Well hello again my gaia friends, How are u today good i hope. Today we cover the oddly world off dreams where everything can come true or ur worst bunny chaseing nightmare can come true, or u can even play Harry potter himself lol.
Anyways last night i dreamnt of a dream most woman would love.
MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!! I dreamnt that i was sittin in my room and all of a sudden like a open tap money fell from the sky................... LIKE omgsh Anyway it was kinda boring that was all thAat happened and bam i woke
Tell me wat u guys think hugs enjoy reading
Daily q: Tell me a dream of urs any intresting dream that is
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The Life and Times of Adean
I'm just gonna write whats on my mind what i think people need to know and also ask other gaians very intresting q's
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