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Deep Dark Secrets About You

About your life...

What's your name?: Lucy
How old are you?: 14
Where were you born?: Naperville
Where do you live now?: Naperville
How many siblings do you have?: 1
Are your biological parents together?: Yes
Are you happy with you life right now?: I guess.
What pets do you have?: 1 dog and 2 cats.

Just some Q's

What's your favorite color?: Orange
What's your favorite number?: 8
What do you drive?: Honda Civic
Who do you live with?: My Parents
Where did/do you go to school??: Neuqua Valley
Did or do you enjoy highschool?: Yes
What grades did you get?: Decent grades..

More pointless questions..

Favorite channel?: Discovery
Favorite show?: South Park
What do you want for Christmas?: Coal
Do you like girls/guys?: Guys
Do you like your "style"?: Sure
Do you wear prescription glasses?: No
Do you wear any other kind of glasses?: No
What size shoes do you wear?: 8
Are you wearing shoes right now?: No
Are you naked?: No
Are you usually cold?: Yes
How cold is it outside?: Yes


Are you a virgin?: Yes
Are you happy with your decision about sex?: Yes
Are you a ho/pimp?: No
Are you kinky?: No
Have you ever been involved with more than one person at once in bed?:No
Have you ever cheated?: No
Would you ever cheat?: No
Are you in a relationship?: Yes
Are you happy with your relationship status?: Yes
Do you watch pornos?: No
Do you do "stuff" to yourself?: Maybe?
Do you fantasize about things you'd rather not talk abouit?: No
Are you romantic?: I dunno..
Do you have any kids?: No
How many close friends do you have?: 5
Are you 2-faced?: No
Have you lied to your best friend?: Yes
Are you a pot-head or crackhead?: No

Some more Q's..

Where do you enjoy eating?: Panera
What do you like to eat?: Ricecakes
Do you ever go to IHOP or Denny's really late?: Nope
Are you scared of anyone?: Only a few..
Do you know how to swim?: Yes
Have you been to California?: Yes
What about Mexico?: Yes
Have you ever been on a cruise?: Yes
What are you/did you do for your senior trip?: I dunno..
Look for the remote or get up and change the channel?: Look for the remote.. razz

45 of the most random questions

whats your name spelt backwards?: Ycul
What did you do last night?: Sleep?
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: Yahoo Messenger
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?: No
Last time you swam in a pool?: Last year
What are you wearing?: T-shirt and jeans.
How many cars have you owned?: None
Type of music you dislike most?: Country
Are you registered to vote?: No
Do you have cable?: Yes
What kind of computer do you use?: Mac Laptop
Ever made a prank phone call?: Yes
You like anyone right now?: Yes
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: Yes
Furthest place you ever traveled?: Europe
What's your favorite comic strip?: For Better or Worse
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?: Yes
Shower, morning or night?: Morning
Best movie you've seen in the past month?: Sweeney Todd
Favorite pizza toppings?: Pepperoni
Chips or popcorn?: Chips
What cell phone provider do you have?: Verizon Wireless
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?: No
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: No
Orange Juice or apple?: Oj
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?: Bree and Kevin
favorite chocolate bar?: Crunch
Who is your longest friend and how long?: Danny - 4 years
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: Never
Have you ever won a trophy?: Yes
Favorite arcade game?: Pac man
Ever ordered from an infomercial?: Nope
Sprite or 7-UP?: Sprite
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?: No
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?: Chapstick
Ever thrown up in public?: Yes
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?: True love
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yes
Did you have long hair as a young kid?: Yes
What message is on your voicemail machine?: Some automated thing.
Where would you like to go right now?: Paris.
Whats the name of your pet?: Winnie / Riely / Kelly
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?: A Regular back pack - School Supplies?
What do you think about most?: What time it is


What would you say if your doc. told you you were pregnant?: Wtf?
Would you keep it, abort it, or allow someone to adopt it?: Keep it / Adoption
How is your love life?: Good
How are those gas prices?: Freakin high!
Name a pet peeve or two.: BO + Tapping nails
Who has life easier, guys or girls?: Guys.
What are you doing right now?: Taking this quiz?
Is anyone with you?: Only my kitty?
If your house was on fire what one thing would you save?: My kitty.
Got any future childrens names picked out?: Elise + Roy
Favorite movie?: Sweeney Todd
What size bed do you have?: I dunno o_o'
Is there anything you have that you don't want?: Nope.
Favorite radio station?: 101.1
Favorite cd?: FLCL vol. 3
What is one thing you love to do when you go out?: Go out and hang out
Where do you like to go out to?: Subway!
Who do you go out with?: The gang.
Do you have a b/f or g/f?: Yes
If so, do you love that person?: I dunno, I like him a lot!
In you don't have one, why?: Didn't I just say I did?
Do you drink?: No
Any siblings?: Yes
What are you doing tomorrow?: Sleeping
Favorite store?: Sears
Favorite scent?: Coconut
Trucks or cars?: Truck
Anyone pass away that was near and dear to your heart?: Mr. Rogers
How many pictures do you have in your room?: Like a lot?
Do you have any pictures of the bf/gf/or whatever that person is?: Not yet!
Any food in your room?: Yes
What do you think about Mr. Bush?: He's okay I s'pose.
Hiliary Clinton or Barack Obama?: Good luck?
Tell me a story about a scar you have.: Long story short, I cracked my head open.
Tell me a story about a best friend and you.: We went to the mall. The end.
Where do you go to think?: My room.
What do you do when you are pissed off?: Beat up a pillow.
What is your current mood?: Content
Any future plans?: Aye.
Dream vehicle?: None.
Where do you want to live when you get older?: Germany
What kind of house would you like?: Apartment
When is the last time you shaved?: Excuse me? Shaved WHAT?
What is your verdict on gays?: I think it's perfectly alright for someone to be gay.
Did you like this survey?:Sorta

Have you ever....

Met anyone online?: Yes
Lied about your age?: Yes
Told a story you thought was funny but no one laughed?: Yes
Played Spin the Bottle?: Yes
Had to kiss someone you didnt want to because of "Spin The Bottle"?: No
Answered the phone and told the person who called you weren't home?: Yes
Accidentally saw someone naked?: Yes
Watched a porno?: No
Picked your nose and wiped it on your shirt?: No
Walked in on your parents or siblings having sex?: No
Wrecked a car on purpose. just to get the insurance co. to buy you a new 1?: No
Pretended you were busy at work, but really your were playing solitaire?: Yes
Grabbed someones a**?: No
Smacked someone for grabbing your a**?: No
Licked a lightpole in the winter?: No
Been caught singing really badly and really loudly?: Yes
Had sex in the rain?: No
Had sex in a hot tub or pool? were their other people around?: No
Taken more of a random survey than this one?: Yes
Teased someone sexualy just for shits and giggles?: Yes
Danced with your best friends g/b friend?: Yes
Pulled your car over and peed next to it?: No
Lied to your parents about why you smelled like alchohol?: No
Pretended that you like someone to not hurt their feelings?: No
Lied to a police officer about why you were speeding?:No
Pretended to pee your pants when you got pulled over to get out of a ticket: No
Kissed a person of the same sex on the lips?: No
Line danced?: Yes

How Stereotypical You Are...

The Generic Teenager Stereotype
Do you drink [alcohol]?: No
Do you party a lot? How often?: Never
Do you use drugs for recreational purposes?: No
How often do you use the word like in an average hour?: Twice
Do you skip classes? How often?: Never
Do you have casual sex? Protected?: Protected
Do you steal?: No
Do you wear inappropriate clothing?: No?
Do you drool over celebrities?: No
Do you watch a lot of TV?: No
Do you ever watch the News?: Yea
Do you even care about world issues?: Yes
Do you read books often?: Yes
Are you failing a lot of your classes?: No
Do you spend most of your time with your friends?: Yes
Do you smoke cigarettes?: No
Do you hang out a lot in malls, or at Seven Elevens?: No
Do you often find yourself with a crush on someone?: No
Do you cuss a lot?: Somewhat
Are you desperate to fit in?: No
Are you intelligent?: I'd like to think so.

The Goth Stereotype

Black lipstick?: No
Black eyeliner?: Noe
Black eyeshadow?: No
Black trenchcoat?: No
Black boots?: No
Black fishnets?: No
Black nail polish?: Sometimess..
Cigarettes?: No
Heavy metal music?: Naw
Marilyn Manson?: Weird?
Kittie?: Whar!?
Cradle of Filth?: Cradle of What?
Constant frown and perpetual angst?: Huhn?
Do you like to be seen as: Naw.
Are you an intellectual?: Psh?
An atheist?:Naw. Methodist.
Horrible home life?: Not bad..
Hopelessly depressed?: I'm fyne thanks.
Suffering with suicidal idealations?: No?
Self-mutilation?: Psh. Naw.

The Punk Stereotype
Plaid?: Vans?
Big black boots?: Nope.
Mohawk?: Naw.
Excessive piercings? [Especially facial]: Ouch..
Loud, confident and opinionated?: Sure?
Wild hair colors?: NAw.
NOFX?: Wtf?
Rancid?: I'm confuzzled.
Well versed on political scandals and outrages?: Wait what?
A: b c d e f g?

The Jock Sterotype

What's your IQ?: I dunno..
Do you watch a lot of sports?: No
Play a lot of sports?: No
Talk a lot about sports?: No
Do you do anything, really, but think about sports?: Yes
Are you arrogant?: No
Are you a male or female whore?: No
Are you homophobic?: no
Do you tease other people a lot because you want to seem confident?: No
But really you're a quivering mass of insecurity?: No
Boobs = yes?: Uh sure?
Parties = yes?: Naw.
Dropping out of high school and flipping burgers = yes?: Hell no.

The Girl Stereotype

Do you spend a lot of time on your appearence?: Nope
Have you ever been on a diet?: Once or twice..
How much did you lose?: A little..
Was it not so much a diet as it was an eating disorder?: Naw.
Make yourself throw up?: No
Make-up?: A littttle.
Low-cut tops?: Nope.
How big are your boobies? [Cup size]: C cup
Do you flip your hair when you talk, even if you don't realize it?: No
Giggle a lot?: Not really
What's the deal with boys?: What about them?
Thongs?: No?
Pretty bras?: Yuck.
YM, Teen, Cosmo, et al?: they should be burned.
Who's the weaker sex?: I dunno..
Are you a feminist?: No
Do you think Brad Pitt is hot?: Hell no.
How often do you shave your legs?: Depends on the season
How about your armpits?: Always clean?
Are you emotional?: Somewhat.
Especially when on your period?: Not really

This Or That [Oh, that old coconut.]

Originality or Acceptance?: Originality
Independence or Companionship?: Independence
Stability or Freedom?: Freedom
Personal or Interpersonal?: Personal
Introvert or Extrovert?: Say what?
Popularity or Isolation?: Isolation
Unique or Loved?: Unique
Understood or Individual?: Understood
You or Them?: You

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