Last day in the office yesterday - and it doesn't feel real. Well, it wouldn't, would it? It was everyone else's last day too, before xmas, so the big difference is that I'm NOT going back in January. I've still got a week of just feeling like I'm on a normal holiday.
Get me past New Year and then ask me how I feel - I still haven't made up my mind....
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The Random Thoughts of Twinkie
Exactly what it says on the tin
Scatter Cushion
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Flying is the second greatest experience known to man - LANDING is the first!
Oh... there's... a... monkey in my pocket / And he's stealing all my change / His stare is blank and glassy / I suspect that he's deranged!
Oh... there's... a... monkey in my pocket / And he's stealing all my change / His stare is blank and glassy / I suspect that he's deranged!