifts.
Not to mention I’ve picked a few different mannerisms...
Mystikal has developed a split personality and her other half had been dubbed extremely dangerous. During these times she can be a strict, merciless person that can handle herself well in combat. Sometimes it was said that she turns into a blood-hungry murderer, and rumors even started that she killed her own father, though this was false. When she's in this state, she tends to wander off, and prefers to be alone, usually snapping at anyone who gets near her. Though, she doesn’t seem to slip into this state much anymore.
Her other personality is almost the polar opposite. She tends to give the appearance of a normal, sarcastic teenager that loves to laugh, and easily discouraged. Also, she secretly loves to make others laugh.
Either way, Mysti, seems to believe the world revolves around her. She's actually a nice person once you get to know her, but otherwise she rude and loves sarcasm. She's a strong leader, which puts others before herself, and sometimes unintentionally takes over situations.
Paint a pretty portrait-
To be Free like the Wolf I am.
Before I forget...
Mysti a pet shadow wolf named Drezdon that tends to follow her around a lot. As for weapons, she carries around a pair of twin yin yang sais as her preferred weapon of choice.
And as always, I have my conscience…
Mystikal Neerya

Survival of the Fittest/Our Last Moments Together
{There's a point in your life when you relize who matters. who never did. and who always will.}
User ImageGood day, my name is…
Neerya Fille d'Enfer
But, most call me…
Ms. d'Enfer, Ms. Neerya, Ms. Rya; she doesn't really mind nicknames as long as they're kept at a respectable level.
It should be obvious that I'm a…
But I like...
My last cake had...
23 ...Candles
I hang with the...
I go to GGHS because...
I'm a Dark Arts teacher that deals with anything involving dark magic.
Race: Shadow Wolf demon-With her wolf ears and features, Neerya has enhanced senses. She uses these senses for her own protection and well-being. Though now, heightened smell doesn't come in handy when a foul smell hits the air, extreme light usually hurts her eyes, and if a loud noise rings through the air, it usually leaves her writhing in pain if it catches her by surprise.
Summon; Shadow Wolves-Neerya has the ability to call upon a pack of shadow wolves to fight for her. Sometimes their glowing yellow eyes can be seen watching her from the shadows. Only one, an older shadow wolf named Nightmare, actually stays with Neerya at all times. He is the Alpha of the shadow wolves, and has his own shadow abilities himself.
Shadow manipulation-The ability to manipulate the shadows. She cannot use any of her powers/abilities if there are no shadows around her, and that may one day be her downfall. Another thing is, she carries a fan around with her that seems to be the key to properly controlling her shadow powers.
Shadow step-With her shadow abilities, Neerya has the ability to shadow step. She can use the shadows as a way for transportation, which usually comes in handy.
And so much has happened since I came…
Neerya doesn't remember much about her past life. She woke up in the house of her sister, bruised and traumatized. She learned as much as she could from her sister, but soon left her with little information about herself. That was, until Nightmare crossed her path. They had a connection, this she knew, that allowed the shadow wolf to teach her about herself and her strange powers.
Although, she is only able to remember key attributes about her past, she knew enough that she had to retrieve her niece, who indeed had the same powers she had. She took her niece to GGHS, only because that's where Nightmare aid she should take them. That they would 'belong' there, not that she felt they really belonged anywhere. She was taken in as a teacher, and her niece as a student, and it's been like that for the past few years.
Not to mention I’ve picked a few different mannerisms...
Usually Neerya can be quite caring. She's a strong leader, that puts others before herself, and sometimes unintentionally takes over situations. Despite the loss of her childhood memories, Neerya is a wise person who loves giving helpful advice. If her students trust her then she trusts her students.
Paint a pretty portrait-
Leader of the Pack
Before I forget...
And as always, I have my conscience…
Mystikal Neerya

Character Name: Venicile Fille d'Enfer
Age: 19
Race: Demon Fire Mage
Powers: Fire Manipulation
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Venicile is all attitutude and sarcasm. She refuses to be 'broken in' like a horse and shows that opinion in her actions. She chooses to be a handful, unsubmissive, and cruel; and she won't stop until she's freed. Although she makes it seem like she cares about no one but herself, she's extremely protetive over what little friends she manages to make, and would risk her life in order to save theirs.
Bio: Venicile ran away fro hom when she was 12. She had lost her memory at the time from some 'accident' that no one could explain. Tired of all the excuses her parents tried to give her, she ran away and never looked back. She learned to be a theif out on the streets and had even become an assasin at 15.
One of her 'jobs' was to finish off the millionaire, but her pllan backfired and she was instead captured by him and turned into one of pets. Four years he's been trying to break her and with not the tiniest bit of success. She's glad the old man is about to croak, and hopes her new 'master' will be easy to overpower, so she can escape.
Appearance: [I][Take][Orders][From][No][One]
Type of Slave You Are: Red, Black, Dark Blue, Gold, and Brown.
Other: Venicile has a cross burned into both of her wrist along with a tattoo of a flaming cross taking up the small of her back. She did it a few years back to mark herself as an outside, which is what she chooses to be.
Played By: Mystikal Neerya

Lab 1159
[[In the eyes of a wolf; there's no such thing as pain, fear, or even death. ]]
http://My puppeteer is//
Mystikal Neerya
http://They referred to me as//
Mystikal Fille d'Enfer
http://But other people call me//
http://I call this place//
Un Deuxième Enfer (A Second Hell)
http://My last birthday cake had//
18 candles
http://I'm so [damn tired] of this place//
She believes she should be free, not locked up in some strange facility to be studied. She wonders how hard would it be to jump the walls that bind her?
http://Love me//
{To be free like the wolf I am...}
http://I was supposed to be more like a//
Good Little {Arctic Wolf}
http://People say I'm//
Unpredictive. Mystikal is said to have split personalities. There are times when she can be a strict, merciless person who doesn't care about anyone other than herself. Sometimes it was said that she turns into a blood-hungry murderer, and rumors even started that she's killed a few people, though this was false. When she's in this state, she tends to wander off, and prefers to be alone, usually snapping at anyone who gets near her.
Her other personality is the complete opposite. She's bubbly and happy, and gives the appearence of a normal child. This side of her is rarely seen by anyone other than he friends, but it could bring a smile to just about anyone.

Because of the Artic Wolf genes within here, Mysti is unable to stand the heat. She's taken with the cold, and the sun alone sometimes is unbarable to her.

Weranum - Sky Pirate
Name: Mystikal Fille d'Enfer
Played by: Mystikal Neerya
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Shadow Wolf Demon

Weapon: Two sets of Daggers and a pair of Yin&Yang sais. Note: Any black weapon she has,her first set of daggers and her first sai, she can materialize through the shadows.
Powers: Shadow Manipulation and she controls a shadow wolf pack.

Appearance: User Image<--Click to enlarge
Personality: Mysti has developed a split personality, that not only changed her in character, but in some physical appearance as well, but Mysti’s other half had been dubbed extremely dangerous. During these times she can be a strict, merciless person that can handle herself well in combat. Sometimes it was said that she turns into a blood-hungry murderer, and rumors even started that she killed her own father, though this was false. When she's in this state, she tends to wander off, and prefers to be alone, usually snapping at anyone who gets near her.
Her other personality is almost the polar opposite. She tends to give the appearance of a normal, sarcastic teenager that loves to laugh, and easily discouraged. Though, she doesn’t slip into this state much anymore.
Either way, Mysti, seems to believe the world revolves around her. She's actually a nice person once you get to know her, but otherwise she rude and loves sarcasm. She's a strong leader, which puts others before herself, and sometimes unintentionally takes over situations.
Bio: From the day Mystikal was born she thought she was cursed to be alone forever. Her mother died during child birth, so she never truly got the chance to meet her. For the next few years, Mystikal's father was the only person she had to love. That was, until he was murdered by his friends for even caring for such a 'cursed' child. Mystikal was only 10 at the time, and hadn't learned enough to fend for herself.
Mystikal doesn't remember much more about her past life. She woke up in the house of a stranger, bruised and traumatized. She learned as much as she could from the strange man, but soon he left her with little information about herself. This man left in her possesion, his ship and his crew, each member thinking of her as their master's daughter.
As it turned out, the ship, Jusqu'à la Mort (Till the Death) and it's crew, were well known pirates, and their late Captain had found a successor. Since the Captain dissappeared, Mysti has been annointed as the new Captain of the ship and for 5 year's she's bonded with the other members, and has raised the name Jusqu'à la Mort as a well known pirating ship. Although, she does still secretly search for the past Captain of the ship, with nothing of him but his nickname and the knowledge that he was a flame manipulator.
Other: The Alpha of her shadow wolf pack, a shadow wolf named Drezden, stays by Mystikal's side at all times. He practically has as much power over the ship as Mysti and has been known to keep crew members in line. Periodically, he does tend to talk the human language, but only when he feels like it.

Hunters vs Hunted
Gaian Name: Mystikal Neerya
Character name: Venicile Fille d'Enfer
Age: 4,894
Race: Half Vampire, Half Goddess
Gender: Female
Weapons: A pair of twin swords that stays at her side, as well as a rarely-used pistol attatched to her belt.
Powers: Venicile has the power to manipulate shadows for her biding, the power to create dark energy fireballs, and under the right circumstances she can take control of a a weak body (i.e. A hurt Hunter, or a surprised human)
Special Abilities: Venicile has the power to take the souls of the dead, only if they haunt the lands wanting vengeance. Then after they sell their soul to her and get their vengeance, then they have to serve her as a Vamp-Hunter, slaying vampires.
Biography: I wasn't always the 'infamous' soulless vampire goddess that people today know me as. Actually, I used to have a normal life as a vampire, well, at least as normal a life as a vampire can have.

I was born into vampire royalty, the only proper heir to the vampire empire, back when there was an empire. I lived the highlife, lived in a castle, had balls, normal princess stuff. Everything was fine until my parents were assasinated by a human and a vampire. When the two men turned to me, there was nothing I could do but want revenge and curse them. Surprisingly enough, my curse was answered, and by a human Greek Goddess of war, Artemis. In the end, I sold my soul to her and became a Vamp-Hunter. I was a bit surprised to find out, that there was no real difference between a vampire and a Hunter, other than having no soul and the fact that I had to hunt and kill my own kind.

Artemis thought haveing a vampire as a Vamp-Hunter would help her, but in the end I turned on her, she didn't know about the side-effect of the new species, the fact that I gained her power to take souls of the dead. Not only that, but because I was the only person capable of taking the Vampire throne, soulless or not, I took my rightful place. Every vampire knows I am their rightful Queen, by instint, but that doesn't mean they like the fact that a half-breed rules them. In the present, I have taken a few human souls and made a small vamp-hunter army, as well as the few Vampires that are still loyal to their Queen. Though, all the Vamp-Hunters who souls belong to Artemis, aren't exactly my best friends.

About two hundred years after being turned into a half-breed, I came across a burning village. For some reason the man tied to an altar, intrigued me, he seemed to call to me instead of the Celtic Goddess Morrigan, for she was ignoring his call. I could sense Artemis on her way to answer his call instead, but I quickly intervened, and went to his call myself. I slayed the men who had hurt him, and he offered me his soul, so he could get vengeance for his sister. I accepted the offer and transformed him into a vamp-hunter, silently laughing at Artemis's fumes. From then on, Talon, had become my most adored, hunter, although, on more than one occasion he has asked for his soul back, so he could be mortal again, but I declined, knowing that some day, I would need his assistance to fend off Artemis , my vampires, and the few Hunters that sided with Artemis. It would seem, that that day has come.
Personality: Venicile is said to have split personalities. She's untrusting of everyone except her closet Hunters and Vampires. Insults are her favorite thing to cast. She's one tough chick with the attitude to prove it. Sarcasm is her strong point and she's never in a good mood. Non-sarcastic laughter is an extremely rare thing to hear from her and if she is laughing, chances are it's at the torment of another.

Fair Enough

User Image
__Certificate of Creation__

From wence you came >
d'Enfer, Mysti Fille

A never ending cycle >
19. 19th of April, 2136

Gaze into my forever >

Mirrored images always talk back >
Split personalities, developed from the merging of robotic data to her mind. No particularly noticable signs show when she 'changes' other than perhaps a split second of spacing out.

Fading to black, the canvas will lie >
Mysti is said to have developed split personalities due to the attempted merging of a robotic an human mind. There are times when she shows the normal emotions of a teenager. Sarcastic, rude, but otherwise she gives the appearence of being happy.
According to reasearchers, her other personality tends to be a bit ampathetic, but otherwise reliable, known for keeping secrets, trustful,wise, and apparently good at giving advice. Nothing appears to be wrong with the two sides and in a way they both tend to think alike, they only express their thoughts in different ways.

Where the story comes to life >
Mysti’s parents were scientists of Vista that loved their younger daughter more than anything in the world, including the life of their first born. Mysti’s parents sacrificed their older daughter, Mystique, for ‘science’ and ended up killing her in the gruesome experiments, merely telling their youngest that her older sister had run away. Now that the oldest was gone, their lab needed another child to replace her and Mysti fit the needed requirements, but her parents refused to give her up and eventually they were fired, but the experiments they had been working on was just too top secret, and in the end they were killed, and Mysti was sent to live with her Grandparents.

Mysti feared her Grandparents, who constantly abused her and made her do outlandish chores at the age of 8. When they finally died, Mysti couldn’t help but be glad, this time being sent to her favorite Aunt. Her Aunt, who was also Vista, was a successful CEO of a large business and everything was going well into the woman had a stroke and was put in a coma. Everyone that could take care of the young girl had become invalid and, in turn, Mysti was sent to an orphanage that would decide her fate.

It took two years before Mysti’s older brother was found, for he had completely changed his Alias so much so that he considered himself no longer a part of the d’Enfer family, though he was raised under their roof. He’d erased himself from a family that he considered a disgrace, not because of their Vastan heritage because he believe in this, but because they wouldn't stand up for that in which they believed in and prefered to lay low. He had returned only to find what was left of his depleting family.

Everyone was dead, sick, or missing, as was the case of his two younger sisters. It didn’t take long for him to find his youngest sister in the orphanage, but he couldn’t take custody of her. The age requirement was 21 and he was only 19, as a result, he had to leave his little sister in the orphanage with nothing but a promise to return. Unfortunately, by the time Mysti’s brother returned, it was too late. Mysti had already been given to an Institute, well known for their experiments with androids.

For years Mysti was experimented on, but one particular thing had caught the interest of the scientist. The two personalities the girl and managed to create. Alas, their curiosity was never met because the Institute was soon shut down, and the 'experiments' set free.

Mysti went to live with her brother, who accepted her for who she was and said that she was 'A futuristic angel sent to save them all.' As a more outspoken person, Mysti's brother spends the most of his life with other Vista people and is rarely home with his sister who now tends to live for herself.

If walls could talk you'd be broke >
Mysti's wings are merely hallograms created by the Institute and cannot actually be used to fly with. Her entire family is of Vista and, therefore, Mysti has developed under this heritage too. Mysti's entire right arm and left leg muscles are mechanical. Due to her time in the Institute and her low rationings, Mysti has lost most of her will to eat and doesn't each much.

For Them...I'd Die for Them
]Pelt Of The Forest:
User Image
Howl For Me:
I Have Seen The Sun Rise:
I Was Blessed:
This Is My Pack:
Alpha Female
This Is Why I Hunt:
Snowpelt's gained rank in her pack is far from heriditary. She used pure cunning and skills in order to gain through the ranks of the pack. She was aggressive as a pup, attacking the others, especially female, fore she knew those were the onse she'd have to fight. Nevermind gaining their trust, that was something she would gain over the years as a leader.
When she was younger, her parents died, leaving her to learn and defend for herself. She'd been knocked down to the ranks of omega, but soon gained the trust of her packmates up to Gamma, which was one below the rank of the Beta.
Her chance came, and she snatched it up, A new Alpha Male had taken the ranks and the females were swarming. Through the sharp teeth and claws, while the other females were fighting and argueing, Snowpelt took the chance to get closer to the new Alpha, and in turn, gained her position through actually getting close to the Male instead of fighting for the ranks.
Here Is How I Howl:
Snowpelt may not have used force to gain her position as Alphess, but she does use it to rule. She'll allow the pack to think the Alpha Male has power over her, but it is really her who pulls the ranks. She's one tough wolf, that tends to snap at anyone who gets in her way, including her Alpha Male. Don't get her wrong, at times, Snow can be sweet and will take any wolf under her own care, but when it comes to getting orders out and getting what she wants she can be very aggressive and will fight to the death to defend her reason.
Dont Make Me Growl:
Anyone that disobeys her, anyone that doesn't do their job(s). anyone who questions her reason, anyone/anything that threatens her pack, or Rouges/Loners that she eventually grows warey of
Wag My Tail:
Pups, the moon, hunting or running in general, rabbit, and unity
Whose The Hunter?: Mystikal Neerya

For Iara

Username: Mystikal Neerya
Name: Mystikal "Mysti"
Age: 687
Gender: Female
Jewelry: Mystikal has for gold hoop ears in her left ear and one in her right. Also, she has 6 golden braclets on her front right paw that jingles softly when she walks or flies. Not only that, but she has two bangles on her left paw with clear gemstones all around them, these bangles clink together making a chiming noise whenever another air dreoelf uses their ability anywhere near her.
Position: Second in Command
Mate: None yet
Appearance: [Mystikal][No Stripes]
Personality: Mystikal has developed a split personality and her other half had been dubbed extremely dangerous. During these times she can be a strict, merciless person that can handle herself well in combat. Sometimes it was said that she turns into a blood-hungry murderer, though this is false. When she's in this state, she tends to wander off, and prefers to be alone, usually snapping at anyone who gets near her. Though, she doesn’t seem to slip into this state much unless discussing or encountering the shadow dreoelves.

Her other personality is almost the polar opposite. She loves to laugh and isn't easily discouraged, optomistic in more ways than one. Either way, Mysti, seems to believe the world revolves around her. She's actually a nice person once you get to know her, but otherwise she can be a very outgoing person. She's a strong leader, which puts others before herself and sometimes unintentionally takes over situations.

City of Differents
[[There's a point in your life when you relize who matters, who never did, and who always will. ]]
http://My puppeteer is//
Mystikal Neerya
http://They referred to me as//
http://But other people call me//
Mystikal; Mystique Fille d'Enfer
http://I call this new place//
Un Deuxième Enfer (A Second Hell)
http://My freak-age is//
http://I'm so [[damn tired]] of this place//
http://Love me//
{To be free like the wolf I am...}
http://I am an//
{Arctic Wolf}
http://People say I'm//
Unpredictive. Mystikal is said to have split personalities. There are times when she can be a strict, merciless person who doesn't care about anyone other than herself. Sometimes it was said that she turns into a blood-hungry murderer, and rumors even started that she's killed a few people, though this was false. When she's in this state, she tends to wander off, and prefers to be alone, usually snapping at anyone who gets near her.
Her other personality is the complete opposite. She's bubbly, optimistic, and happy, and gives the appearence of a normal child. This side of her is rarely seen by anyone other than her friends, but it could bring a smile to just about anyone.

Because of the Artic Wolf genes within me, I am unable to stand extreme heat. I taken with cold enviroments, and there are times when I must remain inside or in the shade to escape my enemy, the sun, and therefore, I prefer to only be outside at night. 'But what action really happens when the sun is down?' I figured, so I do face my solar enemy alot more than I would like to admit.

As for advantages, I have an abnormally great balance, I do like to spend my time at the park just to balance on a tree and draw or watch normal people. I can run faster than normal people and jump a lot higher as well, not to mention the inhumane strength that I now have.

During this past month, I've managed to become a little used to my home. Ironically enough, I've purchased two wolves from a nearby petstor that just 'called' for me to get them out of there. One is all black, named Shadow, while the other is all white, named Snow. We've become so attatched to each other that there are times when I know exactly what they're feeling and vise versa when I am in my 'human' form. While in my wolven form we do tend to communicate. They only listen to me. They're my pack and I'm their Alphess.

Xalamand Institute


{Character Photograph}
Mysti & Mystique

Together as One

>> - - - - - > Formal Introductions < - - - - - <<

        They Call Me - - - )) ___ Mysti/Mystique Fille d'Enfer
        But You Can Call Me - - - )) ___ Mysti/Stique
        First Breath - - -))___ 19 Apr 2o14
        Measure Me - - -))___ 14
        For Clarification Purposes - - - ))___ Female
        Partnership? - - - ))___ Straight
        Vertically And Horizontally Challenged? ---))___ 5’6 & 1oo lbs

>> - - - - - > A Little More Personal < - - - - - <<

              Melodies In My Head ---))___ || Ring the Alarm-Beyonce; Don't Play with Me-DFB ||
              Passes The Time - - - ))___ || Singing; Torturing others; Drawing imaginary landscapes with wolves; Fighting; Watching people live their lives ||
              Grates My Nerves - - - ))___ || Following orders; Stupid people that do Stupid things; Jerks; Desperate people ||
              Tiny Little Differences - - - ))___ Split personalities & A Fighting Expert ; At times, considered a dangerous threat & At times, cries easily ||
              Gets Me Through The Day - - - ))___ || Singing; Drawing; Hurting Others ||

        >> - - - - - > Why I Am The Way That I Am
< - - - - - <<

        My Own Personal Cult - - - ))___ || Mysti’s parents were scientists that loved their younger daughter more than anything in the world, including the life of their first born. Mysti’s parents sacrificed their older daughter, Mystique, for ‘science,’ and ended up killing her in the gruesome experiments, merely telling their youngest that her older sister had run away. Now that the oldest was gone, their lab needed another child to replace her, and Mysti fit the needed requirements, but her parents refused to give her up and eventually fire, but the experiments they had been working on was just too top secret, and in the end they were killed, and Mysti was sent to live with her Grandparents.

        Mysti feared her Grandparents, who constantly abused her and made her do outlandish chores at the age of 8. When they finally died, Mysti couldn’t help but be glad, this time being sent to her favorite Aunt. Her Aunt was a successful CEO of a large business and everything was going well into the woman had a stroke and was put in a coma. Everyone that could take care of the young girl had become invalid and, in turn, Mysti was sent to the orphanage that would decide her fate. ||
        Past, Present And Future - - - ))___ || It took two years before Mysti’s older brother was found, for he had completely changed his Alias so much so that he considered himself no longer a part of the d’Enfer family. He’d erased himself from a family that he considered a disgrace, but he had returned to make amends with his parents, only to discover what was left of the depleting family.

        Everyone was dead, sick, or missing, as was the case of his two younger sisters. It didn’t take long for him to find his youngest sister in the orphanage, but he couldn’t take custody of her. The age requirement was 21 and he was only 19, as a result, he had to leave his little sister in the orphanage with nothing but a promise to return. Unfortunately, by the time Mysti’s brother returned, it was too late. Mysti had already been given the Xalamand Institute, and there was not way he could get her back.

        For years Mysti was experimented on, but one particular thing had caught the interest of the scientist. Mysti had developed a split personality, that not only changed her in character, but in some physical appearance as well, but Mysti’s other half had been dubbed extremely dangerous. When Mysti was in her ‘other form’ she looked particularly like her older sister, Mystique, and had even taken to calling herself that when she was in this state. The ‘two’ girls believed that Mystique’s soul had infused with that of her younger sister’s in order protect her from the experiments that she herself had to go through. ||
        Specialties - - - ))___ || Split personalities, split abilities. Mysti has certain abilities that she can only access in a certain personality, apart from both being empaths. The 'two girls are psychokinetic, and Mystique uses this greatly to her advantage, although she's still trying to control certain aspects power, she's mastered a few of her telekenetic abilities like: thoughtform projection(illusions) and movement of matter. As for the rest of her abilties, she chooses not to use, simply because she cannot control them as well as her other half.

        Mysti, on the other hand, fails miserable when it comes to thoughtform projection and movement of matter. Instead, her telekenetic abilities are more advanced in the areas of Biological healing, energy shields, and transmutation of matter, which are the main three things that Mystique fail in.

        As for the rest of the abilities brought on by the phsychokinesis, both of the personalities are mediocre in practicing. Why? is what people are currently trying to find out. ||
        My Own Personal Poison - - - ))___ Psynidrium X
        Toxic Disaster - - - ))___ || Psychokinesis; An extra personality name Mystique that has been dubbed 'dangerous' ||

>> - - - - - > The Person Behind The Mask < - - - - - <<

        Color My Character - - - ))___ Black for actions, Indigo for speach, and medium purple for thoughts
        The Great Pretender - - - ))___ Mystikal Neerya

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2 Unintended Consequences
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Tue Aug 04, 2009 @ 10:33am


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