Sex: Male
Age: 27
Height: 6'6" (7'8" if his wings are included)
Weight: 199 pounds (229 pounds if wings included)
Appearance: See above below.
Short Bio: Ezra is the son of a stay-at-home mom and a "man" who was once a soldier, though details of this time were never really given to him. Ezra is a total innocent; despite being in his late twenties, he's never so much as had a sexual experience, nor has he ever really wanted to. His main passion is his music and his band, Ciel, and he always seems to assume the best of people. Ezra could almost be seen as naive, but he knows enough of the world to not quite fit into the category - he manages to maintain his innocence and sincerity despite what he knows of people. All in all, he is inherently good - and no one can quite place why that is.
At least until he meets Quin. After being fed off of by the vampire, Ezra's body goes into defense mode - his angelic nature, inherited from his thought to be deceased father, was awakened. When his wings tore from his back, they covered the nearby snow in blood; the appendages left him barely coherent and sore for months before he became used to them.
As it turned out, his father wasn't just any angel - he was Azrael, the angel of Death. Unfortunately, the angel broke more than one of the angelic laws when he fell in love with a mortal woman who's soul he was meant to collect - the worst of which being having a child - Ezra - with her. His mother, of course, knew this all along and blamed herself for Azrael being imprisoned.
Gradually, Ezra is losing himself to his angelic nature - but because he has something no angel does, a soul, he will always retain something of his human life: his free will and free thought. Though it may not be able to prevent him from hurting those that he cares for. That's the problem with being an inherently good creature close to vampires - creatures that angels are charged to destroy whenever possible because of their "evil" nature.