Awakening [+1]It was the vibrating in the walls that woke her up. Rolling off the cot, she staggered to the door of her cell and peered out. Watching as the angered and frightened Renstok ran hither and thither, she threw her head back and cackled. "See!?! I
told ye Ducky! Renstok are dyin after twenty-two hunner year!"
Turning her back to the door and scowling, she growled, "Shut it, Ducky. Now that they be in disarray, we need ta be gettin free of here."
Smiling serenely, she asked calmly, "And just how d'ye pre-pose ta do so, Ducky? Tha door be made outer dragon scale an only a dragon can bust through it."
From outside the door, there came a low snarling growl followed by the door shuddering in it's frame from a loud thump.
"Ducky?" she asked, looking at the door with curiosity. As the growl sounded again followed by another door shuddering thud, she stepped backward and said, "By george, Ducky, som'tin be on t'other side of yonder door!"

Suddenly, the door flew open with a little less force than an explosion. Expecting to see a dragon, she was rather surprised to see a small green rabbit. Tilting her head she watched as the rabbit glared at her for a few moments before hopping towards her.
Squatting to look at the rabbit, she tilted her head the other way and said, "Wot's this then, Ducky? Ow's come a
Wee Bunny FooFoo can knock yonder open yet noner us can?"
"No idea, Ducky," was the reply--though not from the green rabbit. "Though m'thinks we should stay near said Wee Bunny FooFoo for it may be our means of 'scaping dis place. Agreed? Agreed."
Leaf on the WindAs the others boarded the
Eureka Maru [+2], Dragon directed Xangord to make sure the others were properly seated and belted down. Pulling Nissa to the cabin, she pushed the android into the pilot's chair and sat in the copilot's chair. "Be a leaf on the wind."
"Mind explaining what you mean by that?" Nissa asked, turning to look at Dragon.
"Land without getting us killed," Dragon replied.
do remember what happened to the last one wo claimed to be a 'Leaf on the Wind'?"
[+3]"You're an android. You can be rebuilt."
"Comforting," Nissa sighed, rolling her eyes. Flipping switches, she began to power up the
"Soar on the wind, Nissa," Dragon replied as the bay doors opened.
"Hold on to your lunches, meatbags," Nissa called back to those in the cargo section.
Exiting the
Nerissa Altsoba at top speed, Nissa immediately dove beneath a Renstok fighter--only to pull back on the
Maru's yolk to climb up the side of another. Weaving to the left, Nissa aimed the
Maru to fly straight at the Renstok homeship. Dodging and weaving between the multiple Renstok ships, Nissa relied totally on her lightning quick reflexes as an android to avoid all chances of being blown up, crashing into a Renstok ship, being hit by a
EMP ray, caught in an energy net, get hit by harpoon cannons with attached grappling lines, or anything else that the Renstok could throw at them. A few times, Nissa had to completely reverse direction by barrel rolling to the right or left with a nose-to-tail flip that if she was not connected to the
Maru's computer, the ship would be virtually incapable of doing.
"The landing's going to be hot!" Nissa called as she neared the Renstok homeship with several missiles on the tail of the Maru. At the last possible second, Nissa pushed the yolk down to make the
Maru go into a deep dive and make the missiles slam into the side of the Renstok homeship. Flipping out of the dive, Nissa flew through the jettisoned debris and landed on the homeship. Before a virus could be downloaded into her, Nissa connected to the Renstok ship to temporarily seal the hole in the side of the Renstok homeship until they could make their escape.
Community Member
[+2] The Maru is from Gene Roddenbury's, Andromeda. It belongs to Rebeca 'Bekka' Valentine.
[+3] crying Wash dying in Serenity was NOT cool!!!! It was the man's best flying and then they had to kill them *would kill Joss Wheadon for that but that means no hope of more Firefly or Serenity*