I love the gingerbread man cookie.
It's so cute ^__^ but it has a big head xD
Oh well I still love it.
Man all I need is the oculus magica.
Then my dream avatar will be complete [:
Ughh.. I'm tired now, I just came from my
basketball game. We won of course (x hehe jk.
There was this one girl and gosh she was like
a boulder or something, she kept knocking
our team players down xD .
34-30 I think was the finale score.
My mom was mad at my dad though
because when we came home there
was no dinner...
Now I'm hungry and I have to do math.
I love math and everything but I hate
I'm trying to make this a long one
because I haven't typed in this for
a while.
Didn't talk to him today..
Oh well ): . I can't keep always
thinking about him it's not healthy >__<
Hmm my sisters making food and it
smells so good *drules* [x
I love food and my favorite drink
is bubble tea (8, man I love that drink.
Especially taro I think that's how you
spell it. Well I have to go eat know so
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