Okay! Two topics in a single Journal Entry. THIS IS MADNESS!! No...THIS! IS! WEIRDNESS!
Okay, first off something a little weird that happened IRL.
I noticed this last night, but it only really became apparent this morning. Even though I put the car in Drive and hold the clutch (or whatever it's called) into Drive as far as it will go, my car will, at random times, drop into Neutral. What's even weirder, is that it will only drop into neutral when I'm trying to accelerate. Now, I know that here in Oregon, it rains a lot. Believe me, I know the difference between trying to accelerate in Neutral and hydroplaning, and that was not hydroplaning.
Next on the menu! (SPOLIER WARNING!!)
I had another weird dream last night. What's particularly odd about this one, was that I wasn't thinking about Avatar: The Last Airbender in any way, shape, or form last night. Anyway, on with the dream.
I have no idea where it takes place, other then it's a city/town/whatever at night that's being attacked. Not by the Fire Nation, though. I dunno who attacked it. Anyway, Aang is out of it for some reason. He's off taking shelter with a filming crew. This leaves Toph and Katara, because we all know that Sokka sucks at fighting for the most part, and I have no idea where Zuko is.
Anyway, the idea suddenly comes up to try and bend multiple elements, aside from their own. So, as they fight, I remember seeing Toph put her hands together and Firebend a jet of flames, though not a very big one, and Katara is able to Earthbend two tiles out of the ground to throw at her opponents. Katara comments, saying that bending a different element, other then their original element is harder then she thought.
Sokka jumps out of nowhere, berating them for trying to bend something else, other then the elements they are already masters of. For some reason, he didn't see Katara's Earthbending or Toph's Firebending as weird.
Back with Aang, he gets away from the film crew long enough to check on the battle. He sees Katara Waterbend/Earthbend herself a mud shield, which was really, really big, and the dream ended there. (DAMN YOU, ALARM CLOCK!!!) I wanted to see the end of it, but meh. It was cool while it lasted.
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The Door to the Mind
My sacred space to post whatever I want. Rants, dreams, experiences and anything else that comes to mind.