Nobody is ready to learn the first day back to school, let alone get up early. Can you believe some teachers will give homework on the first day back? But you know what I say? "Screw it. I'll do it later." When I say later, I mean the 20 minutes before class starts the next day. sweatdrop

So my schedule barely changed this semester. I stay in the same classroom for the last two classes of the day. That was oddly convenient. Painting, then Drawing III right after that. Yay. I enjoy art classes. I've had a lot up to this point. I think.. Intro to Art, Intro to Drawing, Drawing I, II, and III, Basic Photography, a couple of foods classes (Cooking is an art. Shut up) and now Painting. Oh, and ceramics. That was fun. Especially when someone's project exploded in the kiln. Clay everywhere.. Har har.

Not gonna lie. I think Drawing III is going to be a b***h. We start this really difficult looking project tomorrow. Second day of the class no less. I'm not complaining, but I bet the others are. Or at least will be. Too bad for them. Did I mention I'm one of the only 3 boys in a class of about 19 in Painting? That was a surprise. I'd think that painting would be appeal to more people than just girls. What's wrong with painting?

Anyway. I think that class is going to be fun. We start watercolor painting tomorrow. I'd rather draw, but I enjoy painting too. That's why I thought I'd give it a shot.

All in all, this promises to be a fun semester. Oh, also. One of my fairly new friends joined my Chemistry class. We spent the entire hour talking. But that's ok, because so did the rest of the class. Even the teacher. We get off topic a lot in that class, but we've never wasted the entire class like we did today. Anyway, me and Sarah (the friend) get along well (she's got a boyfriend, don't get the wrong idea.) She's one of the few people I talk to regularly. Something tells me Chemistry just got a whole lot more fun. cool