Some New Things Coming Up!And What happened to old projects
Hi guys!This is from Evolin,Ron's friend.I am one of his neighbors.(I'm a girl!)I'm typing this with him and Gordy(A boy)We are all neighbors and good friends.Plus,we got some new stuff and ideas coming up for series.Mac And James will be talked with Ron and so are the important things with him.What happened to Mac And James' Christmas Special?Me and Gordy will talk about it.First,we lost time and couldn't make it in time for Christmas.We were busy,playing with our new stuff.But,we are coming up with our new series,(Not-named.)Our progress right now is only at 4% so far,and we aren't getting far.Ron made me and a Gordy a gaia,and you guys will see it on his profile,in his box with him,next to him,plus,we also have lots of cool stuff with us to do.You guys can add us,we will be on his friends list.Thanks guys, <3,Evolin Hi everyone,I'm Gordy.As you heard,lots of cool stuff is happening,and Mac And James is still going strong.Ron and I are trying to get some good ideas for Season 2.We will be making many movies(If we can!)We try to make our best.Plus,the Christmas Special has been canceled due to tardiness.Thanks, Gordy blaugh Yea,those were my friends,no lie.Yes they will have gaias.I'm trying to make them some,just getting some stuff ready.So far,Mac And James is going well.We have jobs. Ron:Main Producer Evolin:Typer Gordy:Technical Check(Spelling Checker) Everyone:Ideas,Scripts,Journal Entries Yup,that is the stuff.Important Events: 1.Going to Vegas for New Year. 2.Less Mac and James starting Jan.8. 3.Stuff 4.Stuff 5.DANG IT WITH THE STUFF! Well some people know what the stuff it is.Anyways,thanks for taking time to read this.See you, Ron biggrin